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Chronically awesome catastrophe of genetic illness. Disabled but also a disability advocate. Anti-Racist, fierce feminist, tired of MAGA bullshit. Don’t like civil rights, women’s rights, being a decent human? Then don’t follow me. Ally 🏳️‍🌈✊🏾 ♿️ 🍉 🌊
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Be aware that the House Energy and Commerce Committee, is the committee that handles MEDICAID. The House Agriculture Committee handles SNAP benefits. Republicans are trying to fool constituents. They are banking on people not looking at this closely. Don’t be fooled. #medicaid #snap #trojanhorse

I’ll be honest. I’m so terrified I can’t keep anything down. The rare genetic disease I have will kill me without treatment. This administration is gambling with people’s lives. 72 million souls rely on SSI or SSD and Medicare. I’ve coded and been revived, yet this scenario is even more horrifying.

Big shocker they’re lying. Even the massive cuts coming for Medicaid and SNAP are hidden behind two commissions and verbiage they know people won’t look up. Those cuts are to give $4.5 trillion in tax breaks to billionaires while simultaneously increasing the debt ceiling by $19 trillion. #stopdoge

Damn straight! I couldn’t be more disgusted with this administration if I tried. Everyday is a new low. The fact that they’re attempting to change the narrative is not only dangerous but it’s a lie. Russian invaded Ukraine. We watched it happen live! FOTUS doesn’t get to rewrite history. #Ukraine 🇺🇦

A master class by who continues to emphatically stand against the lies FOTUS peddles. The Oval Office attack on Zelensky was a disgrace. Captain Bone Spurs doesn’t get to talk down to a country’s leader who stands on the front lines fighting against authoritarianism. #Ukraine

OMG! Science facts prevail! Have we suddenly shifted into the Twilight zone or did RFK’s brain worm whisper this into his ear? At this point a win is a win. #vaccinessavelives #vaccinated

The cognitive dissonance is almost impressive.

This is what these fucks are doing with our tax dollars. Creating nonsense bills to stroke the ego of a megalomaniac. They could be working for their constituents instead of gutting what keeps people alive. “Naw we need his face on new money! Cause he’ll pat my head and call me a good boy.” #cult

A private citizen and some teenagers have access to the most sensitive data on all of us. This is not normal!! President Musk, VP Trump and First Lady Vance need to be arrested for treason. Oh wait, the Supreme Court said Trump could unalive someone and it wouldn’t be a big deal. #NoKingsInAmerica

This from the “pro-life” party. Vaccines are advancements in science. Children dying of preventable diseases so RFK can play doctor is obscene. Add in the huge rise in maternal & infant mortality rates where reproductive healthcare is banned and you get an exponential rise in deaths. #healthcare

Wolf Moon Magic #wolfmoon #moonmagic

Why choose the bear when together we are the bear 💪💜 #wearethebear #strongertogether #womensrights Design credit:

Along with a cap on insulin the Biden Admin. also passed legislation for people on SSI or SSD (I am disabled), and it capped costs for all our meds if we qualify for the Extra Help Benefit. So $4.90 or $11.20 generic or name brand. Then when we hit the max we pay $0. For 9 months of 2024 I paid $0.