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Klemen Grošelj je the hero we didn't know we needed. Sploh ne vem, kaj trenutno počne, ampak če je Golob bister, ga bo uporabil. A ga lahko kdo spravi s temne strani internetov v tole modrino?

So true. 👌

LOL. This is a real post.

Zelensky meets the king tomorrow. Not in a week. Not in a month. Not on a planned visit. Impromptu. Casual. Now. If anything will hurt Trump it’s his bruised ego and my god Starmer and Charles know how to twist a knife. I haven’t seen this level of camp calculation from straight men before. Bravo.

As lots of people already noted. They are not here for improving efficiency. They are here to sabotage government agencies.

There has been a lot of chatter today about Zelenskyy's meeting with Trump, some regarding this moment when White House correspondent Brian Glenn asked if the Ukrainian president plans to wear a suit. I want to address idea in this thread. 🧵

Generations of American patriots, from our revolution onward, have fought for the principles Zelenskyy is risking his life to defend. But today, Donald Trump and JD Vance attacked Zelenskyy and pressured him to surrender the freedom of his people to the KGB war criminal who invaded Ukraine.

Za ponedeljek, 3.3. ob 20h prodam dve vstopnici za predstavo Pegule (Iztoka Mlakarja) v kulturnem domu Cerklje na Gorenjskem.

O pomembnih stvareh.

Andrew Tate being allowed to come to the U.S. and avoid facing trial for sex trafficking in Romania is beyond stomach-churning. This man is a HUGE influencer and uses his platform/following to further abuse women who have accused him. Now he won’t face justice, reaffirming his lies to his followers

In memoriam

Po simboličnih cenah prodamo rabljena, a lepo ohranjena fantovska oblačila velikosti 80, 86, 92 (za starost od cca. leta in pol do dveh let, odvisno od mulca 😅). Fotka je simbolična - robe je v resnici precej več. Če koga kaj zanima 👉 DM. Hvala za 🔃!

I hear the measles outbreak is getting worse. I hear the H5N1 crisis is getting worse. I hear the quad-demic is getting worse. I fear that this society is getting worse.

Že kakšno uro razmišljam, kako komentirati Bezosovo prostodušno samoprijavo zatiranja svobodne misli v imenu svobode. Ampak ne najdem besed. Hello darkness, my old friend


O, lej. Kje smo ze pri nas videli kazanje naprintanih zadevc? 🤔

Q: A young child just died of measles in Texas. Do you have a comment? RFK Jr.: It's not unusual. We have measles outbreaks all the time (This is the first Measles death in the US in 10 years)

So - I've actually led Ebola outbreak response at USAID. This is bunk from Elon. They have laid off most of the experts, they're bankrupting most of the partner orgs, have withdrawn from WHO, and muzzled CDC. What's left is a fig-leaf effort to cover their asses politically.

Head nonce fucked Stupid hat vacancy Apply within, boys

Nekateri slovenski konservativni "intelektualci" so res patetični s krmežljavim podpiranjem Trumpa. Če bodo stvari šle "south", bodo lahko prikladno rekli, da saj to ni bila res podpora. Če se bodo razvile tako, kot si predstavljajo, se bodo trkali po prsih. Vsaj stoj za svojimi prljavimi stališči.

this is the face of a man who is about to end the bird flu epidemic by eating every infected bird

Dobri ljudje modrega neba! Iscem priporocilo. Sorodnik mora na urolosko operacijo in isce, kam bi sel. UKC so mu odsvetovali (sicer ne vem, zakaj) in isce alternative. Anyone? Najlepsa hvala. ❤️ PS: hvala tudi za repost

Slam dunk.

A veste kaj smo? Malo smo modificirali spletno cvetličarno; zdaj je naročanje cvetja kamorkoli v Slovenijo še pikico lažje. 🥰 (če bo komu prišlo prav za prihajajoče praznike, rojstne dni ali da kar tako komu polepšaš dan 🌸)

#BlueskyResistance #Voices4Victory #ProudBlur Advertisement at a London bus stop. Ya gotta love the British…

V glavnem, very stable geniouses.

Dear Europe, Trump completely melts under pushback. So push back.

Ponovimo: Nacist Janša je dal intervju TV kanalu, ki ga zaradi pozivanja k vojnim zločinom nad Palestinci preganja izraelsko državno tožilstvo. Ja, izraelsko. Hitra smrt je premilostna, to čm rečt.

Germans have been subjected to covert Russian propaganda as well as overt American propaganda - jointly in support of the far-right

Najbolj agresiven rak - rak pankreasa oz. trebušne slinavke mRNA cepivo in nobenega relapsa zaenkrat po 3 letih Res gre za manjšo študijo , ampak očitno so na pravi poti. Kaj bi rekel antivakser s tem rakom? Bi odklonil? Podobno kot jehovci kri pri operacijah.