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Commenting on anything, used to be biased towards my broadcast technology career. Nowadays, retired, so likely to be local things like wild flowers and countryside walking. All images, unless otherwise credited: Bev MARKS©2025
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Feb-28 Last day of my month's daily postings of flower pictures.... Waking up to frost but clear blue sky. Pictured: Salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius) from a small colony of plants at an urban roadside location.

Feb-27 Common Twayblade (Neottia ovata) - growing in a local cemetary, together with other Orchidaceae specimens of interest...

Feb-26 Moving towards the end of my challenge, but still have some exceptional images: highly saturated petal colours of Northern Marsh Orchid [?] (Dactylorhiza). Found at a fenced-off, no public access, location near Cardross Golf Club!

Feb-25 Are these are "wild daffodils" (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) in woodland about 500m from a long since demolished manor house? id thinking: heads pointing downwards, rather thin leaves and thin light coloured petals.... Might just be naturalised garden escapees!

Feb-24 For the start of my last week should I post'exotic', 'rare' or just 'favourites'? Pokeweed (Phytolacca), which grows widely beside the Dordogne River in SW France. I have even found an example growing wild in East Sussex, presumably spread from bird seed?

I remember GWR Railcars, as shown, running on the Newbury-Lambourne line. Now long since demolished.

Feb-23 Winter's cold breeze clings on, but down at pond/grass level yet anothet exotic flower can be seen: Butterbur (Petasites hybridus). This is probably a male flower being more chunky than the taller female flower spike!

Feb-22 Today at 09:00 fog clearing, so flower pic needs to be bright! What about: Yellow Iris (Iris pseudocorus) - grows in a year round wet pond at the bottom of a classic High Weald valley with steep sided fields on either side.

Feb-21 About a week ago the Alexanders (Smyrnium olusatrum) leaves and flower buds, locally, were well developed and so they will be showing flower now or quite soon.

Feb-20 I have to guess - leaf shape helps - this is a lovely compact group of Dandelion (Teraxacum spp.) growing on the shingle at Rye Harbour.

Feb-19 has been considerably warmer than the last week or more, so my thoughts turned to an August find 9 years ago - a familiar name: Marsh Mallow (Althaea officinalis), but quite a rare find.

Feb-18 bright sunny day for these flowers: Ramsons (Allium ursinium) that will probably flower in late March, around here in East Sussex. They are quite invasive - but happily, being a pretty sight - on some damp banks in this area and adjacent to Ghylls...

Feb-15 Travelling away for the weekend, so away from the pictures archive, but now two days late here is Greater Stitchwort (Stellaria holostea). Maybe the green image hue was due to being very shaded, but at least the petal veins are just visible.

Feb-17 One of the woodland flowers that never fails early in the season is the Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) which will soon be visible, here in southern England - if not already?

Yesterday (Feb-16) I was away from my flower pictures archive, so belatedly here is an offering: even trees come up with some fantastic flowers - in this case the Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum).

Down the ‘far side’ of the Power Station at Dungeness is The Cross or The Kiss It was part of a set of navigational markers installed a long time ago The top of The Kiss has corroded and fallen off in recent years - so not quite a proper kiss Happy Valentines Day #ValentinesDay

Feb-14 Valentines Day - what should be an appropriate flower? I decided too many red roses about... what about a wonder of the countryside to delight soon: Cuckooflower (Cardamine pratensis)?

In comparatively isolated locations around our local countryside Butchers Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) can be seen in flower at this time of year (Feb-13) - this picture of its very small flower and developing berries was taken on 2023-01-15.

Today (Feb-12) mist over the valley persits, so what about a real showy flower... Cyclamen or 'Sowbread' (Cyclamen hederifolium) now growing wild just outside a churchyard.

For Feb-11 (late) I picked this doubled-up Lesser Celandine (I think) from my pictures library - seems to have a couple more petals than most floras suggest; perhaps the two on the right?

The Ramblers to take company to the High Court to protect public’s right to access local paths....

Today (Feb-10) has been another cold, damp and (later) wet day. I thought this, to me, uplifting picture of cultivated poppies on the shore of Lac Leman, Montreux, CH would lift my spirit and hopefully yours, too.

Now I have lost count of my posts, only just a week or so into the month; here is one for Sunday evening (Feb-09), which might be a bonus... Gorse: it flowers every month of the year in southern England.

Nearly forgot to post a pic today... So something a bit "exotic" to make up for it: Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), just about 30m from my house, young tree planted about 35 years ago. Has flowered for the last few years in July.

It is that time of year when Primroses come into flower, but a few have been observed since before the New Year in my region of Southeast England.

Strangely named plant: "Fox-and-Cubs" (Pilosella aurantiaca) and to add to that Stace comments that it is a neophyte-natd.

We're hiring! Could you help create a resilient future for the Botanical Society, working across our teams to support staff and volunteers? Apply to become our first ever Administration Officer: Not applying yourself? Then please help us spread the word! Deadline: 2nd March

Meanwhile were there not several unused MoD sites capable of the proposed use with reasonable security and more remote from urban housing? The MP at the time opposed this use!

At this time of year mainly in southern England, the roadside verges are covered in Winter Heliotrope in flower, but its leaves are a big problem since they cover ground almost year round where other plants might be growing.

Giant Hogweed is among the largest flowering plants in the UK, with maybe the largest inflorescence...

Not only is it invasive, rather like Winter Heliotrope its green growth smothers the cliff so effectively that nothing else can get a chance... See my Bexhill-on-Sea picture on Christmas day... just a few flowers hanging on, too.

It seems almost everyone is posting Snowdrops images on social media at the moment...

Flowering this time last year, but not this... still tightly in bud.

Tonight (2025-02-01) at 17:40 - very clear sky...

Orchid id suggestions welcome!

A busy day (2025-Jan-28) at West St Leonards carriage sidings...

Heavy sea (probably Force 6/7 from SSW) at Bulverhythe, 2025-Jan-28 about an hour after High Tide time.

On this day in 1983-Jan-17: BBC tv 'Breakfast Time', UK's first national breakfast tv prog, was launched from the BBC's Lime Grove studios. Unusually for a Radio self-op News & Current Affairs studio, I was on duty, in case interviewees for tv couldn't also make it to Broadcasting House!

Good intervention; perhaps #BBCNews will take note and cover much more French and all other European news, rather than too much boring USA news, as at present! (Even if the Greenland story is quite amusing.)

We were walking here today... sign posted in Bexhill-on-Sea, from roadside footway onto a beachside promenade.

Just a few flowers on the "carpets" of Hottentot-fig (Carpobrotus edulis) on the promenade banks West Parade, Bexhill-on-Sea, on Christmas day 2024.

Christmas rose in our garden, today - we only know the variety as "Alice's rose" - christened by my mother many years ago having taken a cutting from the aforesaid's garden!

Whose calandar are they using?