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Local pigeon newsboi who has terrible time management skills and breathes coffee ☕️ 🗞Twitter (or now X): @Arijuno 🗞Threads: @arijunoh 🗞Instagram: @arijunoh 🗞Website: (Comms: CLOSED)
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I present this on behalf of myself and This is a fitting and thankful gift from us to you for how amazing you always are, I commissioned my friend for this, They always capture such warmth for the season expertly

Christmas is just around the corner, so be sure to go to under the mistletoe and clack your nearest Rito~ 🧡😘💙 Joyeux Noël 🎄❄️ Revali suiter: 📸

I decided to give the looks of the Shield some colour to make him stand out! As always the original art being made by

Lineart by the lovely and colored by my brother in wings, dare I say the Blade had never looked better

Some of my Gameboy photos at MFF (featuring and

Sometimes there are those you just hope are going to excell, But it seems that dearest is trying to get that message through to a certain Shield And it looks like nothing ages finer than a Rito with experience!

When you're supposed to enjoy the con but I'm here doodling Revali.. Worth it.

Exhausted from travelling back from MFF ✈️😴 So much to unpack! So many friends to touch base with! So much work to get back to! While I work to gather my thoughts on it all, enjoy this amazing in-flight doodle I witnessed make as we soared home together 🧡💙

Finally made it home after a very long and bittersweet day. And with that comes the end of yet another amazing journey with the funny animal people. Thank you to everyone I met and to for making my first big con one of the most exciting and memorable vacations ever ^v^

I arrived home from Midwest FurFest late last night after seven nights away. Just like last year, I met and hugged many birds. Here are some select pictures from after the avians and birds meetup on Sunday morning.

Currently awaiting my flight home with best travel buddy 🧡💙 If you happen to be in Terminal 3 and are waiting your flight, feel free to stop by and get some stickers! 👀 I’m in a white scarf, peacoat, and holding my silly goober child :>

Talk about a flock of birds! #Furfest #FurFest2024


Final day of the CON!! Come see the grace that is Revali and don't be afraid to say hi~ ✨💙 #MFF #MFF2024 📸 Brondo.

The Champions sending their warmest congratulations to and for their marriage today 🧡💙 It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve as your best man, and I will always continue to serve as Champion to you both 🫶 +

CONGRATS to the lovely couple and who JUST got married at MFF~!! Such beautiful memories have been made and I look forward to all the adventures you two shall have~ 💙 #MFF #MFF2024

Think you can reach these heights Link~? ✨- Revali 💙 Gonna be out suiting today!! Be sure to say hi to the cocky bird!! #MFF2024 #MFF 📸


When you're supposed to enjoy the con but I'm here doodling Revali.. Worth it.

Revali’s coming in~ ✨🏹 #MFF24 #MFF Come look for him at MFF tonight~! Feel free to say hi and ask for stickies!! ^v^


A wedding piece for my friends 🧡🩵 #furry #furryart #rensstudios

YES, I’m still alive. AND YES, I’m still going to MFF B> If you wanna chill with this cute birb, feel free to DM me on here, Twitter or telegram— Gonna be the cocky birb himself and hope to meet as many of ya’ll as possible! See ya’ll there~ <3 📸 🪡

Sorry again, I don’t mean to be so absent guys TvT Currently dealing with the worst con crud.. Potentially pneumonia now for two weeks now.. So I apologize if I haven’t been answering anyone lately. I’ll try to make a comeback when things potentially get better~ Love ya’ll <3

Pidge and his two dads voted. How bout you?

Sorry.. some late night thoughts.. I’m going to be honest, while FurPoc was a fun con overall and I loved meeting all the sweet birds- I was left feeling.. left behind? I sometimes questioned if I was even one of the birds. Idk.. This has been the most lonely I felt at a con ;<

What I Iearned at this con: I needa draw more GOOD BIRBS STAT.

Twas a bittersweet con with its ups and downs, but I overall had fun!! It was great to fly alongside the bestest of birds and meet new ones along the way ^^ Revali’s Gale is now ready and set to fly to his nest now~ 💙

Twas a fun Fursuit parade at FP!! ^v^💙 If you had pictures with Revali~ Dont be afraid to send' em over to me #furpoc #furpoc2024 📸 🪡

Cool enough for you yet?

Breakfast with dah BOI!!! ^v^

IT’S HALLOWEEN!! Happy haunting hoots and howl to all your beautiful critters out there 🧡 🐦‍⬛🎃 Just to let ya’ll know— I’ll be at FurPoc with bunch of the bestest birds out there!! Please feel free to come to chat with this birb and grab STICKIES