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illustrator artist 絵師 繪師 NO ai🚫 擁有自己的魔法武士vtuber角色 【work】[email protected] 跟隨著姐姐大人的腳步,從異世界穿越而來的繪師,兼任魔法武士。 以成為天下無雙的最強繪師為目標,成為強大的溫柔 【自學畫畫&出道】2021/05月 【Pixiv】 【YouTube】 【X】
28 posts 129 followers 339 following
Prolific Poster

修練畫技和工作的閒暇之餘,我有可能會開繪圖實況或遊戲實況,歡迎大家來找我。 我新畫的圖快畫好了,敬請期待。🍙 In my spare time while practicing my painting skills and working, I may hold live drawing or game live broadcasts. You are welcome to come and see me. My new drawing is almost ready, so stay tuned. 🍙

"Today is another day to diligently practice my drawing skills. If fans have any suggestions for things they want me to draw, feel free to tell me, and I will add them to the list of candidates." 「今日も私は絵の技術を鍛える日です。 ファンの皆さんが描いてほしい人気のキャラクターがあれば、ぜひ教えてください。候補に加えます。」


大鳳 Taihou 2025/02/15 #azurlane #アズールレーン #碧蓝航线 浪風AricSphere illustrator 繪師 絵師

繪師 illustrator 浪風AricSphere Today is 2/14 今天是我的生日,我能得到大家的祝福嗎? Today is my birthday. Can I get everyone's blessings? 今日は私の誕生日です。みなさんの祝福をいただけますか?


After crying a lot, when I woke up, it felt like a lifetime ago. I have taken another step forward in the cultivation of my state of mind. The paintings that appeared in my mind seemed to be clearer.

"I long to bring tender colors to this world, but sadness is like a chain around me." "All this is because I am still too weak. If I become stronger, I can understand more truths and go to a higher realm." "Whether it's my painting skills, my heart, or my strength, I should have higher pursuits."

The next picture I drew is almost finished, so stay tuned~ 我畫的下一張圖快完成了,大家敬請期待~ 次に描いた絵はもうすぐ完成しますので、お楽しみに〜


大鳳 Taihou 🍷🌙 2024.11.10 #azurlane #アズールレーン #碧蓝航线 浪風AricSphere

During my break while I was busy drawing, I played the beta version of Monster Hunter Wilds. I can defeat the beta version of the Chained Arkveld by myself with a long sword or a bow~🍙 As expected of me, who has 8,000 battles of long sword experience in Monster Hunter World.🌟

樫野 🐄🥛 2025.01.12 "Ah~~um~~~~~" Recently, I’ve slowly come to appreciate Kashino’s cuteness more. So cute~ #azurlane #アズールレーン #碧蓝航线

I can only last about two hours while playing games with high concentration. Painting is more suitable for me. I don’t feel tired when I paint. 在精神高度集中的情況下打遊戲,我現在只能撐兩個小時左右而已。 還是畫畫比較適合我,我畫畫比較不會累。

大鳳 Taihou 🍷🌙 2024.11.10 #azurlane #アズールレーン #碧蓝航线 浪風AricSphere

繪師 浪風AricSphere 心情日記 2025.01.26 「我渴望為這個世界帶來溫柔的色彩,悲傷卻宛如鎖鏈環身。」 我不會放棄畫畫的。 "I long to bring tender colors to this world, but sadness is like a chain around me." I won't give up painting.

I stopped posting pictures on Twitter after Twitter issued its policy on disrespecting creators. Now that it's been a few months, and I find that most people still continue to post pictures on Twitter, which makes me hesitate. Q_Q I feel lost and sad and I don't know what to do.

樫野 🐄🥛 2025.01.12 "Ah~~um~~~~~" Recently, I’ve slowly come to appreciate Kashino’s cuteness more. So cute~ #azurlane #アズールレーン #碧蓝航线

*⸜ 🍊🐄𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟻 𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛🐍🎍⸝* #OC


梅喧 #ギルティギア

信濃 Shinano 🌙 2024.12.28 "Commander, if you are tired, would you like to sleep in my arms for a while?" 「指揮官,累了的話,要在我懷裡睡一會嗎? 」 #AzurLane #アズールレーン #碧蓝航线 浪風AricSphere



信濃 Shinano 🌙 2024.12.28 "Commander, if you are tired, would you like to sleep in my arms for a while?" 「指揮官,累了的話,要在我懷裡睡一會嗎? 」 #AzurLane #アズールレーン #碧蓝航线 浪風AricSphere

I've almost finished the new drawing and I am making final adjustments to the tail.🍙 新しい絵はほぼ完成しており、尾の最終調整を行っています。🍙 我把新的圖快畫好了,在幫尾巴做最後的調整。🍙

ホルハイヤ Ho'olheyak 霍爾海雅 #明日方舟 #アークナイツ #Arknights 浪風AricSphere illustrator 繪師 絵師

Day73 Lightning cat ⚡ 🐈‍⬛//雷ネコ #100日チャレンジ #100dayschallenge #yoruichi #BLEACH #夜一

Day 71 Ramlethal valentine #100日チャレンジ #100dayschallenge #guiltygearfanart

ホルハイヤ Ho'olheyak 霍爾海雅 舊圖 過去絵 2023.12.05 #明日方舟 #アークナイツ #Arknights 浪風AricSphere

ホルハイヤ Ho'olheyak 霍爾海雅 舊圖 過去絵 2023.12.05 #明日方舟 #アークナイツ #Arknights 浪風AricSphere


どこかの世界にいるシスターさん #illustration

2023うさぎちゃん #イラスト #illustration

間違いなくこれ。 なんていうかこれを描いてから、性癖に対して自由に描けるようになった気がします。(これは再掲用の黒差分) #今年も残りわずかなので今年一番ぶっ刺さった絵を自分で言う

ヘッダー用イラスト (過去絵をチョチョイとディティールアップしたもの。)

大家早安~🍙 我想要成為強大的溫柔的畫家。 今天也一如既往地繼續努力。 Good morning everyone~🍙 I want to be a strong and gentle painter. I will continue to work hard today as always.

Lets fix the algorithm. Add your favourite art piece👨🏼‍🎨

モルガン #FGO




ニュージャージー New Jersey ☀️ 2024.11.29 Just finished exercising #AzurLane #アズールレーン #碧蓝航线 浪風AricSphere

上杉謙信 #art #FGO

