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🤖 #webdev, #designer & #librarian. Doing #frontend, #UI, and #graphics stuff for local Danish TV station TV MIDTVEST. 🛠️ #vuejs #nuxt #tailwind #html #css #javascript […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
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L'homme de Moscou, Le Point N° 2744, 27 fÊvrier 2025.

Every time Trump says, "I want the killing to stop", what he is really saying is, "I have promised Putin to get him a pause, so he can rearm. The friend of our enemy is not our friend.

IndlÌg i dagens Politiken. Jeg kan Ìrlig talt godt frygte at Bluesky vil vise sig at blive et problematisk socialt netvÌrk. Det eneste sikre at Mastodon. Det kan ingen købe sig til. #dkpol #teknologiforstüelse

In London Metro

I’ve been trying really hard to phrase this in a snappy, sarcastic way but it turns out to be real simple: As of this moment I am fully boycotting the united states of america. Netflix: cancelled. HBO: cancelled. Disney+: cancelled. High fructose corn syrup: cancelled. Fuck Y’all! #uspol

Denmark's largest retailer Salling Group introduces new shopping signs that will help consumers identify and boycott US products. Source (in Danish):

Ukrainians are dying every day, and this shit show is what The White House has to offer the world. What an absolute disgrace. The world must realize Washington has fallen to the Russians. The sooner we do, the sooner we can defeat Putin.

IDDQD Det stod der på nummerpladen på den bil, jeg passerede her til morgen. Hvorfor er det cool? Fordi det er den snydekode, der aktiverede God Mode i Doom, det klassiske skydespil fra 1993. Der er én, der kan sin retro-gaming 🤘

"Ny teknologi spås at revolutionere verden" skriver TV2 - det er så "spatial computing". Altså det samme som kaldes Augmented reality, eller VR eller måske 3d gennem smarte briller, det beskrives lidt forskelligt i artiklen. Altså… hvor mange gange skal vi køres gennem den mølle, hvad end det […]

Have yet to find something my fellow danes *can't* make a party out of it. This week it's leaving Meta...

I mit projekt til at finde en ny mailadresse er jeg brændt varm på Den opfylder alle mine krav, jeg har specielt brug for at kunne bruge IMAP så kontoen kan kobles op til Thunderbird og Apple Mail, og tilmed er det billigt: 1€ pr. måned for billigste konto. Mit alternativ var […]

'And maybe, once in a while, European governments should have the guts to actually attempt to buy something else. Innovation doesn’t just happen without the promise of revenues. Spending just a few percent on alternatives would mean billions of euros." That’s a very small price to pay for a […]

"Psykolog har i ti år talt med forældre om børns digitale adfærd: Èn ting overrasker ham gang på gang" Klikmadding i overskriften. Men værd at læse efter: "- Det, der overrasker mig gang på gang, er, at uanset hvor jeg er i landet, så forstår forældrene ikke, at det her ikke er sociale medier […]

Tonight, on John Oliver's Last Week Tonight, #Mastodon and #PixelFed got a call out for not falling in line with Trump and as an alternative to Meta products. #USPol

This is the fight Trump wants: 🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦 VS 🇨🇳🇷🇺🇺🇸 I don't believe for a second, the American people wants to be on that team. And Trump's popularity will be tanking because of this.

I torsdags skulle jeg lige pille lidt ved mit netværk... hvilket gjorde at alting gik ned... Så meget for "torsdags trivsel"... Nu har jeg så brugt weekenden på at få det hele sat korrekt op! Jeg kører alting i docker og har nu fået sat netværk op mellem de enkelte containers med et DMZ […]

Har I prøvet at skifte gmail ud med noget andet? Jeg synes det er temmelig uoverskueligt, kontoen bliver brugt som login på ca 1000 andre services. Jeg har oprettet en ny mailkonto på tutanota, der følger 1Gb plads med i gratisløsningen, og for 3€ om måneden kan man opgradere til 20Gb plads og […]

When Art Meets Activism: 7 Powerful Street Art Pieces Fighting for the Planet:

Her til morgen spurgte Information om jeg er interesseret i at skrive en kronik om fødiverset. Det er jeg ikke. Jeg har ikke helbred eller fokus til at seriøst blande mig i den offentlige debat. Men hvis der er nogen andre, der ser et smuthul her, hedder journalisten Karla Rosalina Kampmann […]

