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Nature lover, animal lover, doesn't handle stupid well.
40 posts 18 followers 23 following
Prolific Poster

Am thoroughly enjoying the Kobo Libra Colour ereader I just bought. How we choose to spend our money, where we spend our money matters. It’s the loudest vote we have. Also, I loved the idea of buying from a Canadian company. I had 2 of my children while I was fortunate enough to live there

2009 DaVinci Exhibit San Jose, CA I saw a horse, I posted a horse... Really was a wonderful exhibit to experience #DaVinci #Horse #SanJose

Cohoes Falls in 2022, Cohoes, NY #waterfall #CohoesFalls #CohoesNY

Visited Torc Waterfall at Killarney National Park, Ireland in 2017. There was a drought so the water level was quite low. It was a perfect week to sightsee though. #KillarneyNationalPark #TorcWaterfallKillarney #Ireland #Waterfalls

Honeycombs harvested from a wild hive located in a cavity of our front yard Maple tree in 2012. #honey #honeycombs

Right about now, REALLY wishing we'd stayed in Ontario longer and completed that Landed Immigrant status we began in 1991.

Its 2027. A group of ragged children is skipping rope. Dirty and ill-fed, they chant “one, two, three, four, five, how do you think that you might die? Measles, polio, Covid, flu. TB, strep throat, malaria, too”

$$/engagement are the only thing that really matter to the ruling class. So bye-bye: Meta, Chrome, Google, & NY Times. I've found alternatives: BSKY, Tumblr, DuckDuckGo, MeidasTouch/Legal AF/BTC, and an alternative email. Never had Twitter - didn't have to ditch it

2025 Nature’s own seat cushions #snowday #snow #winter #fluffychairs

Dealing with a cold 😟 Re-watching X-Files while resting. During S4E18 my ears took a hit when Mulder says, “at about 50 feet of water at the bottom of Sa-canda-ga Lake”. Um, that’s ’Sac-an-da-ga Lake’, Mulder.

One of the twenty 2017 'Downtown is Pawsome' Public Art displays highlighting Albany's famous pooch. This is Bright Side by local artist Melanie Lucia Clarke #PawsomeAlbany #AlbanyNY

I absolutely HATE the search results presentation from Google Gemini and quickly sought out an alternative. While discussing with my daughter, she let me in on a little secret... insert profanity somewhere in your search and the lovely, old search result list will magically appear!!!!!

Crow at the Grand Canyon, AZ Jan 2013 #crow #grandCanyon #AZ

Wishing my youngest a very Happy Birthday!!

My first horse, March 1998. He was a spunky chestnut gelding Thoroughbred X at around 14 hands. Loved the life while it lasted

Sunset at Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, DE Jan 2025 #Sunset #BHNWR #BombayHook #WinterSunset

Northern Harrier in flight over frosty pools at Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, DE Jan 2025 #BHNWR #BombayHook #NorthernHarrier #Birds

Might as well put up my latest paintings. 30x24

January 1984 - a visit to the Black Forest of Germany. #Laufenburg #Germany

Cat in Silhouette, Butano State Park, CA 2007 #ButanoStateParkCA #catinsilhouette

I really don't get when "A" is needed before a name or pronoun in Spanish and when it is not...

Lake Tahoe in April 2005 #laketahoeca #clouds #snowtoppedmountains I didn't think to look for this combo to find you either! Wanted to be different from my FB persona Hi Karl, glad to see you on bsky (Deb C from Los Altos) Hi neice, so glad I found you on bsky!!!

Remembering the sunset in Los Altos, CA 2006 #LosAltosCA #Sunset #CloudsatSunset

Deleted Instagram. Deactivated Facebook. Never was on Twitter. It's a start

Pieces of the Berlin Wall that were displayed at the Google campus in Mt. View, CA in 2009. #BerlinWall #MtViewCA #WhenFreedomMattered

Pretty orange legs in the sunlight. #ducks #Mallards #MallardDrakes

16 years ago - forever in my heart. #dogs #puppies

Nov. 2007 - the fountains at the Bellagio Resort, Las Vegas, NV. #Bellagio #LasVegas #Fountains #WaterDisplay

An Eastern Ribbon snake among the grasses #easternribbonsnake #snake #BHNWR

Petunia wants to know "what's up?" #barbedrockhens #backyardchickens

How about a little Beaver side-eye? Keep on swimmin', buddy... October 2024 Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge #beaver #BHNWR

Terracotta horses and charioteer. Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA. January 2018 #horses #terracottawarriors #FranklinInstitute

Tardis replica at Dover ComicCon in 2016, downtown Dover, DE #DoctorWho #Tardis #TheDoctor

My first post. A photo of Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls in June of 2012