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Invincible, inscrutable, easily irritated, often tired, single mum to 2 children. Blue eyed but not actually a butterfly.
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Why Mr Pringles would you market these mystery flavour Super Mario Pringles at children, But then make them way too spicy for children to enjoy?? They’ve got chilli powder, jalapeño powder, garlic powder listed in the ingredients. I had 2 very upset kids earlier. Not cool

The kids are exhausted. They’re waiting for their dad to collect them for the weekend. They’re driving to London this evening. I hope they can sleep on the way. It’s a long way to go just for one day. They will enjoy seeing their gramps but he forgets they need a break at the weekends.

I hate picking the kids up from Rainbows and Brownies in the dark. Theres just me and a group of really loud men in a very dark enclosed courtyard waiting for the kids. In theory they should all be ok cos they’re collecting their young daughters but the energy given off makes me uneasy.

I forgot there was a Tesla dealership in Bristol until I drove past it this morning. I was disappointed that no one had defaced the sign.

Just had a crodough. I liked it. 10/10. Would recommend. Tastes like a doughnut but not as heavy because of the laminated pastry. This week may have peaked too soon.

Just finished a night shift and what am I going to do before I go to bed? I’m going to try and build a bit more of a flat pack cabin bed for my youngest. Bad idea? Maybe I’m so tired that the Ikea instructions will actually make sense to me?

Trying to build flat pack furniture on my own. A lot of things that say they need 2 people to build, can be done with 1. Apparently a child’s cabin bed is near impossible with just 1.

Just had a delightful, if not eye opening hour of a bariatric fire evacuation training, including getting a 170kg dummy safely down several flights of stairs. That was a workout and a half! Hopefully I only ever have to do that in training and not real life.

I’m so touched out today. The kids are doing a lot of physical sensory seeking that involves jumping on me, bumping into me, pushing me, pressing into me and it’s all too much today. We’ve been to three different parks to get the feedback they’re craving and it’s still not enough.

Does anyone else’s family do what I call competitive grieving? My mum sends me pictures every time she goes to the cemetery. Todays it’s my grandad, who would’ve been 99 today. I mean when do they stop counting birthday years? He’s not 99 cos he died 14 years ago. I don’t get it.

Attempting to arrange a play date for my kids with their cousins. Easy eh? Not when your sister will only communicate with you via your mother, and I’m not willing to play silly games.

Realised last week that although I wear my contact lenses pretty much every day, I have no idea where my actual glasses are. They’ve vanished completely. So eye test done, new glasses ordered. Frustratingly long process this afternoon. Now a 2 week wait cos my prescription is complex!Blind as a bat

Let’s play a game of how long will it take the garage to fit 2 new tyres. They’re not that busy. I booked an appointment slot online. So it’ll obviously take several hours. I hate garages.

It’s been a very long and emotional weekend, rounded off by a night shift. My body clock is all over the place at the moment. I feel like I just sleep, sort out the kids and work with not a lot in between.

This sign is so fucking dumb. Hedgehogs can't drive and, even if they could, they wouldn't drive fast.

I didn’t watch the orange one and his puppeteers yesterday. But a day into it and it’s way exceeded anything most of us could’ve predicted this early. If you can deny what your eyes have seen and offer alternative explanations then you are complicit in my opinion.

Thank you Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde.

The one nice thing about finishing a night shift is often the drive home seeing the sun rise and then climbing into bed as everyone else gets up to go to work.

Longest night shift ever. Time is dragging right now. And I’m wide awake I’m not even flagging yet which means I’m overthinking non work stuff I shouldn’t be

Cooking after a night shift is like yay burnt pizza, just what I wanted

Rare child free evening where I don’t have to work a night shift. Obviously I’m ill. So it’s a pizza and some cocktails in my PJs night for me.

Hmm not sure what Tik Tok is trying to say to me here…

I cannot wait for the kids to go back to school tomorrow. I’m exhausted. I’ve got the lurgy. The kids are now nocturnal. Bring on the rain soaked school drop offs and morning battles over socks that feel right.

We got a tiny bit of snow. 9 year old made a tiny snowman on the wheelie bin. Youngest has slept through it all and it’ll probably be gone in the morning. But we can say we had snow!

The sky is so clear tonight. The stars are looking so bright. And yes I saw Venus earlier by the crescent moon. Lucky to live in an area close to a river and green space therefore minimal light pollution.

Door angles, I may have posted this before but it's one of my favourite doorways. Yeah it really is like that. #Canturbury #AlphabetChallenge #WeekAforAngles 📷 #Bookshop

My 9 year old had her first sleepover last night at her best friends house. They stayed up until 3am. She’s been a massive sleep deprived grump all day and she’s flagging but is refusing to go to bed yet.

Snow is predicted for tomorrow. It’s very rare we get snow in Bristol and if we do it generally doesn’t last long. We have nowhere to be tomorrow, no work or school so I say bring it on. I like crunching in fresh snow.

At an inflatable park. We tried to come here on Xmas eve but the power went down. Today they seem to have lost half the seats in the cafe and there’s nowhere for parents to even sit. So much fun

It’s 1.30am and I’m trying to convince my 9 year old to go to bed! We’ve been dancing all evening with some very elaborate choreography too. I’m tired now.

Happy New Year!

Happy new year tiny people in my phone. May 2025 be everything you need it to be.

We have the tooth fairy coming tonight. She never gets a night off!

Word of the Day is one I keep posting at the end of the year, hoping its time will come. ‘Respair’, from the 16th century, is fresh hope, and a recovery from despair. Here’s to a few drops of respair in 2025.

Friendly reminder that recommended ages on toys for kids don’t matter as long as the kid is happy and safe. I bought my 9 year old a toy meant for a toddler. She plays with it every time she visits the toy shop. She secretly wanted one but would never use her pocket money to buy it. She was ecstatic

Last minute children’s gift idea: A spring onion and a boiler connector pipe make a great ‘healthy lightsaber’.

Second school play this week for 6 year old. I wasn’t going to go to this one but she insisted. Lucky that I did cos her dad turned up late and missed her part on stage completely. She was nearly in tears looking for him. I’m so cross

Dear weather gods, please can you stop making it rain at all school drop offs and pick ups and extra curricular clubs etc. it’s getting boring now.