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In 2021 the #US National Intelligence Council published a report [National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)] requested by the US President, assessing risks caused by #ClimateChange to US #NationalSecurity interests. This not classified document can be found here:

If you want to know where a product is from you can look at the barcode. The first 3 digits say in which country the code was registered. For the #USA are reserved 100 – 139. 000 – 019 and 060 – 099 are used as well for US as Canada so you can’t see from which of the two

#Goodnews: Looks like JD #Vance just spared the US taxpayer a lot of money Since his maiden speech at the Munich Security Conference today made it clear that there will be no need to invite him for such events in the future. #MSC2025 #MunichSecurity

It was #SelfPortraitSunday Theme is #UnseenStories Women, when they reach a certain age are often unseen. I can remember the first time I felt invisible. It's unsettling. I even wrote a song about it, but that's a whole other #unheardstory #photography #multilens #women #age #EastCoastKin

Balcony (1930) by M.C. Escher

Elon Musk, the world's richest man, is securing real beneifits as he helps Trump disrupt the federal government. Just how? The NYT takes a deep look today at these benefits: federal investigations targeting Musk companies that have been disrupted or now may die.

Last week negotiations began on the first-ever UN tax treaty. My piece on what happened & why this is an historic opportunity for human rights

Thanks and hi to anyone that’s found my new page here! New painting in my studio in Kennington in London. Lightning ********* Acrylic and gold paste on 61cm x 46cm canvas. 2024

#Musk #doge #US #corruption

Ranking Member Maxine Waters' statement following reports that Elon Musk has taken over the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and is rapidly advancing plans to eliminate the agency. |

🌊🧊📉 Global Sea Ice Area and Extent have reached an all-time daily low

Die aktuelle Erwärmung der Arktis ist extrem. Eisausdehnung auf Rekordminimum und unglaublich hohe Temperaturen. Rund 20 Grad wärmer als normal! Über der gesamten Fläche nördlich von 80 Grad. 😳 Quelle: DMI

#Palestine: Our latest report, “Inflicting harm and denying care”, contains testimony from medical personnel in the #WestBank who have been tied up, shot at, and harassed by Israeli forces while trying to perform their lifesaving duties.

Georgia O’Keeffe American (1912-1914) Untitled (West Lawn - University of Virginia), Watercolor on paper,22.86 x 30.16 cm

Friedrich Merz fällt auf den Psychotrick der AfD herein Kolumne von Christian Stöcker Das Narrativ vom »gefährlichen Ausländer« gehört zum Markenkern der AfD. Sie hat es mit langem Atem strategisch in den Mainstream eingeschleust

Das sollte nicht untergehen: Volker Wissing hat gegen den Antrag der Union gestimmt. Niemand aus der FDP hat das getan.

Antje Tillmann ist die einzige Unionsabgeordnete, die heute mit Nein gestimmt hat. Sie hat vor zehn Jahren die Vormundschaft für einen syrischen 15-Jährigen übernommen, der gerade seine Meisterausbildung zum Industriemechaniker beginnt, wie sie hier schreibt:

Here a link to a GoogleTranslate of statement by Angela #Merkel to the vote on 29 Jan in the German Parliament and the initiative by #Merz and the #CDU fraction. German version with added markings below

Kleiner großer Reminder⬇️

Unfassbar! CDU-Kanzlerkandidat Friedrich Merz setzt im Bundestag seine Abschottungspolitik durch - mit den Stimmen der AfD. Wir brauchen einen Aufstand der Anständigen! Am Sonntag, 2. Februar, 15:30 Uhr auf der Reichstagswiese. Bring Freund*innen & Kolleg*innen mit. Die Brandmauer steht!