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Astrology is super fun and I want to share it! I also enjoy art, graphic design, music and animals.
15 posts 10 followers 22 following
Getting Started

I have to keep reminding myself to trim my bangs after Venus goes direct April 12 #venusretrograde

Tonight's #lunareclipse, a sign of beginnings and endings, is Saros series 123, the last one being March 3, 2007, about the time I magically went from editorial assistant to graphic designer! If your rising or sun is in Virgo it might be memorable for you too 🙂

Ever hear of reading stories or watching movies to take the edge off difficult aspects in #astrology? We have so much going on right now, with the eclipse conjunct Saturn on Virgo-Pisces axis, I don't know where to begin! Fate for the eclipse? The Accountant for Virgo or Finding Nemo for Pisces!

Anyone doing anything special for the #lunareclipse? I felt so tired before the last one, I asked Ronnie Grishman about it. She said it can happen so I decided while it's messin' with my asc, I would take some time off. Woot ! Short work week!!

I'm hopeful that all these #retrograde planets will slow or undo Frump's evil deeds

Uranus and the moon on the midheaven at the start of Frump's speech indicate a real shocker. I wonder what would say to shock me at this point. 🙄

Void-of-course moon Sunday

I feel like the planets are doing the slow walk before the action sequence, just like heroes in the movies! #Marchastrology

I was having a tough day and asked the iching about it. And it matched the upcoming #eclipse on my asc: Crazy!