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✨ Original Angel / Spirit Messages with Occasional Reposts πŸ˜‡ πŸ’— ONLY Love, Inspiration & Positivity Here 🌈 #angel #happiness #peace #wisdom #gratitude #bluesky #ascension #light #motivation #truth #guidance #heal #crystal #trending #teacher #miracle
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Even a dot of light, multiplied by YOUR Momentum, Connects and Creates YOUR VISION, to become a beautiful Radiant picture in Life! #imagination #creating #wish #dream #manifest #desire #success #abundance #wealth #treasure #heart #love #hope #creator #master #energy #teacher #wisdom #bless #bluesky

If you TRULY choose to change the world, YOU MUST begin with you. As you RE-MEMBER WHO YOU ARE, you will understand this simple, yet profound statement more thoroughly. #rebirth #renew #inspire #uplift #motivate #rekindle #trending #hot #exciting #news #positiviity #growth #peace #action #bluesky

Your Shining example of every day living, is the most effective way to intrigue, attract attention and ultimately motivate others to finding their own UnIQuE Path to joy and happiness. #lead #guide #parent #teach #trend #fun #bless #gift #bluesky #yoga #child #love #help #best #gold #momentum #grow

Anyone can change. You MUST believe this if you hope to help others. Your Heart-Guided Blessing/Prayer/Positive energies sent, can give anyone the lift they need to find THEIR OWN PATH OF LIGHT, towards happiness. #help #change #uplift #faith #desperate #angel #messenger #guardian #sky #inspire

That which you seek in others, is what you have desired to find in yourself. Once you find TRUE love withIN yourSelf, you will no longer seek it outside again #soulmate #partner #twinflame #match #relationship #husband #wife #spouse #trending #bluesky #one #self #angel #spiritual #god #higher #bff

HEALINGS come by mastering your weaknesses. Start with one, like Creating peace, and focus on IT again and again and again, and IT will transform your life. #bliss #joy #happiness #heal #ascension #self #improvement #trending #bluesky #love #gratitude #god #angel #master #top #best #happy #help

Compassion is an attribute to use Love. Compassion has Love at ITs' Core. Compassion in Action is YOU sending your HEART "Blessing" to Self or others, that the WAY to each UNIQUE PATH of Light will BE found. #trending #inspiration #motivation #bluesky #teacher #master #help

The best investment you can make, is in YOUR SELF! Focusing on your mind, body and Spirit, for some time every day, is a rhythmic balance that leads you to YOUR endless Source of TRUE ABUNDANCE. #love #kindness #ascension #trending #money #wealth #gratitude #positivity #inspiration #peace #grace

You are "IN-JOYing" the "Fruits" of "Whole-y" Alignment with YOUR DIVINTY, when you have EVOLVED to BE-ing... Happy Harmonious Grateful Blissful Joyous Playful There is much more that extends from the Natural FOUNDATION of LOVE of your BE-ing, yet you can always strive for more! WE LOVE YOU ALL

On Bluesky, some search for the cute baby, dog or cat videos, Some search for deep Wisdom, Inspiration and thought provoking writings, Others spend a tremendous amount of time on social media. SEEK BALANCE dear ones! It is the way to Grow and to learn how to Stir "Lightly" the Hearts of many!

For a Desired trait of the Heart, ONLY DAILY Momentum of focus, Will penetrate your various bodies and change old habits into DIVINE QUALITIES. #hope #dream #vision #destiny #focus #passion #create #master #teacher #guide #angel #ascension #god #help #love #trend #trending #mod #daily #star #sky

Harmony is the new normal. Many seek to be normal to fit in & be accepted. This is a loners place. One that has not found their Divine Self, love, peace, balance, joy or harmony withIN themselves. Seek HARMONY NOW! KNOW this helps YOU GROW and helps the planet via any HEART-BASED ACTivities

There are an infinite number of MIRACULOUS ways you can Create with Love! #miracle #magic #god #angel #master #teacher #trend #top #popular #sage #wisdom #mod #1 #first #best #creator #guide #guidance #help #ascension #empower #self #leader #crystal #purify #motivate #inspire #sky #hope #bless

Even a small spark of hope, sending the Violet Light out helps. Test IT out NOW. Focus IT on yourSelf, others, the entire planet. If you are feeling less than happy and joyous about yourSelf or others, surround yourSelf or them in this Wondrous, Miraculous Flame! #heal #bless #help #miracle #love

Divine Love is about Giving, human love is the opposite. BE your NATURAL SELF and ILLUMINATE the world!

