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Newbie Gay Author - Not seeing myself on TV, movies, or in books when I grew up, I wanted to create characters I could relate to. I want someone growing up and questioning everything about themselves to see someone like them in my stories.
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Motivational Monday- Trying to get my feed back to gay authors and HEA romance … the good ole days! Damn, that one cute kitty meme “like”! 😜

#TheSchneiderTwins #ScifiThriller #scifiadventure #Militaryscifi #scifibookseries #gayscifi #lgbtqiascifi #familysecrets #gaycomingofage #GeneticEngineering

Three-fer Thursday- Why not make it a 3 way! 😜 I have 3 books for sale, what were you thinking?

Motivational Monday- I let fear and worry about ‘what other people might think’ stop me from doing so many things in life. What does that get you? A life of regrets - while those ‘others’ go about their business as if u don’t exist anyway! Live your life and enjoy! 😜

Searching Saturday- Always looking for the calm in the storm… For me, reading does that 😜

Time’s Up Thursday - Excited to be getting closer to book launch on Monday 😜

Spectacular Sunday- Resetting my headspace and focusing on making inroads on promoting me and my books. 😜

Fabulous Friday - All the files uploaded for my next book - BARISTA BREWED LOVE a coffee shop collection of warm mm romance stories

Wonderful Wednesday- Last short story is ready … here comes the book! More details coming soon - sneak peak on my website: Https:// 😜

Tuesday Teaser - Getting ready for my warm mm romance book of 8 interconnected short stories to give live!! ☕️📚☕️ The hint is in the emojis Details coming soon on my website Https://

Selfish Saturday- Today is all about me. I need some ‘me’ time to unplug and rejuvenate. Anyone else feel they need days like this to reset? 😜

Two-ful Thursday- That feeling when you finish book 1 in a series and are relieved to know book 2 is already out!! 😜

Wellness Wednesday- It’s getting noisy and I am afraid it is just going to get noisier. If you’re like me, it gets overwhelming fast. I feel like there was no recovery time from the last time. Try to self soothe however you can. For me, sometimes I just need to unplug. Stay well all!

Soulful Sunday- Escape the craziness by reading a book (or two) I’ve got recommendations! 😜

Selective Saturday- A great morning - both a Saturday and the first day of a new month - to pick up a new cozy mmromance series to read - Why not choose mine! 😜

Feels Good Friday - That’s it, that’s the post 😜

Welcoming Wednesday- Welcoming all the new energy and renewal of the lunar new year! Bring on the prosperity and growth of the new year! 😜

Time to focus Tuesday- Anyone else get stressed out by death scrolls of doom and gloom? Sometimes I just need to survive by shutting off.

Scrumptious Sunday - A great cup of coffee, a sweet treat, a comfy chair and a good book Happy Sunday all! 😜

Sell-a-bration Saturday - When “customers who bought your book also purchased …” And it’s your other book!!!!! Little milestones make me smile … 😜 Happy Saturday all!!

Fabulous Friday - Pick up a new cozy mmromance series for the weekend. Need a recommendation? Why not read mine - 😜

Time to focus Thursday - Lots of diversions, noise, and dark, dark energy out there - Hunker down and drown it out if you can - Read, cook, roller skate, watch some old VHS tapes 😜

Weird-Ass Wednesday - Those mornings you open up social media - and then immediately close it 😜

Tell yourself it’s gonna be ok Tuesday - Hunker down with a good book or two! I have a few for you 😜

Motivational Monday- If you need something to look forward to today - Guess what - Book 2 in my series is live today!

Suspenseful Sunday - Book 2 in my series goes live tomorrow (Jan 20)!! So excited to continue the story of my boy’s discovery! Happ Sunday all!!!

Storytelling Saturday - There once was a guy who had a story stuck in his head - about growing up with positive gay people and role models - something he didn’t have. But he was afraid to write it for fear of other people not liking his story. Finally said, “f-it!”

Fantastic Friday - Just because 😜 Happy Day All!!

Thought-provoking Thursday - What more can I do on a very limited budget to get the word out about book 2 in my series coming out in a few day?

Wide-Eyed Wednesday- Putting book 2 up for presale and making sure everything is ready for release day! 😜 Happy Wednesday all!

Timid Tuesdays - That anticipation, dread, hope, positivity, and trauma that goes into clicking the VIEW button on your royalty report! 😜 Happy Tuesday all!

Moody Monday feels - Grateful for your job/paycheck Resentful because your books (and what you’d rather be doing full time) don’t pay the bills 😜 Balancing the two in your head while appearing happy and present on a video call! Happy Monday all!

Sentimental Sunday - I’m a ‘just gettin started’ author getting ready to put book 2 in my series on Amazon and I must say … Getting a note of encouragement on social media as I try try try to grow organically is really touching! Thank you for those kind words anonymous prince! 😜

Snuggly Saturday - It’s snowing outside-find comfy chair-grab beverage of choice And read book one in my series before book two comes out on Jan 20, 2025 😜

Friday Facts - being a new author trying to make a dent is hard - getting any traction on IG is nearly impossible for a “non influencer” - although changing a bit, bluesky is still much less toxic - buying my books makes all of the above less daunting 😜 Book 2 coming very soon!

Happy Thinking About It Thursday- Book 2 Release coming up quickly … Https:// 😜

My ‘will it/won’t it’ Wednesday - Can ANYTHING I do on IG actually get any traction!? 😜 The hate/hate relationship continues…