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Fokusā - Ukraina, pasaules politika, demogrāfija un uzņēmējdarbības vide.
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🇪🇺🇱🇹 "We have 3–4 years to fully prepare for a major war in Europe. NATO must be 100% ready to fight at any moment. The only way to avoid war is to be fully prepared for it," — Lithuanian Defense Minister

⚡️ Lithuania boosts defense: More spending, NATO troops, and border fortifications as Europe braces for future Russian threats.

◾️"Look at these photo&look at the people in Ukraine.No,Mrs. Weidel,we are not neutral,we are not standing aside.We are on the side of Ukraine, defending our political system," -Friedrich Merz, Chancellor candidate, in response to the leader of the far-right Alternative for Germany party,Alice Weidel

The Baltic states are that one corner of Europe doomed to scream “we fuckin warned you” for eternity

🇺🇦🇹🇷 President Zelensky and First Lady Olena have arrived in Türkiye. A meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the First Lady is scheduled.

⚔️🛡️ "We must prepare for war. This is the best way to avoid war," — NATO Secretary General Rutte ❗️He also said that Europe should not show weakness towards Russia. Otherwise, Russia may try something. Just like in Ukraine.

what a crazy situation: american leaders are considering attacking greenland, its closest ally instead of helping ukraine win the existential battle for the western civilization.

An awesome private initiative: a group of enthusiasts created a mobile VR simulator to train Sumy mobile air defense teams.

⚡️ NATO Chief Rutte: if defense spending does not increase, Europeans might need to "get out your Russian language courses or go to New Zealand."

ChatGPT tikko atzinās, ka servisa vadlīnijas, neļauj apspriest un paskaidrot ar ko sarkasms atšķiras no ironijas. Tas gan ir savādi... 💁

The former French president Nicolas Sarkozy will have to wear an ankle monitor for a year after France’s highest court upheld a conviction of corruption and influence peddling ⬇️

Aizvadītajās nedēļās debesīs virs ASV Austrumkrasta aculiecinieki novērojuši lielu skaitu neidentificētu bezpilota lidaparātu. Papildu satraukumu radījis fakts, ka droni fiksēti gan virs dzīvojamajiem rajoniem, gan kritiskās infrastruktūras objektiem.

1 no labākajiem sociālajiem liftiem ir izglītība. Kvalitatīva un pieejama izglītība mazina sociālo nevienlīdzību un vairo valsts konkurētspēju. Valsts kura neinvestē izglītībā, ir nolemta atpalicībai. Neizglītoti cilvēki ievēl populistus, lejot ūdeni uz valsts debilizācijas un atpalicības dzirnavām.

Kam tiek valsts budžets? 17,3 miljoni prēmijām valsts iestādēs, septiņās no tām nav maksāts ne centa.

Day 15. Today, there were various protests all day. 17 different protests are happening tomorrow just in Tbilisi. Protests ongoing in the regions too. Release the unlawfully detained and tortured; schedule new, free and fair elections. #terrorinGeorgia #GeorgiaProtests

Let’s use them wisely.

Profesores Dambrovas laboratorijā pētnieki ik dienu dara kaut ko pirmo reizi pasaulē.

Kafijas cena starptautiskajos tirgos sasniedz visu laiku augstāko līmeni.

#1 Disrupter: Friedrich Merz The Christian Democratic Union leader is projected to become Germany's next chancellor. And he's expected to govern as if Angela Merkel had never existed, embracing welfare reform and pro-business policies. His full #POLITICO28 profile:

Interesanti - nez uz ko šis ved?


'The IDF said [it] carried out over 350 strikes against “strategic targets”...taking out “most of the strategic weapons stockpiles in Syria.” The military estimated that it had destroyed 70-80% of the former regime’s strategic military capabilities'

Our girls and boys know exactly what we are fighting for🇬🇪🫶🏻 #GeorgiaProtests 🎥by Ana Kavlashvili

Ok, cīņā par bukstiņbiezputru zaudējām igauņiem. Bet. Lai arī turpmāk UNESCO to aizsargās kā igauņu tradicionālo ēdienu, paši igauņi atzīst, ka ir reģioni, kur šo sauc par "latviešu putru".

EU Defense and Space Commissioner Andrius Kubilius is pushing for nearly €100B in defense funding in the EU's next 7-year budget—up from just €10B today. He calls it "ambitious," but it's a sign of how Russia's war on Ukraine is reshaping EU priorities.

The Syrian civil war started 13 years ago. After a long stalemate, advances by a coalition of opposition groups have abruptly changed the landscape of the war. Here’s a guide to understanding the conflict, even as it changes rapidly.

Vecrīga ir fantastiska. Mūsu tirdziņš ir labākais Baltijā. Pēterbaznīcas tornī ieslēgts apgaismojums. Nepieciešama neliela piepūle un viss izskatās lieliski! 1/3

Day 9, Tbilisi. 🇬🇪🇪🇺 Midnight, 0 degrees. The Georgian regime has attempted to ban fireworks and confiscate them from protestors. Live scenes at Parliament:

Šorīt vēl viena jauniete pārcēlās uz vienu no mūsu drošā patvēruma vietām. Es zināju, ka gada tumšie mēneši būs smagi, bet nevarēju iedomāties, ka šogad būs tik smagi. Ļoti daudz jaunieši lūdz palīdzību. Bail pat domāt par to, kā būs svētku laikā. Milzīgs paldies visiem tiem, kuri ir ar mums! 💪🏼✌🏼

Flow won the Best Animated Film award at the New York Film Critics Circle Awards!!! Very, very huge news!

Footage emerged how Russian bombs struck a hospital in Idlib today.

More videos of clashes in Seoul near the parliament building.

Ak dies, beidzot. Piemēram tāds it kā sīkums, kā ekspertu CV, kas jāpievieno iepirkuma dokumentācijai. Katram valsts / pašvaldības kantorītim ir SAVA, īpašā, unikālā CV forma (nedod dies, ja iedosi citu). Izdoma ir apbrīnojama. Katrā nākamajā iepirkumā CV ir jāpārstrādā.

This is Ukrainian soldier from frontline. Russian soldier executed them instead of taking POW. Fuck Russia. This is why we never should stop talking about Ukraine, and never stop helping Ukraine. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 #standwithukraine

Labi salikts pa plauktiņiem. Diemžēl, bet EU naudu attīstībai mēs tērējam betona objektos. RB un tie nepabeigtie betona mauzoleji lidostā un Rīgas centrā ir tam krāšņš apliecinājums. Bet uz Varšavu ar ātrvilcienu gan būtu forši aizlaist! 🤓

Jūs pat nespējat iedomāties, cik daudz var ietaupīt ģimenes budžetā, ja prastu veikt remontdarbus. Lūk, patiesā rīcība, kas veicina ilgtspējīgu attīstību un cirkulāro ekonomiku. Atgrieziet skolās darba mācību, iemāciet bērniem, gan meitenēm, gan zēniem, izprast elektroniku un vismaz lodēt.

#breaking #Gruzija #Georgia #GeorgiaProtests

This is absolutely correct. It's important to see what the supposed massive advances really look like.