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Commentator for @PWAwrestlingca and @LoveWrestlingCa/@ClandestineSOC. Host of Saturday Night Love. Trying my best. Book me today!
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‼️TONIGHT‼️ SNL goes back to 2019 as we watch the first episode on AEW Dynamite! Join us live at 10 PM MST/Midnight Eastern!

‼️TONIGHT‼️ We check out some 1997 ECW TV on Saturday Night Love! Join us live at 10 PM MST/Midnight Eastern! ▶️

This week on SNL we will take a trip down memory lane and watch an episode of ECW TV from 1997! Join us at 10 PM MST! ▶️ Twitch LoveWrestlingCA

The International Championship Series begins tonight on #AEWDynamite! Join tonight on YouTube for the Dynamite Watchalong!

The AEW Trios Tag Titles are on the line! Death Riders or Cole, O'Reilly, & Strong - who ya got?! Join tonight for the #AEWDynamite Watchalong! #wrestlesky 🤼

SNL will be on the air early this week as we do an AEW Grand Slam Watchalong! When? Whenever the NBA is done basketballing…..

TONIGHT! Let put you and his guests TO THE TEST with Sporkle Trivia Night! Live tonight at Midnight EST on Twitch! TWITCH ▶️ LoveWrestlingCA

‼️TONIGHT‼️ We present a special Saturday Night Love, a Royal Rumble Watchalong! Watch the Rumble with me and explain who all these people are! Note the start time, 4 PM MST/6 PM EST. ▶️

Saturday Night Love starts early tonight! Turn your #RoyalRumble experience into a watch party with! The fun starts tonight at 6PM EST! Twitch ▶️ LoveWrestlingCA

Coming up on Sports 1440,, Thaddeus Archer The Third and LPW Grand Champion Marz The Specialist are talking LPW x Edmonton Oil Kings: Oil Rumble, taking place tonight at Rogers Place! #Wrestlesky 🤼

Tomorrow night SNL returns with Botchamania Roulette! (Plus any dirt I can dig up on tonight’s Oil Rumble 2!) Join us live at 10 PM MST! ▶️

It has occurred to me that I maybe post about wrestling a little too much over here, so there is a new account you need to follow: SATPOD has a long history, and a re-birth had been a year in the works - IYKYK - interrupted by a move two provinces over, but it's time...

SNL returns on 01/25! We will play Botchamania Roulette!! We will load all 500+ episodes on the wheel, give it a spin and watch the ones that come up! Join us, 10 PM MST/ Midnight Eastern. ▶️

Do tell….

Thank you Mr. Daniels. 📖

TONIGHT! Catch #AEWMaximumCarnage in good company! Watch Dynamite with tonight! 8PM EST ▶️ YouTube

Love Wrestling This Week! • The LPW Show returns with guest Judge Ben Oomen • Big Ben Ortmanns on Between Two Beards • A special Love Wrestling Interview with Charli Evans! PATREON • YOUTUBE • TWITCH • LoveWrestlingCA

Alrighty it's finally here! The debut episode of BBB's Cribs featuring BBBoris World HQ! I hope to do more of these (looking at you @pluggo, @_Ophelia_Payne, @GrainmakerPod and more...) Enjoy! ▶️

2 guests for the price of 1 as @TheSheikAkbar will also join SNL tomorrow night to watch Clandestine Society Act 1! 10 PM MST! ▶️

This Saturday Night we are going to watch the first ever Clandestine Wrestling event, and will be joined by Colton Kelly, who took part in the death match main event! 10 PM MST! ▶️

This week on Saturday Night Love we will watch the first ever @ClandestineSOC event! Invite only at the time, this show had a bit of everything! We will re-live it Saturday night at 10 PM MST! ▶️

BBB’s Notebook : ROH Final Battle 2024.

‼️TONIGHT‼️ Saturday Night Love will be a Wrestle Dynasty watch-along! Let’s watch the show together. Note the start time, 9 PM MST/11 PM EST. ▶️

This Saturday on SNL we are going to do a Wrestle Dynasty Watch-Along! Join me for the show and hopefully a special guest or two... Note the start time, 9 PM MST/11 PM EST! ▶️

Moving into 2025… 📕

I’ve never seen someone who’s wanged me to retire faster… make sure to check out our chaotic favorite shows we’ve attended this year!

‼️TONIGHT‼️ Saturday Night Love return with guest @AndyAndersonGOT! We will watch our match from 2018 and more, tune in live! 10 PM MST/Midnight Eastern. ▶️

Tomorrow night SNL returns featuring @AndyAndersonGOT! Tune in live at 10 PM MST, midnight Eastern! ▶️

Yo! After one of my favorite SNL episodes so far last night, I’m gonna Brunch it up in a few hours. Tune in at 11 AM MST!

American Nightmare vs God's Gift To Wrestling! revisits the epic PWA rivalry between Cody Rhodes and on Saturday Night Love - and best of all, God's Gift To Wrestling MRB himself will be on stream! Late Tonight on Twitch ➡️ LoveWrestlingCA!

‼️TONIGHT‼️ @GodsGiftMRB joins SNL to chat and watch a classic match! Plus all the usual fun, join us live tonight at 10 PM MST/Midnight Eastern! ▶️

Tomorrow night @GodsGiftMRB joins SNL to watch a classic match vs @CodyRhodes! 10 PM MST/Midnight Eastern, don’t be late! ▶️

Spend AEW #WinterIsComing with! It's your #AEWDynamite Watchalong tonight on Love Wrestling!

As it came up during Saturday Night Love with last night, here's the opening scene of Santa's Slay starring Bill Goldberg. I assume 90% of the casting budget was spent on the first 3 minutes. CW for violence, duh.

I hate you.

Not too late for a starter pack, are we? Meet your team at Love Wrestling! #wrestlesky

This morning at 11 AM MST, myself and @CartierNDG bring you the Brunch Gimmick featuring @GodsGiftMRB vs. @TheThickness7 as well I believe Laurence is playing Show and Tell! Tune in live!

‼️TONIGHT‼️ SNL welcomes @OrinVeidt! First Match Club induction and more! Don’t miss it live. 10 PM MST/Midnight EST. ▶️

This week on SNL I am guestless so I'm going to just play music! Some old and some new... Move the coffee table and get ready to dance the night away.... 10 PM MST/Midnight EST. ▶️

Kushida is wrestling in a ring right now. That is just so fucking cool.

‼️TONIGHT‼️ SNL returns as @SpennyLove and I recap the year that was in LPW! Join us live at 10 PM MST, midnight eastern! ▶️

Saturday night on SNL, and I will recap the year that was in LPW! 10 PM MST, midnight eastern. ▶️

‼️TONIGHT‼️ Join me for AEW Dynamite LIVE and we will watch together! Like friends or whatever! ▶️…

Breaking! So not only will we feature @Thaddeusarcher3 and his backyard exploits, but we will have a fun game AND the premiere of CM Pride vs. TY Hardy from LPWxCWS 19 from last Thursday!! 10 MST/Midnight EST. ▶️

Huge thanks to @SpennyLove for hanging out during the Dynamite watch along. You missed out on some great stuff if you missed it!