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Birder and resident on the Island Utsira in Norway. Fugl - birding international og lokalt stoff på Norsk. Fotografi, natur og kultur. Jobber som miljø- og jordbrukssjef i Norges minste kommune, poster privat her på Blue Sky
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Great birding day depite thick fog and limited visibility at Utsira. Easy to get close the newly arrived Common Shelducks and the Mute Swan still interested in me. | Gravender og en knoppsvane i dagens tåke-landskap på Utsira.

A Mute Swan is not regular at Utsira and still good numbers with Stonecats | Knoppsvane er ikke årlig på Utsira og ennå gode antall med minimum 10 svartstruper i dag.

Influx of Stonechats arriving at Utsira today. Nine in one flock, minimun 12 present. | Stort nedfall med 12 svartstruper på Utsira i dag.

Enjoyed a couple of Long-tailed Ducks in the waves and the residental barnacle goose who missed its departure-flock. | Krevende forhold med haveller på litt avstand, med komposisjon som beste middel. Litt enklere med den lokale hvitkinngåsa. Utsira, Norway

Hunting for birds inthe moon today. Difficult with the Grey Heron, easier with the Starlings | Hegra ville ikke være Fuglen i månen i dag. Utsira

Sparrowhawk hunting for siskins and Greater white-fronted goose still present in bright light at Utsira today | Spurvehauk på jakt etter grønnsisiker og tundragjess på makene på Utsira i dag.

The Norwegian government has given up on dealing with electricity prices in Norway & has decided just to pay everyone's electricity bill (basically). There are far better & easier solutions, as explains here (in Norwegian) 1/

Chaotic Eiders in harsh light, ..filtering smashed pieces after the stormy weather at Utsira | Ærfulger mesker seg i knuste biter og rester etter stormen i Sørevågen.

Leftowers from «Éowyn» hitting hard in the South harbour now.. #utsira | Kraftig storm og høg sjø i Sørevågen.

God helg! Det er absolutt hørbart når noen har 'mistet signal fra Utsira' Post-Rockerne Les Dunes er ute med nytt materiale! Tune in...

At last.. some new arrivals at Utsira the last two days. White-frontet goos numbered up til 52 and Barnacle goose to 13 individuals | Endelig ankomst av nye fugler til Utsira tundragås og hvitkinngås samles nå i større antall dag for dag.

ABC, NBC & CBS dedicated about 16 minutes of airtime last night to the California wildfires without once mentioning climate change. Since the news failed do it's job, here's a short summary of the role of climate change and wildfire risk:

Utsira today.. Snowy and 470 kittiwakes playing with the waves and a Great Northern Diver, not so close as the Shag. Streetart by Snik art. | 470 næringssøkende krykker, en islom og en toppskarv i fjæresteinene.

Nice aurora-show at Utsira now..

End of field season 2024 - my blogging meme in 13yrs (sorry - in norwegian, but you get it - mainly from Utsira) | En feltsesong er over.. Eneste dagen i året da, jeg tar fram min gamle kråkeblogg for å sette merkestaven i jorda!

Factsheet pictures of four genera of Norwegian Geometer moths completed at Thera (5 species): Pennithera (1 species): Trichopteryx (2 species): Ectropis (1 species): #lepidoptera #teammoth

A lego star named Ben made a lil #RVA a few years back and asked me if I would paint the wall on it, or maybe I asked him, I dont remember. He came over and 2 minutes later I had sprayed the stencil of "Lisa" on the side. Since then it seems to pop up online all the time. Funny how that goes. #lego

The Teifi Ringing Group have several records of wintering Starlings ringed in Lithuania but this month an interesting movement was a bird caught near Lampeter. It had been ringed in a nest in Finland 2004 km away in May 2023 #birdringing

Ingen bud i det som ble kalt "knald eller fald for dansk klimapolitik". Også om elbilsalg i Storbritannia, skuffelse og håp rundt USAs klimapolitikk og en tysk energiglose.

Kjekk anerkjennelse for Bekkens Bestanddeler på Utsira

Sterkt å se hvordan den norske stat og kirken via Norsk Misjon til slutt klarte å utrydde en hel kultur, et språk og et folk, de #reisende. #NRK #romani

Utsira, Norway, 2021 - This is the first of 2 pieces I did on the island of Utsira, the smallest community in Norway- with about 185 people on an island. It is a place seemingly out of time in the best way possible. A place of simple and remarkable beauty. #streetart #utsira #mural #birding #norge

Vi har kommunedelplan for Naturmangfold ute til høring

The Eurasian-African Bird Migration Atlas is one of EURING's key achievements. This invaluable online resource is based on @EURING ring recoveries and tracks from The Atlas was developed in collaboration with the Convention on Migratory Species @migratoryspecies

What's happening in Romania. An analysis for the rest of the world: On 11/24/2024 we had the first round of the presidential election. In Romania, the voting system states that the top two contenders qualify for the second round, where whoever wins 50%+1 of the votes becomes president. 🧵👇

30 #norskestartpakker har det blitt etter hvert i denne tråden, på tvers av fag, interesser, identitet, politikk etc. Noe av det beste med startpakkene er at de 30 forvalterne kan oppdatere sin egen startpakke, uten at de - eller jeg - «må» poste de på nytt. Men jeg skulle gjerne hatt et bokmerke!

The 2nd Shetland record of American Coot on Loch Spiggie this afternoon, with a Eurasian for company. Subtle differences, but it showed moderately well on the western shore. Top marks to Phil for finding it #Coot #Shetland #UKbirding

Hunted, Tortured, Killed. The Grim Fate of Journalists Under Russian Occupation “There are no more Ukrainian media outlets in the territories captured by Russia,” says Nastya Stanko But there are independent journalists who report anonymously—and they are hunted.

Hooded Crow. Coloured pencils on paper #birds #art

I dag har jeg skrevet om ØKOLOGISK KJÆRLIGHET i Fædrelandsvennen:

Divergent Population Trends of Two Sympatric Auk Species in the Rapidly Warming Gulf of Maine | | Ecology and Evolution | #ornithology #seabirds 🪶

God fredag! Snø i sikte.. fra Nordvikvågen Utsira | Sharp November-light and snow is on its way! #utsira

Hvis alt går i dass.. så har vi en god BRICS-ambasadør her. Jeg hadde litt sansen for denne fyren før,.. omtrent når Naiv-Super toppet boklistene. Han har vært på en eventyrlig rundreise og har sikkert kofferten full.

I was delighted to be asked to provide some illustrations for the scarce bird report in British Birds, Red-flanked Bluetail and Blyth's Reed Warbler from the August edition.

Migration #ukbirding (Private Eye)

Testet bilder på lerretet i Edda 1 før foredraget "Fugler langs Kyststien" førstkommende mandag. Med så god prosjektor ble det utrolig bra. Info på