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Ukrainian, born in Kyiv, survived in Izyum FoxTail's narrative designer, editor, translator Worked on Greedventory (writer & translator). Personal blog:
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Three years from now I was looking for my kid only to find her hiding under her bed 'from russians '. Later that day we all were hiding from the explosions in our cellar. By that time we had no heat and water, but still had electricity (not for long).

Блін, от працюєш з людиною, а потім вона 'в тебе нема доказів, що венс продажна свиня і що вас хочуть злити'. Ти емоційна і перебільшуєш. Так, на переговорах венс був трохи агресивний, але де докази, що він проти вас і за расію? Тільки підозрілі медіа! Наведи справжні докази.

Хто скаже, що видалення зубів мудрості - нескладна і практично безболісна операція, йдіть сюди, плюну вам кров'ю в обличчя. І це вже шостий день проходить.

We know how much some of our listeners loved the “Thousands of Stories” track from our album “Backwards” and so we decided to make a fun spin on it! Listen everywhere. 💙 #newmusic #uamusic #українськамузика #indiemusic #dreampop #lofi #chillbeats

This shit is insane. Could someone please poke them to share RA2? There are quite a few things in there I'm very interested in.

I don't want to know how sorry or ashamed anyone is. Read the 'Animal Farm'. Already did? Do it again, there's a new level for you in it. Done? Pass the book to a bro. Do something while you can. Do something you can do. Just something.