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electrochemical science, engineering, and technology research laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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Congratulations again to Kelsey Stoerzinger, collaborator and winner of The Marks-Ipatieff Award in Catalysis recognizing outstanding research by an early-career investigator in the field of catalysis.

Ipatieff Award session in honor of Kelsey Stoerzinger staring now in room 25A in ACS San Diego conference center! Tobin Marks kicking off.

Just finished productive couple days at ARPA-e summit with partners from NREL and e-Spin. Tremendous enthusiasm for our new venture led by Olivia Vulpine taking our advanced BPMs to market, a key to unlocking high current low capex next generation electrodialysis.

I am in DC next couple days for to showcase our advanced bipolar membrane technology coming to market soon.... looking forward to meeting up with fellow electrochemical technology innovators.

PhD Graduations are wonderful events. Aaron Kaufman's work was special blending the physics of selective contacts in semiconductors with photoelectrochemistry and and voltage sensing via ambient pressure XPS.

guidance for true greatness

If you are in Boston and want to learn about BPMs

Electrochemistry for process improvement, flexibility, cost-reduction through cheap electricity and dispatchable load... or for decarb? Let's do all of the above. (speaker invites going out soon, none have been sent yet!)

Nice discussion of electrolysis of water for hydrogen challenges + opportunities!

Summer Electrochemistry Academy (SEA) at UC Berkeley... three upper-division undergrad / grad courses in fundamentals, engineering, applied lab projects. *SEA is open to ALL interested and qualified.*

New findings from the OCE on the design of energy-efficient alkaline electrolysis cells led by Manasa Rajeev! Here, Manasa used methods pioneered by the to rigorously control dissolved iron in a zero-gap alkaline electrolysis cell.

Thanks for the opportunity to write this piece! There is tremendous opportunity to drop capital costs for H2 electrolysis; the work discussed here highlights one important approach. I am firm in my prediction that H2 production costs in the coming decade will be less on $/J basis than natural gas.

My incredible colleague and collaborator at Berkeley Lab, Ahmet Kuglosu, a foremost expert on structure and species transport in ionomer films and nanostructures, has received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers!

Latest from Comparing Advanced Bipolar Membranes for High-Current Electrodialysis and Membrane Electrolysis | ACS Energy Letters

My colleague Kwabena Bediako was awarded the Philomathia Prize here at UCB and gave a tremendous seminar on his work in 2D quantum materials and related interfacial electrochemical phenomena.

I recently gave an online seminar about much of our work on fundamentals and applications of water dissociation catalysis in bipolar membranes and technology.

Some useful texts I am working through... highly recommend all three for any academic scientist.

Adam Weber makes a great elf for the LBL Energy Conversion Group holiday party. Who knew electrochemical modelers were so much fun?

First lab holiday party in Berkeley with the annual white-elephant gift exchange... a tradition started by my first PhD students.

Nathan Stovall - a former Boettcher lab undergraduate now working at UCB on his PhD with Adam Weber on collaborative experimental BPM studies, passes his qualification exam on a beautiful fall afternoon.

No 🔋⚡ELECTROCHEMSKY⚡🔋 starter pack? That's fine, we'll make our own.

Here is a new starter pack to follow some electrochemists (More to come)

Gasoline consumption in China is decreasing, electrification of new vehicles >50% already. This dynamic is driving decreasing gasoline prices because of the global market for petroleum.