For at fejre stiftelsen af #TORSK vil jeg lige anbefale en nem lille #torskage man kan smide sammen i en snæver vending, hvis man er sådan en der laver marmelade og tit har det på lager. Først laver du en mørdej - der er mange opskrifter, men jeg bruger noget med […] [Original post on]

A list of digital service providers outside the jurisdiction of the United States of America. 😉 My list was getting bigger than a Fedi post could hold, so it is now hosted on Codeberg, an alternative to GitHub or GitLab, but based […]

These weeks I have a gut feeling that the fediverse might just win eventually and become the metaphor for all kinds of communities and collaborations AFK too

Trump calls Zelensky a 'dictator'. And there is that urge to bitch slap Donald Trump, again. Someone should do that - Bitch slap the President, Donald Trump, on live TV. #Trump #DonaldTrump #Ukraine #Zelensky

There is an "uncoordinated divorce" taking place in relations between the US and Europe, former EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Jungle Josep Borrell said. The Spanish radio network Cadena SER asked him to explain why Donald Trump […] [Original post on]

Only a Rapist would think not inviting Ukraine to the 'peace talks' was the right thing to do. 'Consent' is a dirty word in America now, they just grab the pussy... #USPOL #Ukraine #Trump

#OMFG. #PutinsPuppet today BLAMED #Ukraine for the war, saying: "You never should have started it in the first place!" (For the record, #Russia invaded Ukraine in an UNPROVOKED attack. This is what happens when #DonnieDumbass only talks to #Putin.)

You know why we Germans are so pedantic about data protection? Someone around 90 years ago went through all records available, selected people with certain criteria, with the help of IBM, and then killed them all. We don't want to be on any list. And now the US Gov and Musk is trying to get […]

The new Trump administration have begun their book banning, and Julianne Moore's children's book "Freckleface Strawberry" has been banned, because it teaches children not to be sad that they are different, because everyone is different in some way — and that […] [Original post on]

In ad after ad, Apple has tried to convince consumers, that they were all about diversity. But as soon as Trump is in office and Elon goes full Nazi, Apple CEO Tim Cook decides it is time to return to X to advertise and support the fascist takeover. Next […] [Original post on]

Meep meep. #muppets #beaker #winter #fog #nebel

$400 million 😎 - Street Protest (24 photos):

SchrĂśdinger's #caturday

this nearly 15-year-old macbook air is still a perfectly good computer but apple forbids upgrades. a colossal waste of electronics, at scale. #debian installed like a champ. #gnome is delightful. #flatpak is easy and keeps apps up-to-date. everything works perfectly. i’m just… so grateful. 🙏❤️

Now that I had the opportunity to sleep on it, and judging from the online reception of JD Vance’s, Pete Hegseth’s and Trump’s speeches on ”european security”, I’m glad they happened There is no longer any question about their agenda: It is to continue advancing their political agenda abroad […]

Trump's plan for peace negotiations by @anderspuck 12:40 Why #trump has little understanding of the war and why his peace plan is bound to fail. The really interesting question will therefore be not what trump says now, but what he will do when the plan doesn't work […] Thank you for reposting 🙏🏻 I wonder if even accounts with 1000's of followers realize they are neutered by reliance on the "algorithm" (which can suddenly be changed)? The culture of Bluesky fosters passivity. The contrast with Mastodon's […]

Let's play a game. Don't say PowerPoint presentation, say slidedeck Don't say Word, say text document Don't say Photoshop, say image editing Don't say Excel, say spreadsheet Don't say... Language is important. When corporate companies own the names of the tasks or the digital items you create […]

Do a bad job for the Fascists.

I am reminded of the old debate on how to pronounce “gif” (everyone knows it’s the same as “gift” without the “t”), but not enough people talk about how “png” is pronounced “Pyongyang” and I think that is unfortunate

They had one job 🤣

Argh, har lige igen prøvet Kagi søgemaskinen. Den er sublim. Jeg ville ønske jeg kunne lægge de 1500kr/år det koster for hele familien. Desværre er livremmen spændt helt ind og jeg må nøjes med de “gratis” alternativer. Findes der andre, billigere og ok ikke-kompromiterede søgemaskiner med […]

Yep, try that!