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Girl with too many hobbies to keep track of. Planes, photography and technology. Sometimes seen on YouTube and Twitch. Trans-fem, she/her, Iceland. 🇮🇸🏳️‍⚧️
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Gosh, why am I staying up all night thinking about getting another vocational degree. My other 3 haven't done anything major to my career, besides making me tired. I'm not sure having a 4th one would add anything different. Having way too many hobbies is a pain in the ****.

I even got a referral link if anyone wants to come hang out:

Is anyone else going to #TwitchCon Europe this summer?

This evening, a Learjet 55 (XA-UCI) crashed shortly after takeoff from Northeast Philadelphia Airport. The flight departed at 23:06 UTC, reaching a maximum altitude of 1,650 ft at 23:06:54 before descending steeply.

Shocking report from Iceland's Safety Investigation Authority. Near miss between a C172 and a DA20 in the pattern at Reykjavik airport because the ATC tower was too busy watching a football game! (Report in Icelandic)

I've been spending too much time looking for a better apartment, but all I can find is a headache

Everyone should DIY their own custom gender. Stock genders are boring.

Avoided the news today. I guess that was a good thing.

Fékk mat af veitingahúsi í dag. Pantaði án grænmetis. Fékk sveppi og rauðlauk. Frekar pirrandi.

Who said it's a good time for loud neighbors, construction nearby, and a rainstorm at the same time? Answers wanted on a postcard. #hypersensitivity

Forgot to post on my socials, but I've been building the Lego Concorde live on my youtube channel recently. Here's how it went down:

Who decided that 2024 was only like 6 months long, and how do I get my money back?

TFW you doomscroll the book of faces all night, so now your feed is full of random sh*t

Now that the Christmas stress is over for me, it's time to stress about everything else again

Normal people: preparing for the holidays Me: spends the day replacing a wheel bearing... outside on a driveway... in the snow

Since I know some eurovision fans follow me, ticket registration is now open ahead of them going on sale on January 29th.

People with energy scare me

Ég skil alveg FOMO föstudaga, en ég var ekki að búast við FOMO miðvikudegi

Inside the cargo bay of a C-160 Transall at a Museum in Graz, Austria, back in 2016

Já, ég er búin að kjósa. En þú? #kosningar24

Pabbi er að framkalla gamlar filmur þessi misserin. Dagsettum eina mynd í dag sem var tekin 27 nóvember 1988. Filman var framkölluð í fyrradag, 27 nóvember 2024. Fundum atvikið á myndinni í blaði frá 29 nóvember sama ár. Í dag er líka 29 nóvember.

Skemmtilegt að stórt fyrirtæki á Íslandi sem ég er í viðskiptum við og er með allar upplýsingar réttar sem ég sé, hringi og noti nafn sem hefur ekki verið skráð í þjóðskrá síðan 2018!

Alltaf gaman að fá boðun í leghálsskoðun. Virkilega mikilvægt og ég myndi hiklaust fara strax.... ef ég ætti einn

Today has been mostly a failure for me. Things could be worse, though.

Stress of the day: Will my car pass the annual MOT inspection?

Fun fact, I'm not a big fan of cold weather

I can't wait til I can afford to see a dentist again. If they don't run away screaming, that is. My teeth sure need some work.

As usual, I get the urge to get productive late at night when I'm way too tired to do anything and should be sleeping.

Saturday afternoon nap, don't mind if I do

It's 5 am, and I can't sleep. So why not watch the Supercars race.

Random acronym my brain created at 4 am: SMEE Social Media Energy & Effort

I'm trying to avoid being thirsty on main, but I guess Friday night needs are a thing now

Looks like Icelandair is planning to fly KEF-IST 4x weekly in winter 25/26 with a Max 8. And planning a code share agreement with Turkish Airlines. #avgeek #paxex

Random #avgeek photo on a friday night

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