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#BicyclesRecycle - helping make the world a happier, healthier place to live. With bicycles. And cycling. Some things in life deserve a second chance.
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“In 1895, Ann Strong declared, in the Minneapolis Tribune, that bicycles were 'just as good company as most husbands' and that when a #bicycle gets shabby or old a woman could 'dispose of it and get a new one without shocking the entire community.'” ― said Frances E. Willard: #cyclist, #1 suffragist

In 1913, Raleigh was the largest bicycle manufacturing company in the world. From 1921 to 1935, #Raleigh also produced motorcycles and three-wheel cars, leading to the formation of Reliant Motors. Raleigh #bicycle is now a division of the Dutch corporation Accell. #BicycleHistory #BicyclesRecycle

The brothers three can now ride free A very happy clan ride they now can as though they were one out having some fun In America, the Pursuit of #Happiness is a guaranteed right, and not just for those who can afford it. We rebuild pre-owned #bicycles and give them a second chance. #BicyclesRecycle

If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. We are prone to judge success by the size of our automobiles.” ― Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., riding a bicycle.

“A bicycle, for me, was the only way to get around the city. If I wanted to meet some of my friends, travel across the city, go to school, play basketball - anything - the bicycle was the way I got around.” — LeBron James: athlete and significant contributor of African Americans to the greater good.

So true in any language: I love #cycling Me encanta el ciclismo Jag älskar att cykla Miluji cyklistiku J'aime faire du vélo Adoro andare in bicicletta Jeg elsker å sykle Bisiklet sürmeyi seviyorum Kocham jazdę na rowerze Eu amo ciclismo Is breá liom rothaíocht Ég elska að hjóla ฉันรักการขี่จักรยาน

"No hay. No oats. No need." ― by Cristo "Tens of thousands who could never afford to own, feed and stable a horse, had by this bright invention [a #bicycle] enjoyed the swiftness of motion which is perhaps the most fascinating feature of material life." ― Frances Willard: author, cyclist, suffragist

Bike Lab Artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics will likely take over as many as 800 million jobs by 2030. For the kids of today who will be the adults of tomorrow this is a dismal prospect. One way for these youngsters to secure a needed place in society is to know how to fix stuff.

Pedal Pushers 1942 : Casablanca, the movie starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. Henry Ford patents a plastic automobile, which is 30% lighter than a regular car. The first Music recording sales gold record is given to Glenn Miller for "Chattanooga Choo Choo". WWII rages on. #BicyclesRecycle

1896 poster advertisement for Overman Wheel Company's Victor #bicycles, showing a woman watching another woman riding a #bicycle. Will Bradley was the artist. This was the same year the Tootsie Roll is invented, Becquerel discovers radioactivity, and Ford completes his Quadricycle. #BicyclesRecycle

Some salient cycling tips from yesteryear (1936) from a lady cyclist. Though this is a perspective from the Brit side of the pond, hence making certain advice road use specific, here is still a delightful take on the fine art of biking. The bicycle is truly an amazing machine - wherever it's ridden.

She's not flapping lips about climate change, exhaling excess C02. She's not standing around, holding a sign. She is change itself, riding her bicycle to school, to the library, to visit her friends. Her home doesn't have, can't afford a car. She's saving the world, but no reporters are covering it.

Necessarily Breton, the Armor brand was born in Brest in 1901 on the initiative of Joseph Le Guellec. In the 1906 Tour de France, Armor registered 11 riders, and was rewarded with a Eugène Christophe win. Not long after, Armor went bankrupt, from market over-supply and its lack of competitiveness.

Cycling makes you happy Велоспорт делает вас счастливым サイクリングはあなたを幸せにします Il ciclismo ti rende felice Radfahren macht glücklich Sykling gjør deg lykkelig Faire du vélo vous rend heureux El ciclismo te hace feliz Cykling gör dig lycklig So true #cristo : a happy cycling watercolour #BicyclesRecycle

Jack Ryan, 6-year-old newsie, who lived at 126 1/2 W. Reno St. Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 1917 Lewis Wickes Hine, photographer It is truly remarkable how youngsters earned money delivering papers on trusty bicycles. Imagine how hard life was: a kindergarten-age kid running a little business.

Leonardo da Vinci conceptualized flying machines, a type of armoured fighting vehicle, an adding machine, the double hull, even concentrated solar power. But, it took 300 years more before German Baron, Karl Drais, debuted his own stroke of genius. Transformational transportation Leo would've loved.

