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An advent calendar of 24 essays by 24 authors. Curated by, designed by, Be consumed: Subscribe:
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In 2024, I thought a lot about my first love

"How can the strength of my testosterone-fueled vessel co-exist with my tenderness? Where does the need for control and competition meet my delicate emotions and thoughtfulness? Why do we treat men with privilege, yet our number one killer is ourselves?"

In 2024, I thought a lot about my mum, her Alzheimer’s, and the Gregg’s sausage roll scam

Last year, I saw a bloodied, dead baby outside a hospital. I've been seeing dead babies quite frequently since, and I've noticed a lot of people seem to ignore them. Maybe they don’t see them at all.

In 2024, I thought a lot about markers in time and space

🌟 Here is your last-post-before-Christmas warning!🌟 We have a few copies of the I Thought About That A Lot book left (like, I can count them on my fingers). If you'd like one in time for Christmas, order your copy before 2pm tomorrow (Friday 20 December).

"Ghosting needs a rebrand. The term feels too cute – a bit silly. Stick your tongue out and wink ghost emoji. But it is serious, it takes a real mental toll."

In 2024, I thought a lot about creativity and self-discovery woo-woo

"At 17, Dad wound up on the Arctic Convoys which sailed to the Soviet Union in perilous conditions, and under heavy threat of German attack. Dad’s ship was torpedoed and he survived by clinging on to a plank of wood. He was one of only six survivors."

In 2024, I thought a lot about caring and my selfish soul

"I’ve never really had an OK time at the dentist – not since The Incident back in 1971 at the hands of my mother and Mr E. This year, some rather unfortunate dental activity in the top right corner of my mouth has triggered some terribly bad memories."

Friends! We only have a handful of books left. They include good words, 162 pages of munken pure rough 120gsm paper, lots of white space and cute illos. TL;DR: they look and feel nice, and therefore make gorgey Christmas presents.

In 2024, I thought a lot about friendship in my child-free forties

"Most new music’s not aimed at us Millennials. While I can appreciate Sabrina Carpenter’s lyrical quips, the teeny-tiny outfits age me out. I like Charli XCX, but I’m too tired to have a brat summer... But Taylor manages to feel like she’s for everyone."

In 2024, I thought a lot about why we still need feminism

"Losing a bundle of red & white woolly fibres may seem trivial, and mourning its loss perhaps childish – but do NOT mistake a football fan’s scarf for simply being a piece of functional, mass-produced and easily-replaceable clothing." #Arsenal #AFC #COYG

"Losing a bundle of red and white woolly fibres may seem trivial, and mourning its loss perhaps childish – but do NOT mistake a football supporter’s scarf for simply being a piece of functional, mass-produced and easily-replaceable clothing."

In 2024, I thought a lot about TikTok tourism

The nurse was holding my hand as I opened my eyes. She leant in close. “The operation was a success,” she whispered. “You’ve got endometriosis, but we’ve removed the cells we found. They were in your pouch of Douglas."

In 2024, I thought a lot about getting the fuck out of our comfort zones

"I became addicted to the dopamine hits from interactions with my content. As my profile grew, I found my career started to benefit and I leaned in more and more... But now, as the poster child for openness, I want to close myself off."

In 2024, I thought a lot about what home feels like for a nomad

A life witnessed through the lens of the most delightful-sounding garb. Forever a joy to read

Another Christmas cracker from fashion darrrling 💅

"Some buyers think I am both a chat facility and an Evri delivery driver coordinator. There are those who haven’t bothered to read my crafted sales copy, and send 1 word Qs about my wares that remind me of my time on dating apps: “Length?” “Size?”

In 2024, I thought a lot about my dad reincarnated as my son

What a beauty 😍

"Our male students are using expressions such as ‘alpha’, ‘simp’, ‘sigma’ and ‘lone wolf’ – the same words that Laura Bates discovered are part of the language incels use about themselves and other misogynists."

In 2024, I thought a lot about Gladiators

It’s the 1st of December. is kicking off her annual advent of essays. Every year I wondered what I might write about. This year I figured it out. This one’s from me.

My favourite thing about December is this collection of anonymous essays. ♥️

1 December! We've kicked off I Thought About That A Lot, 2024: an advent calendar for your brain not your belly. First up, it's who has written candidly on a subject that's completely relatable to many, and utterly alien to others. Either way, a head fuck of a situation.

This year I thought a lot about how to turn’s fantastic project into a book. Really happy with how it turned out. There are some copies left to buy at Follow to read this year’s essays

"I don’t think my childhood was unhappy. Mum took us on trips to the beach and we camped and cooked outdoors. Christmas always felt magical. What I am unhappy about is my dad. I would have liked to have had a better one."

📣 Book launch party is on Wednesday and there are a handful of tickets left. You can and you should get one here:

Chuffed to bits that an essay I wrote is included in this beautiful book. Each year, lovingly and expertly curates a virtual advent calendar of things people have thought about during the year. Now marking 5 years with this peak handsome book. Thank you, I'm proud as punch

Spend the remaining 5 mins before the weekend giving heart eyes to Noelle and their brain farts, and buying the I Thought About That A Lot book.

We went to print this morning! Buy the book here:

You can now pre-order the I Thought About That A Lot book! It includes 23 essays that we’ve published on between 2020 and 2023. As well as 3 that will be part of this year's advent calendar.

We’ve created a book! It includes 24 essays that we’ve published between 2020 and 2024 as part of the 'I Thought About That A Lot' essay advent calendars. You’ll be able to pre-order it next week for a December delivery 🎄 🎁

📣 Help us compile a physical book to celebrate 5 years of – the 'I thought about that a lot' essay advent calendar.

In 2023, I thought a lot about whether I’ll ever have sex again. "It's been 4 years, 3 months and 11 days since I did some squat thrusts in the cucumber patch. Since I bumped uglies. U know? Engaged in a bit of bedroom rodeo. This,dear reader, is far too long."

In 2023, I thought a lot about the parts of myself I’ve ignored. "I'm scared I’ll realise in my 60s that I’ve spent my life comfortably married to a man I love but am not in love with. A man that I’m affectionate with but not attracted to."

In 2023, I thought a lot about grief. "I was adamant she should be cremated in the trainers I’d bought her – but they were missing. I learnt later that Mum and her bestie, Rita, had covertly taken a bus to Boye’s in Kirkby and exchanged them for new bras."

In 2023, I thought a lot about kindness. "As the rain got harder, the woman waiting beside me at the bus stop took a few steps towards me. Before I knew what was happening I found myself sheltered under the eaves of this stranger’s umbrella."

In 2023, I thought a lot about if the childless owe less to the planet. "Recently, I decided not to have children. That decision seeded a thought: maybe now I bore less responsibility than others? Maybe my sacrifice meant I could do what I wanted?"

In 2023, I thought a lot about dress codes. "I saw a tweet that said ‘I just received a wedding invite where the dress code is: the fanciest thing you already own’. I gave it a ❤️ & scrolled on but I’ve thought about it at least twice a day ever since."

In 2023, I thought a lot about early menopause. "It is infuriating to be told 'no further action is needed' as a result of a blood test despite being a sweaty, bruised, knackered husk of a person. It is medical gaslighting."

In 2023, I thought a lot about charity shops. "I have to confess that I'm addicted to charity shops, and the thrill of finding a unique, wearable wonder at a bargain price is the driving force behind this addiction."

In 2023, I thought a lot about my Nokia 6680. "With the benefit of elapsed time and 314 text messages read in chronological order, I can see how that year marked a transition from one period of my life to another."