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#europe šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ŗ Riga, #latvija šŸ‡±šŸ‡»šŸ“ @europeanparliament šŸ¢ #investor #standwithukrainešŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ Official account
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We've allocated over ā‚¬76 million in humanitarian aid for Bangladesh, Myanmar and the Rohingya refugee crisis. The funding will help provide food, shelter, essential services, access to clean water and disaster preparedness. We remain committed to helping those in need. More ā†’!qvnJP4

Ar koalÄ«cijas partneriem esam izvirzÄ«juÅ”i ministru kandidātus: ā—½ IzglÄ«tÄ«bas un zinātnes ministrija Dace Melbārde, ā—½ Satiksmes ministrija Atis Å vinka, ā—½ LabklājÄ«bas ministrija Reinis Uzulnieks. Kandidāti tiksies ar frakcijām, lai jau Å”onedēļ Saeima varētu apstiprināt jaunos ministrus amatos.

Ukraine's security is Europe's security. As we work towards a just & lasting peace in Ukraine, we must also focus on urgently strengthening European defence. That works side-by-side with NATO. Thank you to NATOā€™s Secretary General Mark Rutte for an excellent discussion ahead of Thursday's EUCO.

Europe and India both believe that tech should serve people. Not the other way around. Starting with AI. It will be at the heart of our Strategic Agenda. The next AI Summit hosted by you, dear Narendra Modi, will take stock of our progress. My statement at joint press point ā†“!7kYGcF

Had a good conversation with the Keir Starmer. It's important that the Baltic States are involved, while strengthening transatlantic ties and making Europe more secure.

Always stands with #Ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ #SlavaUkraini šŸ’™šŸ’›

Dear Narendra Modi, thank you so much for hosting us in New Delhi. @ec.europa.euā€™s visit symbolises how much we value our partnership with India. And how much I value our personal friendship.

Latvia stands with Ukraine. šŸ‡±šŸ‡»šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦

We are grateful for British leadership in making Europe and Ukraine stronger, and for enhancing the partnership with the U.S. For this, Europe must be united and do more on its security and defense.

Ekta mein bal ā€“ strength in unity. šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ŗšŸ¤šŸ‡®šŸ‡³ In a historic first, President von der Leyen and her Commissioners team will meet tomorrow PM Narendra Modi and the Indian Government in New Delhi. It will help strengthen ties in areas vital to the prosperity and security of both ā†“!xkJ7C7

šŸ’š #JaunāVienotiba pateicas ministrei Andai ČakÅ”ai par nozÄ«mÄ«go darbu, ko viņa veikusi izglÄ«tÄ«bas un zinātnes attÄ«stÄ«bā. šŸš€ Viņas darbs turpināsies Saeimā, un mēs zinām, ka viņa turpinās bÅ«s spēcÄ«gs balsts mÅ«su komandā!

Weā€™re driving energy prices down and competitiveness, up. With the Affordable Energy Action Plan, we will achieve: ā€¢ More predictable prices ā€¢ Stronger connections across Europe ā€¢ Increased energy offtake. Let's remove all obstacles so that we can build a true Energy Union.!W4mp74

Simplification promised, simplification delivered.!j6DPdj

Jaunā VienotÄ«ba Å”obrÄ«d izvērtē vairākus potenciālos izglÄ«tÄ«bas un zinātnes ministra amata kandidātus. Par gala lēmumu pēc iespējas drÄ«z informēsim gan sabiedrÄ«bu, gan koalÄ«cijas partnerus.

Justified concerns about the future of Ukraine are directly linked to concerns about the future of the Unionā€™s and NATOā€™s relations with Russia. This means that the European continent needs an adequate political and security architecture. Read more: #StandWithUkraine

The European Parliament lights up in the colours of the Ukrainian flag to show its commitment and solidarity with the country and its people. As we mark three years since Russiaā€™s full-scale war of aggression, we stand with Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine #SlavaUkraini šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ŗ

Vienojāmies, ka martā panāksim Eiropas SavienÄ«bas lÄ«meņa lēmumu par militārās palÄ«dzÄ«bas atbalsta palielināŔanu Ukrainai, kā arÄ« Eiropas aizsardzÄ«bas finansējuma un militārās industrijas jaudu pieaugumu. Å os soļus veiksim cieŔā sadarbÄ«bā ar NATO.

Å odien Ministru kabinetā droŔības jautājumu diena ā€“ slēgtajā sēdē apspriedām svarÄ«gākos nacionālās droŔības jautājumus: āœ… Sākot no nākamā gada, meklēsim iespējas aizsardzÄ«bai tērēt 4%, virzÄ«simies uz mērÄ·i tuvākajos gados tērēt 5% no IKP.

The šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ŗ budget benefits all Europeans. Europeans should have a say in it. Today, we set the road to the next long-term budget starting in 2028. As new challenges and expectations emerge, we must make it fit for the future. Let's do it together ā†“!BJYmRR #haveyoursay

Latvija ir atvērta jauniem AAE investÄ«ciju projektiem un redzam lielu potenciālu kopÄ«gu iniciatÄ«vu realizÄ“Å”anai.

Vēl viena produktÄ«va diena AAE un Pasaules valdÄ«bu samitā. ā–«ļøTikos ar AAE ekonomikas ministru un tika parakstÄ«ta svarÄ«ga vienoÅ”anās par kopÄ«gas Biznesa padomes izveidi starp UAE Chambers un LDDK. Å Ä« sadarbÄ«ba veicinās abu valstu ekonomiskās attiecÄ«bas un pavērs jaunas iespējas uzņēmējiem.

SirsnÄ«gs paldies ikvienam, kas sekmēja izdevuÅ”os vizÄ«ti Apvienotajos Arābu Emirātos! Pateicos Ārlietu un Ekonomikas ministriju kolēģiem, kā arÄ« LIAA pārstāvjiem RÄ«gā un AAE par ieguldÄ«to darbu un atbalstu.

Lai panāktu taisnÄ«gu mieru, Ukrainai ir jābÅ«t droŔības garantijām, un jebkādām sarunām par Ukrainas nākotni jānotiek tikai un vienÄ«gi ar Ukrainas pārstāvju klātbÅ«tni. Latvija turpina militāro un civilo atbalstu Ukrainai. Mēs iestājamies par tās suverenitāti un teritoriālo nedalāmÄ«bu.

Ukraine must be strong and independent. Russia must be contained and deterred. Borders must not be changed by force. Europe must take full responsibility for its security by investing in its own defense. Ukraine, US and EU must work together to achieve durable peace.