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Series D, Episode 08 - Games DAYNA: It's no joke Avon, thousands of people were killed. AVON: They would have died anyway, Agravo was a worked out planet. The Federation does not spend time and credits for nothing. It would have been uneconomic to transfer anyone but key personnel.

Series B, Episode 07 - Killer GAMBRILL: [Entering] I'm afraid we've got more trouble sir. BELLFRIAR: What is it? GAMBRILL: The two technicians who went in to rescue Wiler, they've been taken ill. BELLFRIAR: They have? What's the matter with them?

Series A, Episode 10 - Breakdown JENNA: Neither do you. We're committed. I intend to go on flying this ship even if all systems go into a flat spin. AVON: [Grabs her by both arms and pulls her around] But that's exactly what will happen!

Series B, Episode 03 - Weapon OFFICER: I was to report to the Supreme Commander, sir. CARNELL: Too late, I fear. She's already on her way. "To what?" do I hear you ask? OFFICER: No, sir.

#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 10 - Breakdown BLAKE: Reduce to standard by three, Jenna. JENNA: Standard by three. BLAKE: Can we squeeze any more range on the visuals? VILA: It's at the limit now. BLAKE: We may have to reverse thrust and run.

Series D, Episode 05 - Animals JUSTIN: In good time. Here, let me look at you. [Chuckles] My little pupil Dayna, lovelier than ever. Still playing with your guns, Dayna? DAYNA: They were never toys. Even less so, now.

Series B, Episode 13 - Star One AVON: Where's Blake? CALLY: Well I left him in here. What's that? AVON: We seem to have stumbled over an alien invasion. [to Lurena] Which of these control sections handles the defence zone?

Series C, Episode 06 - City at the Edge of the World BAYBAN: Take the rest of the men and search the whole city. I want him found, and I want him found now. SHERM: [To soldier] Go!

C12 - Death-Watch CALLY: So soon? VILA: [V.O., over comm] There's nothing here. Everyone's gone home. Everything's closed. CALLY: No joyous multitude? VILA: [V.O., over comm] No joyous anybody. I've seen more life in a prison blanket.

#Blakes7 D10 - Gold ORAC: The processed gold will have undergone a subneutronic overlap shift. If subjected to the teleport process as well, it will reduce to dust irrevocably. AVON: All right. We'll just have to use Keiller's plan as it stands.

C04 - Dawn of the Gods DAYNA: What about telekinetic powers, the ability to exert a force at a distance? Maybe that's a secret you've kept. AVON: There seems little point in blaming the Aurons for our troubles when we are nowhere near Auron.

Series B, Episode 08 - Hostage JENNA: Have you checked your thermal suit? VILA: Er, yes. JENNA: Right then. Let's go. VILA: You know Zen said it was cold down there. Shouldn't I have some more clothes on? JENNA: No.

Series C, Episode 13 - Terminal VILA: You've got to hand it to Avon: he knows how to keep a secret. He probably won't even talk to himself. [Liberator approaches a region of space that contains a glowing red cloud-like substance.]

Series A, Episode 08 - Duel BLAKE: [To Sinofar] I need time enough to get my ship away and to recharge the energy banks. SINOFAR: They have been recharged. I will see that your ship gets away.

#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 12 - Warlord ZEEONA: My father required no intercession from me. Your own case was so strong that in the end he knew he couldn't afford not to respond. SOOLIN: Some response.

Series A, Episode 08 - Duel GIROC: I had no choice, you used my power against me. SINOFAR: It is not your power, Giroc. GIROC: I know, I know, it's the power of the race, but it's in me. I never wanted to be The Keeper, you know that Sinofar.

Series B, Episode 12 - The Keeper SERVALAN: The Liberator may pick you up. TRAVIS: It's a chance we'll have to take unless you're prepared to risk Blake getting to the secret before we do, well? SERVALAN: All right. How long? TRAVIS: Three hours.

Series B, Episode 06 - Trial PAR: I can't let you go, sir. TRAVIS: [Knocks Par out] Some of us weren't hypocrites, were we, Par? [Flight deck] BLAKE: Get us out of here, Jenna. Speed Standard by Twelve.

C13 - Terminal SERVALAN: I've assembled a team of scientists who are sure they can. In fact, they've staked their lives on it. And with a fleet like that, I can unite and rule as nobody has ever ruled before. AVON: What if the crew won't obey me?

#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 04 - Time Squad JENNA: Vila went down a little while ago. BLAKE: And? VILA: Thawing nicely. Couple of hours, we should be able to talk to them.

Series D, Episode 03 - Traitor TARRANT: We did. DAYNA: But she's not. TARRANT: She's very much alive. [Cut to Servalan and Forbus in the lab. She is between him and the bench.] SERVALAN: You tricked me, Forbus. FORBUS: No, Sleer, I assure you ...

Series C, Episode 11 - Moloch AVON: Being fairly inscrutable, I would say. - There's a pulse in his neck. DAYNA: [O.O.V.] He's alive? AVON: He's being kept alive. [Avon waves his hand in front of Astrid's face.] No reaction. He's completely cut off.

