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Nature, biodiversity & heritage in Europe & the world - natuur, biodiversiteit & erfgoed in Europa & de wereld - 2023 = saving scarce resources b/a: 335.42 ppm
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🇧🇷Formigueiro-de-goeldi 🌎Akletos goeldii Conservação:Pouco Preocupante O formigueiro-de-goeldi é uma ave da ordem Passeriformes, da família Thamnophilidae. 📷 Celso B Almeida

Just took students on an #ecotourism tour to teach them about the amazing interconnectedness of humans and the environment.Together, we're learning how to make responsible choices and preserve our planet for future generations. #SustainabilityMatters.Like, comment and retweet.

My speaking for many years: the negative impact of nutrient enrichment can be mitigated by large grazers at low stocking density because they create a mosaic of short and oligotrophic patches on the one hand and long and eutrophic swards on the other.

🇧🇷Papagaio-de-bochecha-azul 🌎Amazona dufresniana Conservação:Quase Ameaçada O papagaio-de-bochecha-azul é uma ave psittaciforme da família Psittacidae. 📷 Bruno H. G. Carvalho

Vanavond debat over de Europese Top, waar de toekomst van Oekraïne een belangrijk onderwerp is. M'n inbreng is hier terug te lezen:

Europese defensie-uitgaven: Njet! Vochtige doekjes: 2e Kamer komt er niet uit #prioriteiten

🇧🇷Tiriba-do-xingu 🌎Pyrrhura anerythra A tiriba-do-xingu (Pyrrhurra anerythra) não tem população cativa, por isso, em caso de uma queda da sua população na natureza devido à destruição do habitat torna o risco de extinção relevante 📷 Guilherme Serpa

Journalisten van zetten de bij hen bekende gevallen van femicide in Groningen op een rij. IJzingwekkend. #vrouwenmoord

The Karipuna Indigenous Territory is home to the Karipuna people as well as uncontacted people. But invasions by loggers who illegally occupy the land are a major threat. In July 2024, the Brazilian gov carried out an operation to remove the invaders from the Karipuna territory. That was all.

🇧🇷Arapaçu-do-carajás 🌎Xiphocolaptes carajaensis O arapaçu-do-carajás é uma ave passeriforme da família Dendrocolaptidae. 📷 Mathias Singer

We have a moral responsibility to protect the natural world. The destruction of the Amazon and Congo Basin forests for short-term profit is an affront to future generations who will inherit a planet with diminished natural resources and biodiversity. It is our duty to act as stewards of the Earth.

🇧🇷Gralha-violácea 🌎Cyanocorax violaceus Conservação:Pouco Preocupante A gralha-violácea é uma ave passeriforme da família Corvidae. 📷 Anselmo d`Affonseca

Every minute, we lose an area of tropical forest the size of 48 football fields! 😱 What can we do to raise awareness and protect these precious ecosystems? #Deforestation #ClimateAction

Suppression of climate data built up by decades of hard working scientists dedicated to measuring and understanding planetary health. Removing facilities that measure climate change will not change US exposure to its catastrophic consequences 🔥🌀🌊🌪️

Mooi artikel over Macron 👌 Langetermijnvisie krijgt zelden de waardering die het verdient, of die waardering komt te laat. Dan nog is het belangrijk:

#Fascinating world of ancient #glass: a #Roman jug made of blue glass with splashed decoration in white, yellow and brown. The decoration was created by applying fragments of coloured glass to the surface of the vessel before it was fully blown. The technique was fashionable...🧵1/2 📷 me 🏺

JUST IN: Earth had its 3rd-warmest February on record. The globe saw its smallest February sea ice coverage in 47 years. More:

Voor het vastleggen van #CO2 in gewassen en bomen die worden gebruikt als bouwmateriaal, krijgt Gelderland 400.000 euro Europese #subsidie. De komende vier jaar werkt de provincie als projectleider samen met tien partners uit acht Europese landen. 🗺️🌳

🇧🇷Beija-flor-de-costas-violeta 🌎Thalurania watertonii Conservação:Em Perigo Espécie ameaçada de extinção 📷 Ester Ramirez

Hoera!!!! Rechter stelt Meten=Weten in het gelijk. 🤩 Lelietelers moeten voortaan vergunning aanvragen.

🇧🇷Arapaçu-meio-barrado 🌎Dendrocolaptes picumnus Conservação:Pouco Preocupante O arapaçu-meio-barrado é uma ave passeriforme da família Dendrocolaptidae. 📷 Robson Czaban

De motie Boutkan/Buijsse die af wil zien van een verbod op vochtige doekjes met kunststof kreeg vandaag 72–72 stemmen. Volgende week wordt er opnieuw gestemd. Wij zijn niet blij met de motie. Waterschappen en gemeenten maken veel kosten door verstoppingen met doekjes.

"Politieke leiders hebben niet de luxe van historici om na afloop te kunnen oordelen. Zij moeten handelen, besluiten en zo nieuwe feiten scheppen in het nu – op het gevaar af door de ironie van de geschiedenis een loer te worden gedraaid."

🇧🇷Arapaçu-meio-barrado 🌎Dendrocolaptes picumnus Conservação:Pouco Preocupante O arapaçu-meio-barrado é uma ave passeriforme da família Dendrocolaptidae. 📷 Robson Czaban

Op cruciale momenten in de geschiedenis de juiste keuzes maken: dat is leiderschap. 3 van de 4 coalitiepartijen doen dat niet. Onverantwoordelijk.