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Father and Spouse. Middle-aged nerd (and getting older). I make art. I read books and love them Slightly lost, but trying to help others. Agender. 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
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The Lord-Veritant and his friendly Gryph-Crow pup. Nice and ominous, big "Blind Justice," vibes. #WarhammerCommunity #Nerdlings #PaintingWarhammer

First mini beyond the Combat Patrol is the Technoarchaeologist! Got the base colours down this afternoon. Thank you for looking! ☺️ #nerdlings #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #warhammer #paintingwarhammer

Here is my Finished Stormcast Knight Judicator with Gryph Hounds. Bird Doggies! The Judicator is named Gozen. #warhammer #ageofsigmar #nerdlings #paintingminiatures #miniatures #stormcast

A long time ago in a galaxy far away... Another old but good 😊 Galaxy mortarion primarch of the death guard legion. #paintingminis #miniatures #wargaming #demons #miniaturepainting #nurgle

Retouching this today, let's see where my ceiling is. #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #goldendemon

Finished up my Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer. #wepaintminis #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity #hobby

Just wrapped up my Vespid kill team, got a real buzz out of this one! Pretty happy with how they turned out. #40k #killteam #minipainting #t'au #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity

last one for the mo. I somehow had an extra Ironkin head? So the sniper got it, just to I could do another bit of teal headgear (all the models in this team have something teal on their head you see) #killteam #wh40k #miniaturepainting

The #reclusians for my #warhammer #ageofsigmar #stormcasteternals army as promised. Now i just need to find the pic with them and their #memorium. #miniaturepainting #warhammerpainting #minipainting #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer

Progress being made on the Wolf and Cub Dwarfalorian statuette for #adepticon to be on display at the Wyrm Forge/Smokey Raven booth. #miniatures #miniaturepainting #art #starwars

Every time I buy a new set of miniatures 😂. #Warhammer #Nerdlings

My Hexmark Dia De Los Destroyers #warhammer #necrons #nerdlings #40k #xenos #destroyers #diadelosmuertos #diademuertos #freehand #kitbashingwarhammer #kitbashing

I have finished my second Doomstalker. I noticed relatively few people do anything with interesting included terrain piece looking like a large vat. Not I. #necrons #warhammer #warhammer40k #minipainting #warhammercommunity #nerdlings

You can't get much sneakier than a raccoon rogue. #Nerdlings

Ok! Bunch of photos today! Firstly, an Ironkyn champion :3 #Nerdlings #WarhammerCommunity

My latest Necron Warriors added to my small Necron force. The terrain is my attempt to learn how to use sprue goo and silicone molds. #necrons #warhammer #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #nerdlings #40k

The Dialogus is done! Packed with as much religious preaching I was able to write in. Texts like ‘Papa John’s is Sin’ and ‘No ranch!’ Not the most thin text, but the holy war against the heretical pies must be waged. #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

My Troll Horde! Will add more photos, have so far painted around 2500 pts: Ogdruz Swampdigga Troll Hag x 2 15 River Trolls 9 Stone Trolls 2 Common Trolls Giant Bonegrinder Giant Looking forward to playing Warhammer TOW! #WarhammerCommunity #nerdlings #warmongers #paintingwarhammer #oldhammer

Drop something purple! #miniatures #nerdlings #warhammer

Has anyone else had all of their custom feeds unable to be accessed this morning?

I put the finishing touches on my Stormcast Prosecutors. #warhammer #nerdlings #warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #paintingminis

Completed the ArchMagos Prime kitbashed with a dominus/enginseer and put on a 50mm base to be used in my 40k army. All in service of the Omnissiah. #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #warhammer40k #nerdlings

Finally finished up my Kâhl! I had less time for hobbying lately, but hey, first mini of 2025 done. Happy how he turned out! Thanks to everyone who gave feedback on the early version of his OSL! #warhammer40000 #leaguesofvotann #nerdlings #paintingminiatures

Finished the Reclusians with their Memorians #nerdlings #warhammer #warhammercommunity #minipainting #miniatures

Spirit of Durthu from my Spearhead is done! Needs a varnish now... #warhammer #aos #ageofsigmar #nerdlings

Just finished my WraithLord mini! I haven’t gotten to getting my proper photography stuff yet to start taking good photos yet, but I was excited and wanted to share this mini. First time using UV resin as well. Tons of fun to paint this project. #aeldari #warhammer40k #minipainting

Finally completed the Tome Keepers kill team I was painting for my friend , days of fighting the Death Guard have left them battered and worn

Lord-Terminos WIP. Part of my Stonecast Eternals "Four Seasons" army. Just waiting for the base to set so i can glue him on and put on the finishing touches. .. #stormcasteternals #ageofsigmar #warhammer #miniaturepainting #aos #stonecasteternals #painting #minipainting #stormcast

Lord Veritant, Lord Terminos, Knight Questor, and Gryph Crow painted and based. Stormcast are coming together. #nerdlings #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #miniatures #warhammer #sigmar

Finished my prosecutors for my stormcast celestial warbringers #paintingwarhammer #nerdlings #warhammer