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Idk man, I craft and write stuff sometimes.
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Trying to remind my senior cat he doesn't even like human food, and accidentally tried telling him he wouldn't like it, it's spicy. Hahaha, this doesn't even work on my niece or nephews.

Aside from the fact that I am trying to lose weight and I know I've got a less than petite bone structure, I'm never gonna be really skinny. I'm a damn good cook and I live with me, it is always gonna be obvious at least a little that I eat good. The chicken for my salads this week is bomb! šŸ”„šŸ’£

There weren't really a lot of weird, single, well off aunties to tell me what I had to look forward to when I got older, but all the close friends and family with preteens and teens who want to be just like me when they grow up wasn't on my bingo card for all this.

Just FYI, administrative warrants (like the ones used by ICE) are not judicial warrants (used by cops, signed by a judge). You do NOT legally have to open the door for an ICE officer with an administrative warrant *no matter what the ICE officer says.*

Not for nothing, but nearly a decade ago I tweeted that anything is a UFO if ur shitty enough at identifying it, and I don't think I was wrong.

Do you ever order Chinese food for delivery and then have to get offended at how many fortune cookies they include? This is not that much food! 2 person meal at best!

remember folks class traitors are class traitors no matter their reasoning

It's finally the best time of year

For some reason I wasn't expecting the phrase "re-parenting your inner child" to feel so literal. Chicken tenders and tots for dinner and fresh baked brownies after a heavy talk and making hard decisions.

Downloaded an archive of my Twitter data and deleted my account. It feels tragic that since 2009 my favorite place to vaguepost about my feelings to the aether is essentially gone. I feel both grief and relieved.

I always thought the whole morophilia thing was a joke, so I didn't give it much thought, but I think that perhaps I should've.

it is not out of bravery that I post my thoughts online every day but my devout commitment to being a pest

Going to repeat a point I beat to death elsewhere, but digitally available information is inherently unsafe and unsecret information, doubly so if you receive your paychecks at the pleasure of the US government budget, either directly or indirectly. 1/

iā€™m gonna just watch this at least once a day and i recommend everyone do the same

I voted for the first time in about 3 years. I'm doing a lot of things again that used to be very regular for me until that point on my timeline. It feels very healthy and like a huge sign of healing and growth.

Panic-attack-for-no-good-reason disease strikes again. Thankfully, I know I'm not dying, and the world is not ending, and know tricks to force my body out of panic mode, now just to drag my brain, kicking and screaming, to join the rest of me in having a good day.

My cat is at his most needy when I get home from work on time and immediately crawl into bed with him and carry him about snuggling and napping all day. The instant I get up to dress myself or try to research where to get food, he's a menace who's never been loved and needs to be held Now.

Reached the anger step of grief and after being actually nauseous with rage for about a day, I can safely say I can see more clearly than ever that my goal is to come out of this healed and back to being the softest, sweetest airhead God ever gave this fat of an ass to.

I almost can't believe that stupid bitch said and stood behind saying immigrants eat pets. I feel dumb for being shocked, but this is so far beyond acceptable. Somebody put that man-baby to bed and stop letting him wander away from the home. He's a hazard to himself and everybody around him.

I keep trying to Google what certain human social behaviors mean and it always tells me it depends on the context. Tell me how the humans around me mean me to understand them! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

Finally got around to watching some of my classically favorite Olympics events and started with the men's discus and ugh, I got so hype! I'm so glad my bestie sat there and cheered them on and drooled a little with me. Shotput is next when I can get to it. šŸ˜šŸ˜

Sometimes when you've tried so hard and come so far and in the end it didn't even matter. Shits wild, guys. This cycle is going to be exhausting, and nobody will come out on top.

I am cleansed and whole again after screaming Liar (It Takes One To Know One) along with a couple hundred others in a tiny space, only our hot breath and sweat and tears apart from the mass of bodies pressed nearly too close to dance. This is my church and I worship the altar of the music stage.

Your friendly neighborhood concert mother is handing out sunscreen to the youths again. The transparent bag of everything wins again.

I'm gonna take a second to sound like a grumpy old bitch, but I never thought I'd pine for the golden days of my twenties, before vaping caught on and people were thoroughly shamed from using tobacco openly in captive public places. My lungs do not thank you, yes I'm coughing because of you.

I'm 8th in line to get into this concert, and hanging out with my fellow early birds, just asked folks behind me "Would you like to see a man slow dance with a cat?" And when all involved immediately agreed, I delivered. This is how you party.

Took a catnap holding my cat, and honestly? If this isn't what life is all about, I don't care to find out.

It turns out that the key to getting a chore I've been putting off for months is to find a chore I want to do even less and set a deadline for that one. I hate this part of my brain.

Getting down to doing shit that's good for me regardless of how little I want to start always ends up feeling so good. One of these days I'm gonna just skip the struggle to get started and take good care of myself, no asterisks.

I've always marveled at what a ham my cat is for cameras. He seems to know how I hold my phone different when I'm taking pictures. He's definitely at least 15 years old, I only just now realized it might be because I get so pleased when he poses well & I get a good photo he gets extra kisses etc šŸ˜‚

Completely obsessed with the tortured poets department a third of the way into this album, and I know this is going to be all I listen to for weeks and weeks to come.

The worst thing about soul searching and trying to heal is that the truest answer is usually both the most obvious and the hardest to accept. It is possible to depart from mutual love and it's the right thing to do, because you love so differently you end up hurting 1 another trying to get it right.

Kissing my cat's forehead to the beat of "Mr. Highway's thinking about the end" by A Day to Remember

Used my new uncrustable cutter/edge press to make a scrambled egg sandwich for breakfast (don't mind the time, I'm on nights) and felt so powerful. If only I could figure out how to keep the bread from splitting...

Absolutely devastated and distraught. I don't know how adults can be such entire monsters to children under their care. I'm speechless.