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What staying home and or playing purity politics got us

"Every business decision can reflect a commitment to serving others, whether it’s your customers, your community, or the planet. That’s the future I see: companies that are designed not just for profit but for an investment in a better shared future.” - Prince Harry at the Upfront Summit

In 2017 the media said racists who voted for the racist did so, bc of "economic anxiety" In 2025 they're calling racists, 'naive' HOW were they "fooled" by a pathological liar whose 'plans' changed every few hours? WHEN the other candidate was consistent abt plans to address their concerns

So AMERICA owes 'reparation' to white Europeans who stole the land of Black ppl IN AFRICA? BUT America doesn't owe reparation to Black ppl STOLEN FROM AFRICA and BROUGHT TO AMERICA? DO I have this rwhite?🤔

#HappyBlackHistoryMonth The attack on CRT, Wokeness & DEI is racists trying to erase Black history and roll back the progress we have EARNED If ppl of the mayonation persuasion really had a problem WITH 'unearned' privilege they WOULD be embracing DEI

How many deaths will his actions contribute to How many laws will he have to break Before mainstream media START treating the racist rapist convicted felon like the danger he is to America/Democracy? #RIP #AmericanAirlines passengers

the racist rapist convicted felon is not ending DEI, he's codifying racism

In 9 minutes it will be one week since the racist rapist convicted felon, media/tech-backed Mango Mussolini completed the coup he started on January 6 2021

this choice of photos by the Carter Center is shadier than a Georgia peach tree in summer

Seeing how our girl is now on IG, I will be using it a lot more to continue part of our cause. So please give me a follow. No pressure but yes pressure.

Remember this as you see the savage headlines about Princess Meghan and her new show, coming from the #ToxicBritishMedia, who know that the best way to hurt Prince Harry is to go after his beloved wife

#Context "anti-woke" is a synonym for "racist" "anti-woke is favored by racists who think only their rwhites matter #WordsMatter