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'Land of the free, home of the brace' - think that needs a bit of a re-write now. Maybe incorporate Money and Transactional.

Banana Republic America. BRA It's all about the support of a massive pair of tits.

If Donald Lump says that his 24 hour ceasefire statement is sarcasm, can someone point me at his definition of sarcasm. Or at whom this sarcasm was aimed and why? Not sure we're using the same American language.

Trump wants to bring production jobs back home. His best bud is Elon Mucus. Elon Mucus is showing off his robots to replace production jobs. Hmmm.

... In an unrelated story. When European vox populi is taken on which countries citizens have the lowest mean IQ, America always seems to be at the top of the list.

So, we need to bear some pain (high prices) so that jobs can come back (Don't worry tax cuts will protect the millionaires). Which will lead to higher prices for goods as American labor costs more than Chinese, Mexican etc. But industrialist millionaires will benefit...

Can you give details? Can you provide examples? Said no 'reporter' to trump ever. The emperor doesn't even own any clothes, let alone wear them.

The civil war lasted between 61 and 65 and cost an estimated 650,000 lives. DJT would have fixed it in a week by allowing secession and slavery. Easy fix. Otherwise the North just didn't want peace.

It's easier to deal with Russia? It is if you give them everything they want. FM he's dumber than Homer Simpson.

So, Canada becomes the 51st state. Given its demographic and size, the house will then always be democrat. The senate will tend towards democrat and the republicans will need to win all the swing states to not lose the presidency. Hmmm. Then add Puerto Rico. Dems will never lose again.

Marco Rubio has been groomed. You can see he believes he is smarter than T&V. (Low bar there) But he is so desperate to keep his job he will suffer any indignity.

Why does Trump think that Russia will keep its word? Because Putin has said the economic and military depletion of his country would take decades to recover from. (And the fact the Trump family will make vast amounts from Russian trade). Corrupt and Retarded. Well done America - good choice.

It is the responsibility of the president to repay those who elected him with his policies. Billionaires bought him the election fair and square, so...

China! Now's a good time to invade Taiwan. Trump won't see a way he can personally make money out of interceding, so he'll just spin it as a good thing that's part of his master plan.

United Retarded States of America. U.R.S.A. Ursa is another name for bear. The symbol for Russia Just all seems appropriate.

Do you think that Trump realises that all world leaders with the exception of Putin and Kim wake up hoping to see his obituary?

For Sale. America's principles, integrity and standing in the world. Please contact Agent Orange before said items become worthless

Can Trump read? He must have been given something that explained why VZ was wearing what he does. But if he can't read... I know he doesn't do math, as he thinks his daughter is a math genius because she can add and subtract.

Is there a non Chinese alternative to Amazon as a general online Marketplace? Seems weird that I don't see real alternatives when so many people would love to use some other platform.

The question that adversarial journalists (do real journalists still exist in the west?) should ask DT is; 'Is the average American better off today than when Biden was in power?'. Obviously, he would answer yes. And that would anger a lot of voters. Then keep asking from time to time.

Deciding to not support a country because it is unfavorable to your country or the world is called a political decision. Trying to obtain wealth from the threat of pulling support and then supporting the opposing side is called extortion.

The treatment of the bible has been interesting. Rather than take a plain reading and accept the bad parts with the good. There are tortuous apologetics to get it to confirm ill pre-conceived notions about personal importance. It seems Americans have learned to do the same with Donald Trump.

The decay of the American societal norms and the running of the country by people with well below average intelligence, although less than ideal for the American (and western nations) people, is at least entertaining. Grab the popcorn and wait for the next Whitehouse briefing.

I blame America for all the deaths in the WWII conflict between America and Japan. After Pearl Harbour America had a chance to cut a deal.

Two and a half thousand years ago, Plato pointed out that Democracy was nothing but a popularity contest. American Democrats still believe competence is important in elections. They're two and a half thousand years behind on their reading.