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🏰 Historical tales, linguistic trails 🇬🇧🇫🇷 Historische Romane für Sprachbegeisterte 📚 Mittelalter und Sprachen / Medieval times and languages 🔏2024: Marie ist mein Name / Warrior of two Kings Impressum und Website:
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What Medieval Kingdoms Really Called Themselves #Medieval

😱 Scientists recorded brain activity during death, showing gamma waves linked to memory recall—suggesting a neurological basis for “life flashing before your eyes.” A glimpse into the mind’s final moments. 🧠✨ #Neuroscience #BrainActivity #LifeReview #Science

Wow! Pompeii is really blowing up in the media these days... again! 🌋 Archaeologists in Pompeii have uncovered nearly life-size frescoes depicting secret Dionysian cult rituals. #Archaeology #Pompeii #Dionysus #AncientArt

Archaeologists discovered that Vesuvius’s heat was so intense it turned a victim’s brain into glass. Talk about a mind-blowing discovery! 🧠💥 #Archaeology #Pompeii #MountVesuvius #History

Am 22. und 23. März bin ich ßbrigens an Stand 55 mit wahrscheinlich drei Geheimprojekten, die ich dort enthßlle. Wer geht noch auf die Rosenheimer Buchmesse? Mehr Infos zur Messe und zu den Ausstellern auf #GermanBookSky #BookSky #Buchmesse

I love that book, not only because the little monks are so cute. Medieval wisdom still holds true today in so many respects.

Inside Medieval Homes: Discovering the Secrets Through Manuscript Art #MiddleAges

Pennannular brooch of Pictish design from the latter part of the 8th century. The style was influential in Norway as well, objects from both the Celtic and Germanic worlds sharing the motif of confronted beasts. #art #vikingage #medievalsky #vikingart

Discover the origins of the Tudor dynasty, from Owen Tudor’s first meeting with widowed Queen Catherine of Valois to Henry Tudor becoming King of England. 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 #Tudors #HistoricalFiction #KindleUnlimited #audiobooks

At some point, plot just isn’t enough. The events need meaning.

Someone made a Lego model of the famous medieval “egg horse” and lol this is the best type of reception (L'estoire de Merlin, France ca. 1316, Add. 10292, fol. 213r) 🥚 🐴 #equova

im deadly serious here this is a 14th century illustration of a horse dying and going to hell

#Vikings on TV tend to have a dark wild-looking aesthetic but finds from 10th century #Sweden suggest male interests in colourful fashions, silk, shiny buttons, & fancy hats - all to show status, something also backed up in textual accounts #medievalsky #britishmuseum

Here's an interesting website about ancient & medieval architecture I'm currently looking at, there's so much to see, I thought some of you might want to check it out as well:

A #Pictish glass gaming piece of c. AD 700-900, probably for a 'tafl' board game, found in the hillfort at Dundurn. The only other example of this type from Britain was discovered at Lindisfarne. My image, Perth Museum. References: Mark Hall et al. in ScARF and DigVentures; HES Canmore.

#medievalsky #medievalwarfare

🏺Making and firing your own replica Neolithic or Bronze Age pot. It's a project that most creatively inclined adults will enjoy but it's also one that you can do with the kids. In this first part I talk about mixing the clay forming and drying the pot.

How Rome Became Ruined in the Middle Ages #historysky #Rome #RomanEmpire #MiddleAges

UK authors, please respond. #BookSky

From Historia Magazine: The *real* Uhtred of Bebbanburg was murdered on the orders of King Cnut. Then Uhtred's grandson killed the killer. It was a feud that lasted for 5 generations. Annie Whitehead writes about Anglo-Saxon murder and law - read it at

What an inspiring interview with a great author of historical fiction. #BookSky #GermanBookSky

oooooOOOOOOoooo!!! (and we're not just saying that 👻) Refer a friend to, give them a discount - and when they check out, you get one too - 20. Percent. OFF! This is the moment your Wishlist was waiting for!