Series B, Episode 10 - Voice from the Past BLAKE: The surest way of protecting Orac from damage is to switch him off, is that correct, Avon? [Pulls Orac's key] CALLY: Leave us the key. BLAKE: Why? Orac's far too valuable for needless risk.

Series C, Episode 03 - Volcano AVON: Yes, he's very efficient., but then so is the whole ship. [Begins walk toward Zen.] The greatest single factor is our armament, together with our main computer, Zen, as targets bear, main blasters will fire. Nine zero, full thrust. ZEN: Confirmed.

#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 01 - Rescue VILA: Just goes to prove what I've always said. Stealing's quicker. TARRANT: [To Avon] I thought Liberator was the only ship with teleport.

Series B, Episode 03 - Weapon COSER: Fine for you, maybe. Probably not much worse than what you're used to. RASHEL: Please, rest. You're tired. I'll make us some food. You'll feel better then.

Series C, Episode 11 - Moloch GROSE: Oh, that. SERVALAN: So, where is my fleet? GROSE: Your fleet - ah, well, all that's left of your fleet - is one T-16 troop carrier, slightly soiled. Lector, when's it due in?

Series D, Episode 05 - Animals DAYNA: Because I'm somebody else. Not you. Not the one who gave him pain. Does that make sense? JUSTIN: Well, it's possible I suppose. DAYNA: Are you going to hurt him again?

Series B, Episode 08 - Hostage AVON: Travis hates you, and all of us. He wants to kill us. What can he possibly offer us? BLAKE: I don't know. AVON: You believe his story about our needing each other against the Federation? BLAKE: Nope.

#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 07 - Children of Auron VOICE: Negative trace. Non-bacterial, Non-viral. Must conclude disease pathogen of alien origins. C.A. ONE: Ah, yes. From their insane Intergalactic War. VOICE: What else?

Series D, Episode 11 - Orbit EGRORIAN: Satisfaction. Revenge. Do you imagine I wanted to spend the prime of my years in this grinding desolation? No, it was those jealous parvenus of the Science Board resentful of my success and my achievement who forced me to abscond. They voted... [1/3]

Series B, Episode 08 - Hostage USHTON: [Nods towards the crimo. Cut to dead crimo with his leg caught in a trap. O.S.] That's the last of them. BLAKE: Come on, let's go. INGA: [The tower.] Did you get them? BLAKE: We got them.

Series C, Episode 08 - Rumours of Death SULA: Perfectly. HOB: You see, I know which side I'm on. SULA: Meaning what, exactly?

Series A, Episode 03 - Cygnus Alpha VARGAS: A true bounty. Have they been touched by the death? KARA: The curse of Cygnus is upon them all. VARGAS: Then let them know his mercy. You will teach them the first law. Only from his hand comes life.

#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 12 - Death-Watch VINNI: We draw guns, Tarrant. Isn't that what you're best at? Only I'm better and I'm going to prove it. Holster your gun - I'll meet you out in the open, face to face. Fast man wins. What do you say? [Deeta walks up behind him,... [1/3]

B02 - Shadow JENNA: I think we've outstayed our welcome. BLAKE: [Into bracelet] All right, Cally. We're ready to come across. [Gan and Avon join them for teleportation. Avon still holds a gun on Bek and Hanna] BEK: We'll come with you.

Series A, Episode 13 - Orac AVON: [On communicator] How do you feel. VILA: You woke me up to ask me how I feel? AVON: [On communicator] Can you walk? VILA: Why should I want to?

Series C, Episode 09 - Sarcophagus CALLY: You didn't trust me. You thought I had some obscure reaction to something on that ship, didn't you? You and I teleported so that you could watch me and see what I'd do. You cut Tarrant out because he had the same idea, but he'd made no... [1/2]

Series A, Episode 07 - Mission To Destiny AVON: Yes. Mandrian came in, discovered whoever it was, and had to be silenced. The murderer then went out, taking the saw with him. Sonheim's story is true, he just happened to be the one to discover the body. SARA: Then who did kill Mandrian?

#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 01 - The Way Back DEV TARRANT: [In background] I had trouble getting out of the city, the route was crowded. For a while there I thought we'd been infiltrated. FOSTER: Dev Tarrant's here. Dev! You remember Roj Blake.

Series C, Episode 02 - Powerplay AVON: Let's get it over with. [shot] AVON: Tarrant! I've got them Tarrant! [Tarrant enters and is captured.] AVON: There are so few people you can trust these days. [Scene - the organ bank.]

Series C, Episode 09 - Sarcophagus AVON: That's why you've been shut in here for ten hours? Thinking about Auron and how you'll never see it again? CALLY: That's why.

Series D, Episode 03 - Traitor QUUTE: No, I don't think I do, sir. GENERAL: Fletch used gas, against the Wazis. Hmm. Complete massacre, bodies everywhere. Took dinner with his officers that night, suddenly the Wazis came over the wall, butchered the whole expedition. Seems the... [1/2]

Series D, Episode 05 - Animals DAYNA: A full company of troopers left over from the war. [Servalan presses the pain button, Dayna writhes.] SERVALAN: He's alone, isn't he? He has nobody, has he? Why do you lie for him? Why do you suffer pain for him? [Long pause] Do you love him?