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Associate Professor at University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) - Interested in beetles, biogeography and macroecology Santiago de Compostela. Web:
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Un fin de semana de rabia y preocupación nos ha hecho componer una especie de himno en defensa de la naturaleza gallega, un Altri NON apelando a la emoción. Sumando narrativas, estilos y voluntades contra un proyecto que no debe ver la luz #AltriNon #fernandovalladares

Recursos en castellano para ayudar al alumnado a utilizar R en estudios de diversidad biológica. Con un par de videos de iniciación para empezar

The scientific community working in environmental and natural sciences has taken an unprecedented, united stand against a new macro-scale pulp mill in NW Spain. We voted against However, the regional government gave its green light last week. The scientists’ manifest:

TRIBUNA 🖋️ | "É urxente unha reflexión colectiva. Debemos pensar se o modelo forestal do eucalipto é a paisaxe que queremos", di Jaime Fagúndez, profesor na Así o analiza en, onde propón a renaturalización como alternativa 👇

Our article on the congruence between species abundance and genetic diversity in leaf beetles has been assigned to an issue in Paper: Visual abstract in YouTube (with Abril's cute narration ☺️):

Investigadores de CRETUS do grupo publican un exhaustivo estudo sobre as lesmas Arion da Península Ibérica e as Illas Baleares e ademais describen dúas novas especies para a ciencia! 👏 👏 #C.Gómez-Rodriguez

Very happy to have contributed to this: Integrative taxonomy of the Iberian species of genus Arion. Genetic data derived from a very extensive sampling have proven very useful to solve problems not tractable with morphology, but only because we could rely on Prof. Castillejo's taxonomic knowledge!

En pdf: #AltriNon #fuckAltri

Of course many federal workers can just “find another job”. But the point is that the jobs we do are done for the *public good*. There are no private sector corollaries. We do things that are largely not profitable and that is on purpose. We do work that benefits everyone, if sometimes indirectly.

Hai non moito, en campaña, decía explícitamente que o BNG era feminista e ecoloxista. Do 1° 0 dúbidas. Do 2° pois acaba de perder unha boa ocasión para demostralo. Tamén para amosar q a súa acción política guíase pola mellor ciencia dispoñible Rectificade, por favor

Our students are great! Look what they made! The Biology building looks cool and it also shows that we are against the project of a huge paper mill in Galicia. It will be a disaster for biodiversity. #AltriNON —- Nuestra facultad viste sus mejores galas contra Altri. Obra de arte del alumnado 🙌🏽

Online now: Questioning the sixth mass extinction

Happy birthday to Charles Darwin, who wrote one of the most poetic lines ever dropped in scientific writing: "There is grandeur in this view of life - that from so simple a beginning, endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved."

Today, is the 216th anniversary of the birth of Charles #Darwin, a day to celebrate Darwin, natural selection and #evolution. Let's celebrate with a bit of (much needed) music Happy #DarwinDay!!!

We are very happy to be part of #CIGUSNetwork! 🪲 Biodiversity at “The CIGUS Network comprises 10 research centres. It’s a superstructure promoted by the Autonomous Government to strengthen and boost excellence in university research and drive progress in Galicia.”

🟣 No Día Internacional da Muller e a Nena na Ciencia, a USC reafirma o seu compromiso coa igualdade. Consulta aquí toda a axenda de actos 👇 #cienciaUSC #11FnaUSC #11F 🗞️

Happy #11F everyone! 🎉👩‍🔬 To celebrate, we’ve added a transcript of Carola’s talk on Maternity & Academia to our website—for those who prefer a quick read over a video. Check it out here, along with the video of her invited talk at WISE 2020

CRETUS súmase á conmemoración do #11F Día Internacional da Muller e a Nena na Ciencia e aproveita a ocasión para destacar o talento científico feminino que ten! #11F #11F2025 #mujeryciencia #mullereseciencia, no es Bruselas IUCN la catalogó En Peligro Crítico hace 17 años, lleva 3 años aconsejando el cierre de la pesquería, el Comité Científico de pide su protección (sigue)

Do abyssal species that grow on polymetallic nodules have more restricted dispersal than fauna not depending on this resource? Contrasting distance-decay patterns in community similarity across the NE Pacific basin suggest they do! See our new study on time for #17DSBS!

Scientists developed the first climate models in the late 1960s (for which the Nobel Prize in physics was recently awarded!). How have these models held up against what happened in the real world after they were published? Surprisingly well, it turns out:

🐛As comunidades de invertebrados son menores nas plantacións de eucaliptos Un estudo da analiza os efectos no solo destes cultivos da especie foránea. Contámosche os detalles neste artigo 👇

On progress in science, a cherished hypothesis falling, and seeing your own work cited. Plus, weird, weird fish! scientistseessquirre...

Por la defensa de la biodiversidad, #AltriNon

Ola! Xa estamos aquí 😊 Dámosvos a benvida á nova canle da USC en Dende este espazo poderedes acceder a toda a actualidade da Seguídenos! 🦋

📝 ¡Acabamos de publicar nuestro último número! La selección fenotípica de historias vitales de fecundidad, la diversidad de arácnidos en determinados agrosistemas o la diversidad genética de pináceas son algunos de los temas tratados. Échale un vistazo:

The project of a huge pulp mill in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula) has raised important environmental and social concerns. #AltriNon For the first time (since we can remember), there has been a united front against this type of project from many University departments and faculties. The vote is in.

En respuesta a las recientes declaraciones antievolucionistas de Jaime Mayor Oreja, desde la Junta Directiva de la SESBE hemos escrito esta carta abierta. #evolución 👇

Bien por la Universidad de Santiago!! A ver si la de Oviedo se anima al menos a abrir una cuenta por aquí...

ECOSISTEMAS, la revista de llega también a bluesky!!!. Nueva etapa para la revista, nuevo comité editorial y nueva red social. Conoce la política editorial de esta nueva etapa y anímate a enviar tus trabajos a ECOSISTEMAS.

🌟 Excited to join Bluesky! 🌿 We're a Center of Excellence - ECONOVO - at headed by and core group 🌳 Elizabeth L. Roux 🦏 Trine K. Nielsen 🌟 Robert Buitenwerf 🌼 🌍 🐟

Cool paper!

Are you in Santiago de Compostela today? Do not miss Dr. Fernández-Palacios seminar about Island Biogeography. At 10:00 am at the Biology Building (Facultade de Bioloxía). See you there!

We usually post about #Macroecology #Biogeography in English. Pero también hacemos divulgación de nuestra investigación en castellano. Abro hilo sobre distance-decay (= descenso de la similitud en las comunidades biológicas con la distancia (espacial)) 👇🏽

If you are interested in distance-decay models for #Biogeography or Community #Ecology, we have made a quite cool whiteboard video about It. (Functions to adjust, compare and plot distance-decay models are available in betapart (R package)

Hi BlueSky! We study large-scale biodiversity patterns, mostly of beetles 🪲. We also develop methods and maintain betapart, an R package for beta diversity partitioning and distance-decay. Here we explain why we are interested in Invertebrate Biogeography. #Macroecology

I have put together this short video explaining why we do what we do in the lab. It is our vision but also our mission:

📸 Photo contest for the 2025 covers of the Journal of Vegetation Science and Applied Vegetation Science! 📷 The winning photos will be featured on the covers of all issues of our journals in 2025! Other photos will be featured on and in the IAVS Bulletin.

My first 🦋 thread - a bit of science stuff for new followers. 👋 Friday night release by PLoS Biology. Not ideal but some weekend reading for fans of sexual selection 1/9