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Healing Portal for everyone affected by severe #ChronicPain & #ChronicIllness~by a princess with full body #CRPS. Empowering with resources, community & raising awareness. You are not alone—wishing you support, strength & hope for far kinder days.♥
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“People with #ChronicPain don’t merely “hurt.” We live curtailed lives. Simple pleasures like walking in the park…or enjoying a meal become distant memories or unattainable dreams… It’s not just a “bad day”…it’s a relentless 24/7…that doesn’t let up.” #cpp

“When you have #Fibromyalgia, it’s a monthly, weekly—sometimes daily—thing, getting knocked down… Boom. A #flare hits… immediately back to basic survival again… I’m suddenly just pushing through…struggling to do the day-to-day minimum.” #ChronicPain

“The thing most people don’t realize about chronic pain and illness is that I’m not just dealing with the #pain itself, but the results of the pain… #ChronicPain is not just a condition. It becomes a way of living—not even living, a way of surviving.” #ChronicIllness

“When we look at each other we must say, I understand. I understand how you feel because I have been there myself. We must support each other and empathize with each other because each of us is more alike than we are unalike.” ~ #MayaAngelou #mentalhealthmatters #chronicpain #chronicillness

“To anyone who’s sick or otherwise, and feels like today is not a good day. Who is feeling beaten, broken, sore, down or defeated… Hang in there. I and many others are thinking of you, rooting for you and wishing you well.” #MentalHealthMatters #ChronicPain

“But you were fine yesterday so why are you canceling today? Surely your medication will treat it… You’re too young to be that ill… You’re smiling so you can’t be in pain.” Why Being Questioned About Our Invisible #Disabilities Is So Harmful #ChronicPain #InvisibleIllness

“With #ChronicPain wearing the facade helps… If we spend all our time focusing on our pain, talking about our pain, thinking about the pain… our life will be about the pain… It creates a heavy weight… with #depression—we’re fighting twice the battle.”

“It’s not just #pain. It’s being completely exhausted… It’s being nauseous and having no appetite… It’s spending most of my day in a dark, silent room because lights, sounds, even smells hurt. It’s not being able to think straight because of #brainfog.”

Sharing this beautiful poem by the amazing poet, in honour of the #hope — however slight or latent, momentarily lost or even absent — in all of us. Even the darkest times can be illuminated by the slenderest light. #HappyNewYear2025 dear warriors ♥️ #GentleHugs x

“People who see us ‘able’ to carry out activities are oblivious to the pain involved, aftermath or inability to repeat that activity. The swift flare from ‘normal’ pain to being entirely unable to speak can also be perplexing.” #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain

“People with #chronicillness often don’t tell people when they are struggling… Many times, you might notice they disappear for a time. This is often when they are trying to manage their symptoms and are too sick to do much else.” #ChronicPain #Disability

“If opening your eyes, or getting out of bed, or holding a spoon, or combing your hair is the daunting Mount Everest you climb today, that is okay.” ~ Carmen Ambrosia #MentalHealthMatters #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease