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A reminder for these times.

Trump on the social network Truth Social: 'Now Zelensky won’t have any other choice but to retreat and accept Trump’s conditions. You shouldn’t underestimate Donald Trump. In this chess game, he’s 10 moves ahead of everyone.'

Israel has chosen to mark the first days of Ramadan by blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza. Still, our government refuses to implement sanctions and defend international law. There is no other way of putting it: this is a resumption of genocide — and our government is complicit.

Jo, her er Pia. Pia er vred over at tre smågrise risikerer at dø af sult. Pia er til gengæld ligeglad med at 29.000 smågrise dør hver dag i de danske svinefarme. Pia er en klammert! #dkpol #dkmedier

israel vil stopped nødhjælp til Gaza. Nødhjælp er ikke et våben. Efter folkeretten, er det en besættelsesmagts ansvar, at den besatte civilbefolkning, har de nødvendige forsyninger til at overleve.

Selvfølgelig gør de det. Jeg kommer aldrig til at fatte at verden lader denne udrensning ske med åbne øjne.

Tænk at antallet af business class rejser nu er noget man måler personlig success på hos afdankede politikere.

Seems like a pretty important detail

One of Norway's largest fuel companies, Haltbakk Bunkers, has refused to refuel US Navy ships due to Trump's scandalous behavior at yesterday's meeting with Zelensky. "This is betrayal!" they declared. As a result, the Virginia submarine returned without fuel.

Shout out to work friends! 📣

Jeg spurgte om hvad hans analyse er lige nu, så jeg kan formidle det bedst muligt til vores yngre generationer. Det er værd at læse for alle #dkpol

This is Winston Churchill visiting the White House during World War II. Funny how he isn’t wearing a suit either. Almost like he was a wartime leader defending his country from being slaughtered and wiped out by an authoritarian aggressor.

Jeg er dansk Søn af danske forældre Men fordi jeg er født i Kenya og indrejst som 1 årig blir jeg ramt af #dkpol ‘s nye “arbejdspligt” For uden mig er lovgivningen nemlig diskriminerende. Jeg blir altså en brik i racistisk motiveret symbolpolitik! Dansk politik er blevet en skændsel! #dkmedier

Musk is the greatest corruption the US has ever seen. Congratulations, Trump! Your single great achievement!

“And I’ll have that done — I’ll have that done in 24 hours.” 30+ days in: - No deal signed - Ukrainians leaving White House in a rage - The Kremlin jerking off into the Gulf of America Excellent work Mr. President 🫡

Tak til for at dele artikel i om Danmarks våbenleveringer til Israel: #dkpol

There's so much focus on how LGBTQ rights are being taken away in the US. However, this is Europe. It's not even our backyard. It's inside the house, and it's despicable.

Hvis dog bare vi vidste hvem det var der sprøjtede gift direkte ned i vores drikkevand.

Russia violates: UN Charter Nuclear NPT Helsinki Accords Belovezha Accords Paris Charter Budapest Memo Black Sea Fleet Treaty 🇺🇦-🇷🇺 Friendship Treaty Treaty on Azov Sea & Kerch Strait  Karkiv pact Etc But Trump says "Putin would keep his word on a Ukraine peace deal".

Du sat sikkert og lurte på kva landegrense du må krysse for den ultimate endringa av tidssone? Det er mellom Kina og Afghanistan der det er 3,5 timars forskjell.

DOGE recommends cuts to the FAA. Hundreds of workers get fired, including those tasked with producing air traffic navigation maps. Now Starlink is reportedly in line to take over a $2 billion contract to upgrade the nation's air traffic control systems. See how this works?

Feb. 27, 1925: A cheese slicer that pares evenly using a blade inside a slot is patented by Norwegian inventor Thor Bjørklund. The ostehøvel (“cheese plane”) is inspired by Bjørklund’s profession as a carpenter and will be a mainstay of Scandinavian households.

The largest Danish retailer, Salling Group, will mark all products from Europe with a star, helping customers select European rather than American products. The continents are drifting apart at both the macro and micro level. Danish news story here:

Cartoon by Nick Anderson

Gratis baggrund til telefonen 🐋

Every news outlet reporting Elon Musk's comment about accidentally canceling Ebola prevention efforts and quickly restoring them should also say they haven't been restored, they're still canceled, the outbreak-fighting teams are dismantled, the money is gone

Jeg vil ikke ha kule politiker som svermer for likes. Jeg vil ha drit kjedelige politikere som gjør jobben.

Republicans are the party of family values and motherhood.

Ed Luce: “The first thing aspiring totalitarians do is conduct a purge of the military. Loyalists must be installed. Then they methodically do the same for the police, intelligence agencies and beyond " Now Trump is doing all this.”


– Da er vi direkte inne fra offentlig sektor...

Never forget this video of 5-year-old Ivan crossing the border alone in the first days of the Russian invasion.

"Trump is genuinely bored of the war. He doesn’t understand it. He doesn’t know why it started. He doesn’t know how to stop it. He wants to change the channel and watch something else"

The US voted *with* Russia against the UN resolution condemning the invasion of Ukraine and demanding a withdrawal. Utter betrayal of country, allies, and principles.

Aldrig igen!… igen! #dkpol #uspol

What a company US of A now are in... Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Burkina Faso, Mali... Even China, Cuba, Iran and the "-stan"-countries chose to abstain...

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution initiated by Ukraine and European countries. It designates Russia as an aggressor state and demands the withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine's internationally recognized borders. The United States and several other countries voted against it.

Years - 3 Victories - 0 Casualties - 850,000🌻 Coups -1 Ruble -💩 War crimes -♾ NATO -🇫🇮&🇸🇪 POTUS -1 Budeskanzler -0 Assad -Moscow Warship -Submarine Submarine -Sub marine Aircraft - 🚀💥 Refineries -🔥 Raccoons -1🦝 Donkeys - -36🐴 Red lines - ➡️ I remain a master strategist

"I dag er børns frie leg under voldsomt pres, ja nærmest ikkeeksisterende på grund af den kommercialiserede digitalisering", siger Trivselskommissionens formand i Politiken lørdag d. 22.02.25. Men legekrisen har en dybere årsag #trivselskommisionen

Tre år siden Ruslands invasion af Ukraine. Hvis nogen den dag havde fortalt mig, at USA tre år senere ville skyde al skyld på Ukraine og give Putin det geopolitiske svar på en reach-around, ville jeg have grint. Det var jo utænkeligt! Men her står vi og må erkende, at Europa kun har sig selv.

Det er mandag. Woke mandag. Hell yeah.

Tre-årsdagen for Putins Rusland angreb på Ukraine. Støt Den Danske Ukraine-komités indsamling Mobilpay 924084

Hegseth says firing of top military lawyers was about making sure "they don't exist to be roadblocks to anything that happens."