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Legal theory & philosophy @ Maastricht University (NL). Interests: non-human agents and the social construction of (legal) reality, law & cognitive science. Also: plants, cats, food, hiking.
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Very much worth reflecting on 👇

Dear manager: This week I 1) Tumbled out of bed 2) Stumbled to the kitchen 3) Poured myself a cup of ambition 4) Yawned and stretched 5) And tried to come to life JTL

Habemus Maastricht Jurisprudence Reading Group! The MJRG provides a venue to discuss classic and contemporary debates in legal philosophy. It is part of the Maastricht Centre for Law & Jurisprudence Check us out!

Blablabla innovatie blablabla concurreren blablabla kenniseconomie blablabla Het is meer dan kortzichtig: het is een ideologische aanval op de universiteiten (hopelijk maken de gebeurtenissen in de VS dit duidelijker, want het NL kabinet is precies hetzelfde aan het doen)

"kleinburgerlijke ergernissen en boertige onvrede" - daar gaat het deze dagen terwijl de wereld in brand staat inderdaad verdraaid vaak om hier.


Zou zo een tracking pagina in Nederland niet ook handig zijn, als het niet al bestaat, gezien de (aangekondigde) reorganisaties bij verschillende universiteiten, enz.? 👇🏻 #WOinActie #DoeHetNiet

Over onderwijs, bezuinigingen en extreemrechts

I've been noodling a lot lately on academic freedom and the ability of faculty members to speak as individual faculty members I get the impression that many are self-muzzling due for self-preservation purposes This is a quick 🧵 on speaking out as an academic faculty member 1/

En maar lopen janken dat ‘woke’ alles wil cancellen en dat je van ‘links’ niet meer mag. 🤮 De grootste bedreiging van de vrijheid kwam, komt, en zal komen van extreem- en radicaal-rechts

"We staken omdat we ons grote zorgen maken over de manier waarop de politiek omgaat met de wetenschap, en met andere instituties. We staken omdat we ons ernstige zorgen maken, en zien dat radicaal-rechtse regeringen elders ook vaak begonnen met een aanval op de wetenschap." #WOinActie #DoeHetNiet

Starting a thread to track the interesting books posted here! 🧵

Upside down orange birthday cake 🎂

Die Zwölfjährige, die sich für die Tat einer anderen Person bei einer Kundgebung öffentl. bei allen entschuldigte, weil sie die gleiche Nationalität hat, hat damit sichtbar gemacht, wie Rassismus ua funktioniert: Rassifizierten Personen wird Individualität abgesprochen. Sie sind Teil einer Masse 1/5

Wir Demokratielaien sind der Mob, der rülpsend und polternd jeden Tag eine neue Sau durchs Dorf jagt. Im Bundestag, Herr Friedrich Merz, brauchen wir entschlossene Besonnenheit und keine Abgeordneten, die ihre Mistgabeln und Fackeln mit zur Arbeit bringen und damit den Faschisten Feuer geben.

Deze nieuwe plannen van de minister van onderwijs zijn niets anders dan rampzalig. Het afschaffen van wetenschapscommunicatie zorgt voor alleen meer polarisatie in de samenleving. Dit mag niet doorgaan.

Heute vor 80 Jahren wurde Auschwitz befreit. Immer dran denken: Es hat auch damals mit dem Verteilen von "Rückreisetickets" angefangen.

Does the culture you grow up in shape the way you see the world? In a new Psych Review paper, & I tackle this centuries-old question using the Müller-Lyer illusion as a case study. Come think through one of history's mysteries with us🧵(1/13):

Frankly, these days we academics have to be multi-talents: Researchers sure, but also: speakers; teachers; event-managers; project-managers; grant-writers;... Gone are the days of the absent-minded prof, I guess 🫠 #AcademicSky

Today and every day. Repost if you agree! 🦋

Use Signal to talk about protests Use Signal to talk about your wordle score Use Signal to talk about abortion Use Signal to talk about your mom's knitting club Use Signal to talk about parties Use Signal to talk about gender affirming care Use Signal to talk about the weather Use Signal

🧵 👋 I'm a political scientist who wrote a book about the recent collapse of two democracies (Egypt & Tunisia). Given the anxieties of today, let me present a 🧵 with thoughts & resources for: WHAT TO DO IF YOUR DEMOCRACY COLLAPSES:

An odd thing with both the "is it a Nazi salute" and "did Trump believe his own lies / election" stuff is this reflexive need by tons of people to believe something can be bad only if it was understood by the person as bad, but since we cannot know to metaphysical certainty their mind, it can't be

The History of What is the Good Life -

The modus operandi is more or less the same everywhere: the pursuit of knowledge (for instance, about climate change/vaccine/public health) and of critical thinking is anathema to demagogues and authoritarians, so universities must be attacked

I have taken the resources that were in the budget and which you were probably saving for higher education Forgive me they were needed to feed the AI bubble and to dismantle the humanities

About 5 weeks between now and German parliamentary elections. And I'm seeing the exact same dynamics here that recently murdered what was left of US democracy. 3 things to watch out for: 1/5

I would like this comic I drew in 2017 to stop being relevant pleeeaaaaase

Awful situation across the University sector 🥲

Hey folks so we're not doing "if you personally have not made a loud public statement about Bad Thing You're Not Accountable For then it's obvious you don't think it's bad," right? Right. Glad we had this talk.

"The world has enough critics. What it needs are builders who can see problems clearly without being paralyzed by them, people who can maintain hope without succumbing to naïveté, and people who can engage with reality while working to improve it."

A "fun" mystery for the new year: apparently, some (*) e-mails just don't ever make it into my inbox. How and why remains to be determined. (*) two that I know of, but no way of telling if that's it or if there's a larger issue.

Picking this up again after the break, since the vote in the upper chamber (where the coalition does not have a majority) is coming up: The right-wing Dutch gov is planning huge budget cuts to (higher) education. I'm posting a picture every (other) day from protests. #WoInActie #DoeHetNiet 🟥

Es hat mich überrascht, wie viele Menschen in meinem näheren Umfeld nicht erkennen konnten, wie rassistisch und tief verletzend die Aussage von Friedrich Merz zur Aberkennung der deutschen Staatsbürgerschaft war bzw. ist. Das liegt u.a. daran, dass die Aussage einer perfiden Strategie folgt/e.🧵 1/7