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Welcome to the world of strategic cyber warfare, where nation state hackers engage in a constant battle for global network dominance. Can you become the ultimate Advanced Persistent Threat?
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Conversation Starter Reviews Advanced Persistent Threat! Check out the game, and more, on our Kickstarter! Reviews Advanced Persistent Threat! Check out the game, and more, on our Kickstarter!

TABLETOP GAMING GUILD Reviews Advanced Persistent Threat! Check out the game, and more, on our Kickstarter!

900 FOLLOWERS!!! Thanks to you we will be donating 30 games to community STEM schools, cyber security clubs, and robotics clubs throughout DFW! Thanks so much for your support! We can't wait to launch the kickstarter tomorrow!

MrRobot is right, #ZERODAYS are the programmatic expression of will. Feel what it's like to hack your friends in Advanced Persistent Threat! ‪ #cybersecurity #security #technology #infosec #malware #programming #hacktheplanet #netsec #tabletop #boardgamegeek #boardgames #tabletopgames

We created player hand modeling software to refine over 200 cards, tested 300+ games across age groups (65+, 25-55, 8-21) and player counts (2-6, including teams!). We then leveraged the DFW MTG scene to spot bad mechanics. Our success at BGGCon, and these quotes reflect the results of this process:

DEFEND YOUR NETWORK, HACK YOUR FRIENDS! The BEST Cyber Security & Hacking Themed card game is finally here! Sign up for the Kickstarter launching March 1st! #cybersecurity #security #technology #infosec #malware #programming #hacktheplanet #netsec #tabletop #boardgamegeek #boardgames #tabletopgames

Advanced Persistent Threat allows you play, and leverage real world attacks, just like real nation state hackers! Kickstarter launching March 1st! #cybercrime #cyber #cyberattack #datasecurity #dataprotection #malware #hacktheplanet #strategygame #tabletop #boardgamegeek #boardgames #tabletopgames

The tides can turn any second when you play Advanced Persistent Threat! If you like "Take That" mechanics, this game is for you! #cybersecurity #security #technology #infosec #malware #programming #hacktheplanet #netsec #tabletop #boardgamegeek #boardgames #tabletopgames

DEFEND YOUR NETWORK, HACK YOUR FRIENDS! The BEST Cyber Security & Hacking Themed card game is finally here! Sign up for the Kickstarter launching March 1st! #cybersecurity #security #technology #infosec #malware #programming #hacktheplanet #netsec #tabletop #boardgamegeek #boardgames #tabletopgames

Infecting a server with malware by placing a malware card on top of a software card was inspired by the red blocks being "installed" onto the green blocks in this scene from the movie HACKERS #cybersecurity #security #infosec #malware #hacktheplanet #netsec #boardgamegeek #boardgames #tabletopgames

Advanced Persistent Threat allows you play, and leverage real world attacks, just like real nation state hackers! Kickstarter launching March! #cybersecurity #security #infosec #cybercrime #cyberattack #malware #kalilinux #netsec #strategygame #tabletop #boardgamegeek #boardgames #tabletopgames

Launch malware against your friends! The BEST cyber security card game is finally here! Launching on kickstarter on March 1st! #technology #malware #infosec #security #cybercrime #cybersecurity #strategygame #tcg #netsec #boardgames #strategy #tabletopgames #gaming #tabletop #tech #boardgamegeek

Based off of the success of our pre-sale we were able to donate 15 games so far! Lets keep it going! #security #malware #boardgames #boardgamegeek #tcg #cybersecurity #technology #strategygame #tabletop #tabletopgames #cybercrime #strategytcg #infosec #tech #netsec #gaming

We've launched our game on Tabletopia! Up to 2 people can play the full game, so you can try it before you back our Kickstarter coming on March 1st! #technology #boardgames #malware #cybersecurity #tradingcard #tabletop #security #infosec #netsec #gaming #tech #boardgamegeek #tabletopgames

