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Professor, PhD and secretary general of the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation. Chair of the Norwegian First Aid Council. Used-to-be-anaesthesiologist and HEMS Doc. Dog-person.
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This is Marco Rubio explaining how the USA promised to defend Ukraine forever if they got rid of their nuclear arsenal left after the Soviet Union fell. This is why lil marco was sinking into the couch. He was hoping we wouldn’t find it…so don’t RT right now this very second.

Real friends can pop by when they're in town.

When you’re at the family dinner and that crazy uncle starts ranting and embarrassing the whole family

Mao litt det samme Tyskland ville ha saget om Quisling regjeringen sånn tidlig 1940-tallet-ish

Macron should demand the Statue of Liberty be delivered back. #timetotakeastand

USA in distress

A "world leader" who cannot contain his emotions and anger?! Well that's comforting ... (starts looking for nearest bomb shelter).

Det mest interessante med tiden vi lever i er å følge med på alle som gjør knefall. Det gir et ektelevd perspektiv på snart 80 år gammel historie.

The European EMS Congress could not happen without the help of volunteers like Lauren. In this video, Lauren shares her experience of volunteering at EMS2022 in Glasgow. You can learn more about volunteering and apply to volunteer at the #EMS2025 Congress here:

Sharing the last in our series of TED-style talks from EMS2022 in Glasgow. Dr Isabel Straw discusses the impact of technology on patients. Apply for EMS Talks at #EMS2025 here:

Finaly got the name right #gulfof

Viktig påminnelse om Luftambulansetjenesten rolle i totalberedskapen, og at det også må legges til rette for at tjenesten kan oppfylle den rollen på en forsvarlig måte.

Highlight of the year! Early bird registration just another couple of days-don’t miss your chance to save some money (which can be used to have fun in Stockholm).

Love it how the Germans have put names on their political coalitions.

Pyotr Nikolayevich Krasnov (Russian: Пётр Николаевич Краснов; 1869 – 17 January 1947), also known as Peter Krasnov, was a Russian military leader, writer and later Nazi collaborator. Very fitting ... #krasnov

It's TED-Style-Tuesday, and in this video Liv Borch Johnson discusses How to Empower Parents in Handling Acutely Ill Children at Home, at EMS2022. If you are interested in delivering a TED-style-talk at #EMS2025 please visit the congress website.

You are cordially invited to a Gala Dinner in the spectacular surroundings of Stockholm City Hall… Tickets for this unique event are selling fast. Early bird tickets will end in 2 weeks, so be sure to add this to your registration for #EMS2025

Portuguese editorial cartoonist Zez Vaz reaches back to Tiananmen Square to call on American defiance.

Dagens sitet fra Iver B Neumann på spørsmålet fra VG: "Hva betyr det for oss i Europa? - Jeg får vel bare si som det gamle, svenske bandet Ebba Grön: Vi måste beväpna oss."

Please read this important notice. We have been made aware of scam emails concerning our Congress. #EMS2025

Volunteers are an integral part of the EMS congress. Without the support of volunteers, we could not hope to share as much with the EMS community. We are now accepting applications for volunteers for #EMS2025 More information can be found on the website:

Nyttig lesing og viktig påminnelse om et ikke ukjent fenomen. Jeg har selv opplevd dette ved flere anledninger, og det er viktig å ha med i planen for avslutning av resuscitering, og kommunikasjon med pårørende.

It is INSANE that the outgoing president has to protect a doctor from the incoming president going against him just for doing his job

We live in a world where this is actually necessary to avoid persecution in what used to be a great nation

On this day, we celebrate a visionary leader who championed equality, justice, and love for all. His unwavering commitment to civil rights and nonviolent activism continues to inspire and guide us. Let's honor his legacy by working together towards a more inclusive and fair society. 🌟✊🏼 #mlk

Are you willing to put your skills in the pre-hospital arena to the test? Do you want to compete against some of the best clinicians in the world? Applications for the #EMSChampionship are open until 31st January 2025. #EMS2025

Back at the University in Stavanger to talk about the management of the 2011, July 22 terror incident in Norway. Not sure anymore how many times i have given this talk. Still relevant though.

Happy New Year! For EMS Europe, 2025 promises to be a great year with the return of our international Congress #EMS2025 and more opportunities for shared learning. We are looking forward to my forward to seeing you all in Stockholm, Sweden in June.


Wouter Potters, CEO of TrianecT explains why you should consider the opportunity to present a TED-style talk at #EMS2025 Further details of this one-of-a-kind opportunity and how to apply can be found on the congress website.

Du vet du har flaks når du akkurat rekker tog som var en time forsinket og går 10 min før det du skulle ta #snøkaos

Status #snøkaos: nesten ingen på kontoret, kantine stengt pga værsituasjon. Har bunkret opp med nødproviant og tatt med matpakke.

Status #snøkaos: tog ankommet Oslo S 15 min forsinket, mao i "rute". Folk er på vei til jobb, ingen tegn til panikk.

Har begitt meg ut på det som må ansees som en ekspedisjon idag: togpendling fra Gjøvik til Oslo i snøkaos. Så langt kun lette snøbyger på Innlandet og 10 blå. #snøkaos

Føles litt meta å poste denne her, men Gaute har gode poenger til refleksjon

De som er for å bygge jernbane videre nordover mot Tromsø

"Et jernbanenett med 4200 kilometer spor og 335 stasjoner er satt ut av spill." På grunn av en feil i kommunikasjonssystemet mellom tog og sentral. Dramatisk dårlig robusthet i det norske tognettet!

Det beste med å være "patetisk mann 52 år ute i siste liten med julegavekjøp på julaften" er at jeg ikke er alene blant likesinnede.

I am speechless...

Just discovered how Copilot can help find relevant references when writing a research project plan. Goodbye complex string search in PubMed. #lazyresearcher #protip #aiftw

Lesbar kronikk fra kollega Per Helge Måseide.

TRAUMOX2 study is finaly out and surprise ... restrictive oxygenation therapy in adult trauma patients is equal to liberal oxygen therapy in terms of survival and outcome. So save your oxygen for when it's needed and tailor your oxygen therapy to what you measure!

EMS TED-Style Talks are back for #EMS2025 and we want to hear from you! Do you have a hot topic that you'd like to share with an international audience? For further details or to apply as a speaker please visit the congress website:

From Prof Ellis keynote at #ltc2024. Everything above the red line can not be learned. They are either there or not. (and I tend to agree!)