They say people live to be happy. I have no driver's license, so I ride a bicycle beside the Han River. That's what I really love because no one gives a damn about me for that moment. I feel so free. I go to somewhere I haven't been and just watch people and colors. — RM (Rap Monster - Kim Nam-Joon)

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. We are prone to judge success by the size of our automobiles.” ― Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. #BicyclesRecycle

Cycling regularly in older age can prevent the immune system from declining and protect people against infections, scientists say. Researchers followed a number of cyclists, some in their 80s and found they had the immune systems of 20-year-olds. Great news! Riding for good health. #BicyclesRecycle

Jules Chéret certainly struck a patriotic spirit with his poster of a young woman wearing a tricolor dress, sporting a cockade on her bodice, brandishing the French flag, and riding a #bicycle of the brand L'Etendard Français, emphasizing buying French was synonymous with elegance. #BicyclesRecycle

Do girls like bikes? Yes, indeed. Should kids of color have #bicycles and know how to fix them. Yes, indeed. A nine-year old asked if colored Grrls (her term) could fix #bikes, too. She was told that they could, maybe even better than boys. An answer she really liked to hear. Werd. #BicyclesRecycle

French artist Emile Clouet's masterpiece is a vibrant tribute to an era brimming with spirit and possibility. Behold the striking image of a woman, riding the cutting-edge "Le Globe" #bicycle, she's embraced by a golden globe, symbolizing this bicycle's revolutionary global impact. #BicyclesRecycle

Jean-Michel Basquiat - born December 22, 1960 in Brooklyn, New York; died August 12, 1988 in Manhattan, N.Y. Top left: The Bicycle Man, 1984 Bottom left: Bicycle Rider R: Jean-Michel #Basquiat and a #bicycle, "his main method of transportation since he had trouble catching a cab." #BicyclesRecycle

Beatles on bicycles. “The #bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man. Other forms of transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle remains pure in heart.” — Iris Murdoch, Irish novelist and philosopher, author of "The Sea, the Sea" (Booker Prize winner, 1978). #BicyclesRecycle

Wheels spinning beneath a glorious sky, Pedals turn, as away worries fly. Up little hills, down flowered lanes, Cycling frees souls from burdensome chains. Wind in hair, the world feels right, A wonderful joy, a pure delight. Through the city, through the wood, Bicycling is freedom, one understood.

Alfons Maria Mucha (Czech: [ˈalfons ˈmuxa]; July 24th, 1860 – July 14, 1939), known internationally as Alphonse #Mucha, was a Czech painter, illustrator and graphic #artist. Mucha produced illustrations, advertisements, decorative panels, and designs during the Art Nouveau period. #BicyclesRecycle

A Zombie Hunter MTB. One way to transform a junked #bicycle. Real alchemy. Turning lead into gold. Proven to be such an incredibly popular paint job, every one done has been stolen by lowlife scumbags. Thieves have gone to great lengths to do so. At least, there are memories left. #BicyclesRecycle

Here's a radical concept: keeping #teens occupied, out of trouble, and feeling a sense of worth and accomplishment - provide them with some #bicycles ("pre-owned") that need some love, insights on how to fix them up (if wanted) and tools (if needed). Bingo! This really works, too. #BicyclesRecycle

A typical group of Postal Messengers in Norfolk, Va. Smallest on left end, Wilmore Johnson, been there one year. Works days only. The Postal boys are not nearly so young, in Norfolk and also in other Virginia cities, as are the Western Union boys. Norfolk, Virginia: June, 1911 ―LWH #BicyclesRecycle

In 1949, #Schwinn introduced the Black Phantom. With a hefty price tag of $89+, kids who weren’t lucky enough to have generous parents often resorted to delivering newspapers to save enough to buy one of these #bicycle beauties with their own money. It is one of the coolest ever. #BicyclesRecycle

The bicycle, always a faithful friend, Carries one where earth and sky blend, As landscape changes, mile by mile, With every turn, another smile, At pedals' push, grand vistas unfold, Paths or roads, some new, some old. For in the #cycle of each day, A #bicycle chases worries away. #BicyclesRecycle

Some things in life deserve a second chance. A beat-up #bicycle that'd been cast away, a couple of colors of cheap spray paint, and a bit of magic happens. A kind of Alchemy. Turning lead into gold. What do the kids think? It's better than 2 new bikes. The Art of Bike. How we roll. #BicyclesRecycle