If only real cyber war were this friendly! Luckily with Advanced Persistent Threat it can be! DEFEND your network, HACK your friends! #malware #tabletop #cybersecurity #cards #boardgames #strategygame #tcg #tech #tabletopgames #netsec #infosec #boardgamegeek #strategy #technology #cybercrime

Use 0DAYs, Exploits, and Malware against your friends! Kickstarter Launching in March! #gaming #infosec #boardgamegeek #tabletop #malware #security #strategy #netsec #strategytcg #strategygame #tech #boardgames #technology #cards #tradingcards #tabletopgames #cybercrime #cybersecurity

HACK 'EM ALL! Advanced Persistent Threat is the best cyber security card game launching soon on kickstarter! #malware #tabletop #strategygame #gaming #tradingcard #boardgames #strategytcg #infosec #netsec #tech #cybersecurity #technology #security #tabletopgames #cybercrime #boardgamegeek

Hacking movies took their "network" design cues from mainframe systems. The Production Server cards in our game were inspired by these early movies and the CRAY super computers from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. #tech #gaming #infosec #cybersecurity #tcg #boardgamegeek #security #netsec #tabletopgames

Advanced Persistent Threat allows you to leverage real attack paths just like real nation state hackers! #cybersecurity #security #technology #infosec #tech #cybercrime #malware #netsec #strategygame #tabletop #boardgamegeek #strategy #thehobby #strategytcg #tradingcards #tradingcard #tabletopgames

"If HACKERS were a card game!" Launching on Kickstarter in March! #cybersecurity #hacktheplanet #redteam #blueteam #netsec #strategygame #tabletop #boardgamegeek #boardgames #strategy #thehobby #strategytcg #tradingcards #tradingcard #tabletopgames

Congratulations to Cody and Matt for winning free copies of our game Advanced Persistent Threat at BGGCon!!! #bggcon #bggcon2024 #tradingcards #tradingcard #tabletop #tabletopgames #tradingcardgame #boardgamegeek #cards #card #boardgames #strategygame

Whether it's converting net runner enthusiasts, fellow cyber security veterans, or former military war gamers, every game is unique and amazing! #cards #tcg #boardgamegeek #strategy #tabletopgames #tradingcard #boardgames #tradingcards #tabletop #strategygame #bggcon #bggcon2024

It's people like Alex and Suzie that really make events like BGGCon great!

What an amazing Day 2 of #bggcon #bggcon2024! I didn't think it could top the first day, but it did! #strategygame #tabletop #boardgamegeek #boardgames #strategy #thehobby #strategytcg #tradingcards #tradingcard #tabletopgames

Congratulations to @raechuuu for winning our #bggcon #bggcon2024 Day 1 Raffle for a free copy of Advanced Persistent Threat! #aptgame #tradingcardgame #boardgamegeek #strategygame #card #tabletop #strategytcg #strategy #thehobby #tabletopgames #boardgames

What an amazing first day at BGGCon!!! The support shown from the attendees has been amazing! Really great conversations with everyone! #tradingcards #tradingcard #tabletop #tabletopgames #tradingcardgame #boardgamegeek #cards #card #boardgames #strategygame

We’re so excited for BGGCon tomorrow! Stop by our booth to sign up for our kickstarter AND a chance to win a 0DAY copy of our game!

#BGGCON 2024 in Dallas TX is here!! Our booth is almost ready! Stop by and check us out!

The White Hat mats allow the cards to really stand out! #tradingcards #tradingcard #tabletop #tabletopgames #tradingcardgame #boardgamegeek #cards #card #boardgames #strategygame

The White Hat play mats just came in! Almost ready for @boardgamegeek convention! #tradingcardgame #boardgamegeek #strategygame #card #tabletop #strategytcg #strategy #thehobby #tabletopgames #boardgames

The Black Hat mats really compliment the cards! #tcg #thehobby #gaming #boardgamegeek #strategy #strategygame #cards #tabletopgames #boardgames #tabletop

Got some Black Hat play mats to use at the upcoming convention! #strategygame #tabletop #boardgamegeek #boardgames #strategy #thehobby #strategytcg #tradingcards #tradingcard #tabletopgames