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Welcome to the art world of Bubblegum Arcade! Insert coins for fanart and original work from my comics!
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I've been working on so many panels for my comic it's starting to look like modern art.

I find that I have the most motivation to draw when I'm drawing something sexy. I don't think I would have ever learned anatomy or finished as much as I have if I drew normal looking people. Gotta do what you gotta do.

Finally got around to finishing this. It's probably the last fanart I do until I get some progress done on my webcomic. But here's Ryuko from Kill La Kill. Had the sketch sitting in my computer for months before I had the energy to finish it.

Wondering when all this work becomes money 🧐

I spent a lot of time in my references getting this one right. It was supposed to be a new character design for one of my comics, but ended up being a practice on posing and perspective. But it do be like that sometimes.

Another of my comic ideas is a street fighter style action series. I had a lot more trouble doing character designs with this one. Everyone went through drastic changes. Here are examples of a few versions of one of the characters, Jade.

I'm always experimenting with different styles for my characters. Can't leave any stone unturned. Sometimes, something nice comes out of it. It's also nice to draw without any expectation, so I'm not crippled with indecision.

I always love minimalist design and try to go back to it every once in a while to see what comes out. Here's a cute little scene with all my characters enjoying a sunny day.

I would draw some more complex ideas for my older students. Even though they were in middle school, they already understood a lot.

I used to teach elementary students overseas, and I would fill the whiteboard with illustrations of our lessons. The kids loved it, and I ended up doing upgraded versions later on.

I spent an incredible amount of time on this series. I love old polygon graphics and always wanted to try to recreate the look. So here's my Fear Effect series. I even had to upgrade Hana's green dress to the 2nd game's model. The logo was also recreated by hand...I dont know what I was thinking.

Like everyone else, I grew up watching Dragonball Z. But not like everyone else, one of my favorite characters was Android 18. So, I knew I would eventually have to draw her. So here's my battle damaged version of Android 18 since I can't seem to help myself.

I was watching Reboot again recently and decided I would try drawing Dot for the first time. Another character that seems to have been forgotten by pop culture. She was always my favorite, so this is my way of adding some much needed love for the character back into the system.

I'm thinking one of the reasons my accounts never take off is I'm always drawing obscure characters nobody remembers. Anyways, here's an unrelated post of Katarina from Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat.

Naga became one of my favorite characters in anime for...reasons. I thought drawing her would be simple because of her outfit, but it ended up being more complicated than I thought. There's a lot more to her than you'd think.

Lina Inverse was probably my most drawn character as a teenager. I filled school notebooks with drawings of her. It was such a joy to go back to her after all these years.

With the new season of Squid Game coming out, I thought I'd share the drawings I did of my two favorite characters from the first. Ji Yeong and Sae-byeok. I knew I had to draw them after seeing episode 6...

For some reason, I became obsessed with drawing Shantae characters for months straight. These were the first drawings I put as much effort into the backgrounds as in the characters. Learned so much through the pain.

Part of my Spider-Man villains chibi series I did a while back. I planned to keep going with it but ended up getting tired and wanting to move on. It was fun while it lasted.

I was on a chibi inspired fix year ago. Here's a cute little Samus I did during that time. I thought that doing a simpler style would mean I could pump out more pieces quickly...I was wrong

Cannon Spike! Some fanart I did of Cammy from Street Fighter. I love looking back at old art I did because I can still remember the spots that gave me the most trouble and what I learned from fixing them...I learned a lot from this one.

Since I studied graphic design in college, I made some logo designs for my upcoming comic. I always have fun designing logos...never had much success doing it as a career...but here we are.

Death's design came pretty quick since it's just stylizing the classic look. I love putting supernatural characters in normal situations. It also allows me to do more surreal ideas.

The first concept drawing I did for Bubblegum Arcade with everyone together. Designs for a few characters have changed since then, but this was my first attempt at getting everyone together.

Two of my characters have asymmetrical hairstyles. So, of course, I had to draw it from every direction to keep myself from actually working on the comic itself.

Some of my favorite designs came from my character, Tiffany. Based on one of my best friends. One story involves her taking over for Death while it takes a break. It's a job she would definitely enjoy.

I spent so much time doing fashion tests for my characters over the years...not sure what I accomplished, but it was fun.

The other half of my characters from the comic I'm working on. It's mainly a slice of life, as seen through a spectrum of different personalities from nihilistic to psychotically optimistic. With a few supernatural characters to keep it interesting.

I thought my first few posts should be introducing characters from the comic I'm working on. I'll be posting a lot of progress along with some random fanart. I'll post a few more indepth character sheets as I get them put together ^.^