"To men, the bicycle in the beginning was merely a new toy, another machine added to the long list of devices they knew in their work and play. To women, it was a steed upon which they rode into a new world," regaled Munsey’s Magazine in 1896. Even today, the #bicycle is #freedom. #BicyclesRecycle

“I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle; I want to ride my bicycle; I want to ride my #bike; I want to ride my bicycle; I want to ride it where I like... I don’t believe in Peter Pan, Frankenstein or Superman; All I wanna do is bicycle, #bicycle…” — Freddie Mercury : Queen, 1978 #BicyclesRecycle

Though these once giants of retail are pretty much gone, the really cool bikes they sold still live on. (And some, if in great shape, are worth small fortunes!) Over half a century hence #bicycles are still some of the best gifts ever - still as exciting next Christmas as this one. #BicyclesRecycle

The night before Christmas and all through the place each kid tucked in bed with a smile on their face in hopes that good ol' Santa would bring what they'd like that being their wish of a brand new bike A bicycle is a gift to make anyone happy from little kids to mammy and pappy #BicyclesRecycle

We've been told that Santa has gone green again. The reasons are ones that concern many kids: climate change, and the fact that #cycling is so good for overall health in that it controls weight, lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes and improves mental health. Happy Holidays! #BicyclesRecycle

A holiday gift that keeps on giving and is never re-gifted. Regular cycling can significantly improve your mood and overall mental well-being. The physical exertion involved in cycling triggers the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and promotes feelings of happiness.

Overman Wheel Company was located in Chicopee Falls, Mass., from 1882 to 1900 and was the first American manufacturers of the safety #bicycle. It was known for bicycles of higher quality and lower weight than other #bicycles of its time. Victor was the flagship bicycle of Overman. #BicyclesRecycle

The gift of a bicycle is a gift of promise, of happiness, of health and wellness, of friendship. It is a time-honored treasure as special to children today as it was for kids who now are great-grandparents. Think. Aren't memories of a #bicycle some of the best in your entire life? #BicyclesRecycle

Hijacking the slogan from a bicycle company advert from decades prior: A Very Murray Christmas is a 2015 American Christmas musical comedy film directed by Sofia Coppola and co-written by Bill Murray, Mitch Glazer, and Coppola. Perhaps Mr. Bill had a Murray #bicycle as a child. #BicyclesRecycle

There's No Place Like Home - On The Range: "I always felt a strong attraction toward the #bicycle, because it is the vehicle of so much harmless pleasure, and because the skill required in handling it obliges those who mount to keep clear heads and steady hands." — Francis Elizabeth Willard, cyclist

Artist, Jean-Michel Basquiat - born December 22, 1960 in Brooklyn, New York; died August 12, 1988 in Manhattan, New York Top left: The Bicycle Man, 1984 Bottom left: Bicycle Rider 2nd: Jean-Michel Basquiat and his #bicycle, "his main method of transportation since he had trouble catching a cab."

For well over 100 years, bicycles have been the best of Christmas gifts. That still applies today. All kids love bicycles. Most adults do to. Even ithough they are too large for a box or stocking, a bow on the handlebars will suffice. (Vintage Indian Bicycle advert.) #BicyclesRecycle

The brothers three can now ride free A very happy clan ride they now can as though they were one out having some fun In America, the Pursuit of #Happiness is a guaranteed right, and not just for those who can afford it. We rebuild pre-owned #bicycles and give them a second chance. #BicyclesRecycle

"The Pushbike Song" is a song originally recorded by Australian band The Mixtures and released in 1970. The single was a chart success, reaching numbers one and two in the Australian and UK charts respectively. It has subsequently been covered by various artists. #Bicycle #Bicycles #BicyclesRecycle

Researcher, Wouter van der Veen says he has uncovered the precise location where Vincent van Gogh painted “Tree Roots,” (thought to be the last painting he worked on the day he shot himself) from a faded postcard featuring a man standing next to a #bike in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. #BicyclesRecycle

The world's full of care-little, do-nothings whose greatest abilities consist of complaining and criticizing, whining and wailing. Sadly, the world's also replete with youngsters who deserve more happiness than circumstances have allotted them. We help, with free #bikes for #kids. #BicyclesRecycle