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Please join us…wear red this Tuesday (March 4th) to support public education (students, teachers, schools). The current president and his team aim to dismantle the right to a quality education for all.

said this before and i wasn't exaggerating: RFK has the exact personality type of the kind of person that, in a different sort of regime, oversees mass starvation.

Puppy making friends with a baby cow..🐕🐾🐄

my superpower for predicting things? paying attention to what people with power say and do

Gutting Alzheimer's research. First reported more than a week ago -- and as yet, this has not been undone. Republicans appear to have not said a word about it. See also... See also...


Let’s go

i feel like it's an open question whether or not the flu vaccine will even be available next season

Clever Murphy has found a hiding place where no one can see him or find him #cockerspaniel

Normalize being nice.

Sunny got a severe haircut😕. Thanks to our stint of super cold weather, he had to wait longer than normal for his grooming and got a little tangled.

It was snowy last week. Today Mahm is not making me wear clothes. Based on the weatherperson I may be forced to clothing again this weekend

What do you mean there’s something on my nose?

Pasadena Humane Society needs emergency help. Please help if you can

My sweet neighbors have to let their sweet Pitbull, Hooch, go to the rainbow bridge tomorrow. She has cancer and isn’t doing well. Her little 2 year old human is going to miss her so much. My ❤️ breaks for all of them. Wondering what we can do, if anything, to help them.

Columbus Zoo Wildlights 2024

Enjoying mommy’s new blanket from our sweet friend, Kim (and the pups…Mick and Charlotte).

Sunny is ready for Christmas already. Waiting patiently for his gifts.

Murphy keeping a close eye on the dinner table tonight #cockerspaniel

I believe little Murphy would be classified as a “non-working” cocker spaniel.

My sweet Sunny popping in to say good morning.

This is my Sunny waiting for the holidays. (Most of my posts will be about my gorgeous boy—6 year old American Cocker Spaniel ❤️)