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CNRS senior researcher. Nonlinear and quantum optics, nanophotonics. Omnivore and defender of diversity. Posts and likes are personal views.
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Almost Bluesky!

👉 Deadline 31 mars candidatures Prix Jean Jerphagnon. qui récompense un/e candidat/e portant un projet photonique de grande qualité scientifique et au potentiel industriel 3 derniers lauréats: Julien Laurat, Niccolo Somaschi, Kate Grieve SOCIETE FRANCAISE D'OPTIQUE

« On a bien besoin de Wikipédia pour résister à des gens comme Musk » : entretien avec le Nobel agenais Alain Aspect, qui sort un livre sur la physique quantique Plus le temps passe, plus j'apprécie Aspect pour ses prises de position en plus du travail scientifique.

International year of Quantum Science and Technology is open!

great time around a beer! on the harmonica Rachel Plas đź‘Ź Qu’est-ce que le patrimoine ? Un vieux château ? Un vieux moulin ? Oui. Mais les objets scientifiques en font aussi partie. Ils sont des sources irremplaçables de vie et d’inspiration.

23 et 24 janvier : Journées 40 ans des boîtes quantiques - Hommage à Jean-Yves Marzin Inscriptions gratuites mais obligatoires. Attention l'amphi sera bientôt complet ! 👉

A warm and wonderful recognition of Wilson Sibbett written by friend and colleague Roy Taylor in the latest issue of Nature Photonics. I am unsure about access options so (lower resolution) screenshots are below.

Démarrons l'année avec une question étrange à la réponse encore plus étrange : quel âge a la lumière ??? Bonne année à toutes et à tous.

HISTORY OF PHYSICS Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman and his love for music. Although he didn't study them exhaustively, Raman discovered that the rich tonal quality of the tambura and veena (shown below) was due to the peculiarity of the bridge. 1/

This “Christmas tree” with the design incorporating Fresnel optics, was in operation at the Vilan Cap Lighthouse in Galicia from 1896 to 1964! the light reached 64 km. I wish you a wonderful holiday season with your family.

Without words… but very comforting in these complicated times!

Mathematical physicist Cécile DeWitt-Morette was born #OTD in 1922. She made foundational contributions to Feynman functional integrals, organized the first American conference on general relativity (important for gravitational waves), and started the Les Houches Summer School. 🧪 ⚛️ 👩‍🔬 (1/n)

Opportune positioning of 6 major European research players, for ambitious support for fundamental research, for the simplification of administrative procedures, etc. all that is missing is the word photonics to have an excellent holiday!

Knock ! Knock ! My first post "The choice of problems is the primary determinant of what one accomplishes in science" John J. Hopfield Nobel Prize lecture...