As you UPlift your conscious, you will BEcome more and more GREAT-full EVERY time you YOU can BE of Service to Self and others. #help #service #bless #angel #God #ministration #assistance #uplift #charity #donate #trending #mod #bluesky #inspiration #motivation #positivity #spirit #follow #love

You are balancing worlds of both the seen and UNSEEN, to form a bridge of Wisdom to those who are NOW Waking up to WHO they TRULY are. More and more people are awakening to their Inner Light NOW... thanks to YOU!!! πŸ™βœ¨πŸ˜‡

Simplicity produces the most Powerful and profound statements of your BE-ing. This applies to what you wear, how you speak (if at all) or in your work of the day. In this way, YOU are a Lighter, Clearer, Flowing Vessel to externalize and RADIATE your Inner Beauty.

YOU are here to Expand the boundaries of Love. For the vast majority, a HUGE part of this FOCUS is accomplished by "freeing" and transforming into the Highest form of Light, the energetic Creations by thought and action, that YOU manifested that were "less than perfect" (some call karma)....

YOUR INNER LIGHT makes you beautiful at any age. Your consistent Focus upon unconditional love, kindness, caring & compassion towards yourSelf and ALL the world will raise the vibrational frequencies of your bodies to result in a SHINE no makeup can emulate. 🌟 #dior #fenty #hermes #vuitton #birkin

The Focus withIN the silence may be visualized by the "less than insightful" as stillness or passivity. The "Light Workers" KNOW the ENERGY WORK is not always seen by human eyes, or recognized until the TRANSFORMATIONAL RESULTS appear. Love, kindness & compassion TOUCH ALL #mlk, #peace, #blessing

Are you being "less" than your Loving, kind Self because of someone "in office", or as a result of trying to please a family member, spouse, partner, boss, new acquaintance or friend? May you Love yourSelf enough and have the Courage to ALL-WAYS BE TRUE TO YOUR HEART & let that Light Shine. πŸŒŸπŸŒˆπŸ’—

Unconditional Love does not mean you have to agree with everyone and their methods. Part of YOUR "Education" is to REAL-EYES their part in this holographic movie that YOU are a part of in this realm. EVERYONE & EVERYTHING helps YOU evolve your level of Love & Compassion & BEcome THE MASTER YOU ARE!

Beloved Loves... EVERY single word you post, is nourishing and feeding that subject and giving more attention to it. This applies to what and who you like and whom you do not. VERY SIMPLE to understand, but requires practice to bring it to action. FOCUS on what you LOVE or that which INspires! 🌟

One of the most effective ways to find peace and Elevate your Consciousness is... πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ Deep breathing with the simultaneous Feeling of gratitude. πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’› Great for anyone, of any age, belief system or level of development!

If you desire to Hear the Wisdom of God / Ascended Masters / Angelic Host, you must allow space / time / peace between all of your prayers / affirmations / talk / work, so that "THEY" may BLESS YOU with what you have asked for, or the Guidance to manifest "IT". Time & Space allows Love to Unfold🌱🌺🌟

Seven Rays of Light to Expand your Brilliance: Mon: Peacock Blue - God's Will, Protection & Power+ Tue: Soft Pink - Love, Compassion+ Wed: Emerald Green - Healing+ Thurs: Gold - Resurrection+ Fri: Sparkling White - Purification+ Sat: Violet (Magenta) - Transmutation Freedom+ Sun: Yellow - Wisdom+

Each Light ray, which is Connected to the Divine Qualities to nurture withIN, are more predominant on specific days. Access them anytime, yet Focusing on that specific day's color will help you AMPLIFY those attributes. Examples: Focus on Spiritual Communications or wearing the color of that day.

To maintain balance at work or in the "busy-ness" world, it is important to keep True to yourSelf. Peace amidst a job that interacts with others, or when Be-ing Creative, "should" be priority over the number-based performance demands of mind or the materialist. Strive to BE in your Heart ALL-WAYSπŸ’—

As you "Real Eyes" that you are not a body with a Spirit, you are a Blazing Light with an earthly "elemental suit", you will gradually mentally transform back to the Radiating "SUN" Light you have ALL-WAYS been.

Wishing you a serene Sunday 😁

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