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Ceud Mìle Fàilte NOT Ceud Mìle Fascists 🇺🇦🇵🇸 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #Gàidhlig #Gaelic #BuChòir #AlbaGuBràth 🏳️‍🌈 #Cuèir #Queer #LGBTQIA 🏳️‍⚧️ #TransAlly #LGBwithTheT 🌱 #Bhìogan #Vegan #VoteGreen ⚔️🛡️ #GlasgowWarriors
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Sabhal Mòr Ostaig to become Gaelic teaching hub with £200,000 fund #Gàidhlig #Gaelic

Caolas Chrombaigh madainn an-dè aig àm èirigh na grèine. A’ coimhead gun ear às an Dàil Mhòr agus à Ros Cuithne. #CaolasChrombaigh #CromartyFirth #InbhirGhòrdain #Invergordon #AnDàilMhòr #Dalmore #RosCuithne #Rosskeen #RosAnEar #EasterRoss #aGhàidhealtachd #ScottishHighlands #Gàidhlig #Gaelic

I've officially reached the age where I had to increase the font size in Terminal.

Deagh aplacaid airson a' cho-shaoghal a bhrabhsadh air #Linux. Faodar a chleachdadh le #Mastodon, #GoToSocial, #Akkoma agus mòran a bharrachd. #Fediverse #Tuba #FOSS #CòdFosgailte #OpenSource #FedoraSilverblue

An t-slighe a dh’Inbhir Ghòrdain madainn an-diugh. #InbhirGhòrdain #Invergordon #CaolasChrombaigh #CromartyFirth #RosCuithne #Rosskeen #RosAnEar #EasterRoss #aGhàidhealtachd #ScottishHighlands #Gàidhlig #Gaelic

Just came across this fantastic #RSS reader for #Linux. It has a modern UI and syncs with #Feedbin, my RSS service of choice, as well as most others. It’s available as a flatpak, or in AUR for #Arch users (I’m running it on #FedoraSilverblue). #OpenSource #FOSS

Donald Trump says US will ‘take over’ Gaza and ‘own’ territory #EthnicCleansing #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #UnitedStates #DonaldTrump

🚨 Out For Independence has signed this cross-party statement calling for Wes Streeting’s resignation after his engagement with anti-trans organisations. Signed: LGBT+ Liberal Democrats Rainbow Greens LGBTQIA+ Greens

He would do a deal with the devil to win.

FAO teachers! Dae you hae young folk in the class wha can write in #Scots? How no hae them enter the Young Scots Writer o the Year competition?

A cross-party joint statement from LGBT+ Liberal Democrats, Rainbow Greens, LGBTQIA+ Greens, and Out for Independence on Wes Streeting’s engagement with anti-trans organisations and call for his resignation. Read and share the full statement here:

Trump announces an executive order authorizing a 30,000 capacity migrant detention center in Guantanamo. "Some of them are so bad we don't even trust the countries to hold them because we don't want them coming back, so we're going to send them out to Guatanamo Bay."

One of the best things you can do right now is read books. Buy them. Borrow them from the library. Gift them. Read history. Read fiction. Read science writing. Read anything that shows you the world is bigger than what fascists say it is. Read to remember why your resistance matters. 📚💙

Well done Glasgow Warriors! Patched together team….still got the win. As Franco says…that was your URC final. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💙🖤

Never in doubt for the Warriors!😅 Analysis and reaction to follow...

⚡ Zelenskyy: I don't want Ukrainians to live in the constant fear of yet another Russian invasion. 💬 "I would like for us to grow and develop (...) and for this, we need security guarantees."

My dad was tortured by the Gestapo for 4 days and thrown in a concentration camp for being in the Norwegian Resistance. Growing up, he would tell me things he learned in the Resistance. I thought, I'm never going to need this stuff. Here's some of those things #Thread

Here's how you open up a meaningful dialogue with the right wing

Two first half tries mean Glasgow are ahead at the break

Donald Trump: “You’re talking about a million and a half people and we just clean out that whole thing.” #Palestine #Gaza #EthnicCleansing #DonaldTrump #UnitedStates

“The World Health Organization has begun cost-cutting measures in preparation for a US withdrawal next year, according to reporting by Reuters.” #DonaldTrump #UnitedStates #WHO #WorldHealthOrganization #UnitedNations

Ok, tha am faclair ag obair a-rithist. Thachair dà mhaoim aig an aon àm, ionnsaigh le frithealaiche às an t-Sìn agus Microsoft a' feuchainn ri cus rudan a dhèanamh aig an aon àm. Dhiamh... Mòran taing airson a bhith cho foighidneach! ❤️

Any news outlets calling this ‘accidental’ or ‘appears to be’ or ‘similar’ - it’s a literal Nazi salute. We see you.

We have 16 months to make sure our country rejects the rise of the far-right. Scotland is not immune. Look at what’s happening in the US right now. Get angry and get organised.

Anyone who says this was NOT a Nazi salute can — with all due respect — fuck off.