The very talented Sydney Padua made pictures based on the jobs Victorian woman had according to the 1881 census, reminding us they didn't all just stayed at home cooking and looking after the kids. This should be a book.

HĂśrt ihr gerne HĂśrbĂźcher? Welches sind eure liebsten Sprecher/Sprecherinnen? #GermanBookSky #BookSky #HĂśrbuch #HĂśrbĂźcher

Vikings and Cats #Cats #Vikings

It's publication day for my new book, and it's the anniversary of the death of a seventh-century king who has at least one charge of murder levelled at him. Blog post here about King Oswiu's shadier dealings:

Because some people are still confused by the idea that medieval people actually cared about hygiene and washed/bathed frequently, here a thread with some interesting reading material: I'm so modest, I start with my own article here;

Hey it’s me and ! #medievalsky

Actually, that last item on the agenda turns me off, but I might listen to this episode anyway. #BookSky #HistoricalFiction #MedievalSky

Die neuen Flyer sind da! Die Sisters through Time gibt es also jetzt auch kompakt auf Papier. #GermanBookSky

Monthly Tasks on Medieval Farms #MiddleAges

“I’ve loved every single instalment in this fantastic series... I feel like I’m meeting old friends every time I pick up one of the books.” Have you read THE MEONBRIDGE CHRONICLES? For a taster, why not join Team Meonbridge and receive two free novellas?

Evening from the UK. Here's tonight's question. When Blanche of Lancaster and John of Gaunt were living at the Savoy in London whom might they have seen in The Strand? Either an important person, or type of person/event? Thanks, as always! #medievalists #medievalsky #hisfic #historysky

Join me live this Thursday to talk about publishing industry trends. Always love doing this with the folks from 🤓

New Medieval Books: The Monastic World: A 1,200-Year History, by Andrew Jotischky published by #monasticism #books #newbooks #Christianity

What's up, #medievalsky ! Any OE or ME literature jobs out there? Jobs on the fringes of OE or ME lit? Jobs adjacent to OE or ME lit? Jobs? Job? Jo? J?

#tRump’s firing of the #NationalArchivist has huge and terrifying implications for the future of #America as a #democracy.

Historical Fiction reader here, where can I find fellow HF friends? #booksky #booktok #historicalfiction #bookrecommendation #authors

Falls jemand Pilze in seinen Fantasy-Erzählungen benennen muss, bietet dieser wunderbare Pilznamengenerator Inspirationen: #GermanBookSky #Pilze #Namensgenerator #Fantasy

Chocolate melts, flowers fade, but a great book? That’s eternal. This Valentine’s Day, give the gift of a book box packed with love, literature, and bookish magic. Just dm me with your budget/genre, and I'll do the rest. Believe me, it's what they want 💅 #ValentinesBookBoxes

Und jetzt ganz offiziell: Am Samstag, 8. Februar, von 10-18 Uhr ist die Liber Lestihr Buchmesse im Theater und Konzerthaus Solingen. 📚 Ich bin mit eigenem Stand vertreten und freue mich schon sehr. 🤗 Alle Infos unter #liberlestihr #buchmesse #GermanBookSky

Pour fêter notre arrivée sur Bluesky, nous vous invitons à la Cantine Pas Si Loin de Pantin le 12/02 à 19h30 à un apéro-débat avec Bruno Dumézil, historien du haut Moyen-Âge. Pour Canal historique, il reviendra sur l'idée des "invasions barbares" pour en analyser les ressorts. #TeamHG #Medievalsky

Attention #medievalsky! This spring, I'm organizing a speaker series on The Medieval World at ISU. We have 4 amazing speakers lined up whose work highlights global connections in the Middle Ages. All of the talks are available on Zoom for free, so please join in!

New Medieval Books: Beowulf and the North Before the Vikings #BookSky

Are you writing a book? Does it need maps? I mean...of course it does. But perhaps your editor has told you explicitly that *your* book needs maps, & you don't know where to go? I can help! I specialize in grayscale maps for books. Here's a partial list of books with Surprised Eel maps in them: