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Eadar-theangair, neach-leasachaidh cànain, neach-iomairt Gàidhlig, rocair, atheist, Xman via Xish. An àrainneachd, trèanaichean, tramaichean is tràilidhean agus còmhdhail uaine.
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🏵️ Announcing the 2024 Jack Medal! 🏵️ Eleoma Bodammer was awarded the medal for the chapter ‘John Stuart Blackie (1809-1895): Translating Faust I in Scotland (1834).' Congratulations! 🎉 Read her full statement about the award:

Tha coltas fìor inntinneach air seo!

🎙️new podcast episode: Professor Rob Dunbar ( ) joined us on A SAHA Conversation on Gaelic, his academic journey, and so much more. 🎧Available now on #Spotify #ApplePodcasts and #amazonmusic

Tha sinn fortanach dha-rìribh gur e Rody Gorman an deasaiche bàrdachd ùr a bhios air STEALL. Tha Rody ag obair mar bhàrd, sgrìobhadair, deasaiche, eadar-theangair agus neach-teagaisg. Chaidh an dreach a chuir e air sgeul Buile Shuibhne, Sweeney: an Intertonguing fhoillseachadh anns a’ Mhàrt 2024.

Ma tha thu sna Crìochan *feumaidh* tu a dhol dhan bhùth sgoinneil seo a tha le mo charaid Agus ma bhios tu ag òrdachadh leabhraichean air loidhne, dèan cinnteach gun tagh thu Bùth-lebhraichean Wedale air!

'S math gu bheil a' Phàrlamaid an seo a-nis! Lean i!

Nuair a bha mise nam oileanach ann an eadar 1991 agus 1995, bha seòmar beag san leabharlann le mu 10 no 15 coimpituairean airson an oilthigh air fad! 'S ann a tha cùisean air atharrachadh bhon uair sin!

Thig a chèilidh oirnn agus sinn a' comharrachadh Seachdain na Gàidhlig le tachartas sònraichte! Coinnich ri àrc-eòlaichean, taibhsean agus Lochlannaich, agus ionnsaich mu dheidhinn obair nan àrc-eòlaichean anns an àite sònraichte, eachdraidheil seo!

Buaidh is piseach orra!

Excellent news that's summer immersion course will be running again - provides a very helpful new pathway into Gaelic further and higher education

Co-latha-breith sona Mike! Tha Mike gu math meadhanach leis an aillse an-dràsta gu mì-fhortanach - gum fàs e nas fheàrr a dh'aithghearr. Tha mi air a bhith ag èisteachd ris an Alarm fad mo bheatha agus tha mi fìor dheidheil orra.

Chuala mi còmradh air Radio nan Gàidheal madainn an-diugh mu Inbhir Ghrèinnse san àm ri teachd, às dèidh dùnadh an ionaid ola. Mholainn gun tèid stèisean a' bhaile ath-fhosgladh mar phàirt den ath-nuadhachaidh sa bhaile:

Very long overdue - the 1737 act prohibiting languages other than English in courts in (Northern) Ireland will be repealed (There was never a statute requiring the use of English in Scottish courts- it was established by judicial precedent)

For those who are considering starting to learn Welsh, or who are already learning, I want to tell you about what a joyful experience it becomes - even the mundane feels exciting when it reaches you through a new language ✍️Aran Jones

Inntinneach is bronsachail! Sasainn gu bhith a' cur casg air busaichean ùra nach eil gun eimiseanan.

Tha mi air a bhith ag obair air an liosta-bhucaid agam airson àiteachan a tha mi airson faicinn mus tèid mi fon leac! Chan eil i ann an òrdugh sam bith. Dè tha air na liostaichean agaibhse? #cleachdi

A bheil cuimhne aig duine sam bith eile air Hartley Hare bhon phrògram chloinne Pipkins sna 70an/80an? Tha sinn gu math feumach air Hartley agus a leithid anns na làithean eagallach, dorcha seo!

A new booklet celebrating Dundee’s connection to Gaelic Culture, language and history is being launched as part of World Gaelic Week 2025

In honour of #worldgaelicweek here is Dwelly’s Illustrated Gaelic to English Dictionary! The 1977 edition was illustrated by Alasdair Gray, with the eighteen trees representative of each of the letters in the Gaelic alphabet.

Glè mhath! Tog HS2 air fad a-nis!

Meur ras, what a fab article about An Rin Kernewek and Agatha Christie's marvellous stories set in Kernow. Such lovely old covers! Splann. #Kernewek #Cornish #AgathaChristie #Kernow #Cornwall

Beachd John Stuart Blackie (1809-1895), gaisgeach na Gàidhlig air Obar Dheathain: "This waste wilderness which does not even howl but only surrounds one with an infinite dreariness" Dè ur bheachd agus mo chairdean uile ann an Obar Dheathain?!

Tha mi air a bhith a' smaoineachadh air dè a' Ghàidhlig a bhiodh air "rage-bait". Seo beachd no dhà: Fodar-feirge? Culaidh-caothaich? Biathadh-boille? Dè ur beachd? #cleachdi Agus dè a th' air sa Ghaeilge?

Mòr-sgìre Ghlaschu a-nis?

Tha Pàrlamaid na h-Alba air Bluesky a-nis. 'S e deuchainn a th' ann agus mar sin, mar as motha de dhaoine a leanas i, an seo ann Tìr nam Beann, nan Gleann is nan Gaisgeach, 's ann as fheàrr!

Tha mi dìreach air na leabhraichean-d uile agam bho Amazon a luchdadh a-nuas agus air an cunntas Audible agam a dhùnadh. Cha cheannaich mi leabhar eile bho Amazon ann an cruth sam bith cho fad 's as beò mi!

One week from now some learners will be enjoying the #Esperanto Association of Britain's FREE study weekend in Manchester. If you might be interested, the details are available on: The programme is linked at the top of the page: it's going to be fun!

With more and more businesses across Wales realising the value of the Welsh language, there couldn't be a better time to shine a spotlight on fast and friendly Welsh translation service, Helo Blod

Tha sinn air leth fhèin feumach air barrachd dheth seo ann an Alba! Sìos le golf, suas leis an àrainneachd agus a’ phoball!

Tha ‘Scots - The Mither Tongue’ air leth math is mholainn gu mòr e.