That's an Olympic-level cunt's trick from Rory Sutherland. Phenomenal.

“A show at this year’s Celtic Connections featuring Scottish and Palestinian performers may need to be staged without key performers after three visa applications were rejected by the Home Office.” #CelticConnections #Palestine #Palastain #Scotland #Alba #HomeOffice

“The UK Government is set to unveil plans for digital UK driving licences next week... Digital versions of a driver’s licence could be accepted for everything from buying alcohol to boarding domestic flights and voting…”

Jamie Dobie has been named in the Scotland squad for the 2025 Six Nations 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿⚔️🛡️ #Rugbaidh #Rugby #FarpaisNanSiaDùthchannan #SixNations #Alba #Scotland #GlasgowWarriors #WarriorNation #InbhirNis #Inverness

“2025 will see the largest Seachdain na Gàidhlig programme to date, bringing together speakers, learners and enthusiasts from across Scotland and beyond. The event will run from February 25 to March 2...” #Gàidhlig #Gaelic #SeachdainNaGàidhlig #WorldGaelicWeek #CeanglaicheanGunChrìch #CleachdI

Not the prettiest way to wrap this one up but 29-19 and getting the points. Nice work #GlasgowWarriors

What a half from the hosts! Bonus point in the bag already 😍

Bliadhna Mhath Ùr Dhuibh! #Gàidhlig #Gaelic A Guid New Year Tae Ane an Aw! #Scots Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise Daoibh! #Gaeilge #Irish Blein Vie Noa Diu! #Gaelg #Manx Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! #Cymraeg #Welsh Bledhen nowydh da! #Kernewek #Cornish Bloavezh Mat! #Brezhoneg #Breton #HappyNewYear

“…virtually no Gaelic is taught in primary schools in Sutherland, and Dornoch Academy is the only one of Sutherland’s four secondary schools to offer Gaelic for learners up to S4.” #Gàidhlig #Gaelic #Cataibh #Sutherland

Glasgow lacking enthusiasm today, Edinburgh been more up for it, though defensively both sides have done well Otherwise, bit of a dull game. #1872Cup stays in @GlasgowWarriors hands but bit of a meh game #EDIvGLA

Wish Scottish rugby would hurry up and get on blue sky, can’t wait to dump the other place, it’s an absolute shit show on there, even worse today. Elon has destroyed a fun site

⚔️🛡️ Gura math a thèid leibh a Ghlaschu! • ‘Mon the #GlasgowWarriors! #Rugbaidh #Rugby #AnCupa1872 #1872Cup #EDIvGLA #WarriorNation #URC #WeAreWarriors

Classes “will focus on social language, and will allow learners to talk about the basics of the game and use some Gaelic within coaching sessions.” #Gàidhlig #Gaelic #Iomain #Camanachd #Shinty #Spòrs #Sport #Alba #Scotland

⚔️🛡️ Sin sibh a Ghlaschu! • ‘Mon the #GlasgowWarriors! #Rugbaidh #Rugby #aChupa1872 #1872Cup #GLAvEDI #WarriorNation #PàircHampden #HampdenPark #URC #Skerryvore

This is amazing! The courage of these kids is a shining light to us all. If you live in East London, SW Essex, get along to Ilford, to Wes Streeting's office to support these amazing kids.

Chaidh grunn atharraichean air Bile nan Cànanan Albannach aontachadh an-dè, nam measg moladh gun toirear Inbhe nas àirde do Shabhal Mor Ostaig mar ionad sònraichte. 🧵#Gaelic #Gàidhlig

“…the Solway Firth…was estimated to contain 210,891 microplastics per square kilometre…nearly 2.5 times higher than the largest sample taken previously in 2016, also from the Solway Firth” #Alba #Scotland #Plastaig #Plastic #Àrainneachd #Environment #Truailleadh #Pollution

“BBC Scotland's main 2024 programme has already been pre-recorded… Nairn Community and Arts Centre will host Gaelic channel BBC Alba, as their Ceilidh na Bliadhn Uire (New Year’s Eve) programme is beamed [live] across Scotland.” #Gàidhlig #Gaelic #CeilidhNaBliadhnÙire #OidhcheChallainn #Hogmanay

Puberty-blockers will be banned for children across the UK indefinitely, it has been announced… with the Department for Health and Social Care saying they presented an “unacceptable safety risk”… #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGBWithTheT #TransRights #Transgender #Trans #NonBinary #PubertyBlockers

…Greer’s amendments would write into law the principle that Gaelic and Scots be given equal respect to English and define what is meant by their “official” status as languages of Scotland. #Gàidhlig #Gaelic #Albais #aBheurlaGhallda #Scots #Alba #Scotland

Àrdachadh feumail sa mhaoineachadh airson leasachadh na Gàidhlig anns a' bhuidsead ùr. £1m dheth airson pròiseactan calpa (Ach thoir an aire gu robh am maoineachadh ann an 24-25 na bu lugha na bha e ann an 23-24)

NOT ME ⬇️ don’t follow this account 🚫 thanks and for the heads up x