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酒と釣りと唄と猫(ΦωΦ)  最近になってVTuberさんなるものにも惹かれはじめた模様。 ⇛最推しはあおぎり高校『我部りえる』さん 無言フォローさせて頂くことがありますが、ご容赦のほどお願いします。
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his time she'll sing '90th J-Pop and theme of Japanimations then guess you may know em havin' fun together :D 【歌枠 / 初見さん大歓迎】90年代 懐かしのJ-pop & アニソン 歌っていきます!!!!!!!!【#我部りえる/#あおぎり高校】 @YouTubeより

one of her goal in near future is having solo concert or kinda events by her own , so currently aiming to produce some of her original songs. when try hers, you'll have a crush on her. let's support her together :D #我部りえる #あおぎり高校

The 2nd Original Song of Gabu-Rieru is here her 1st challenge for RAP music in it. #下僕デスティニー #僕デス 【Orignal】我部りえる2nd オリジナル曲『下僕デスティニ-』 3Dライブ ver.【#我部りえる/#あおぎり高校】

+ + Finally today 20:00 JST first performance of the 2nd original song , as 3D live stage " Destiny " + + 【#我部りえるオリ曲初披露ライブ】𝟐𝒏𝒅 オリジナル曲お披露目 3D LIVE『 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 』 【#我部りえる/#あおぎり高校】

+ + first performance of the 2nd original song , as 3D live stage " Destiny " at 20:00 on Dec. 20th JST + + 【#我部りえるオリ曲初披露ライブ】𝟐𝒏𝒅 オリジナル曲お披露目 3D LIVE『 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 』 【#我部りえる/#あおぎり高校】 @YouTubeより

+ + first performance of the 2nd original song , as 3D live stage " Destiny " at 20:00 on Dec. 20th JST + + 【#我部りえるオリ曲初披露ライブ】𝟐𝒏𝒅 オリジナル曲お披露目 3D LIVE『 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 』 【#我部りえる/#あおぎり高校】 @YouTubeより

the anniversary streaming of 200K subscriber at 20:00 JST on 2024/11/28. she will sing songs - requested and in her memories during her activities. then, there will be an important announcement, she said have fun together :) #我部りえる/#あおぎり高校

Gabu-Rrieru will be back after vocal-cord surgery. The revival stream will be on 2024/10/06 20:00 JST, then the day is her birthday. Pls dont miss it ; ) 【ただいま】配信復帰祭!お誕生日なので一緒に過ごさせてね【#我部りえる/#あおぎり高校】

Gabu-Rrieru will be back after vocal-cord surgery. The revival stream will be on 2024/10/06 20:00 JST, then the day is her birthday. Pls dont miss it ; ) 【ただいま】配信復帰祭!お誕生日なので一緒に過ごさせてね【#我部りえる/#あおぎり高校】

Gabu-Rrieru will be back after vocal-cord surgery. The revival stream will be on 2024/10/06 20:00 JST, then the day is her birthday. Pls dont miss it ; ) 【ただいま】配信復帰祭!お誕生日なので一緒に過ごさせてね【#我部りえる/#あおぎり高校】

hola bros , you know her Gabu-Riel ? she's emotional heart-warming Japanese VTuber. She got 200k subscribers now, then you may know already. if you have time, have fun together ; ) #我部りえる #あおぎり高校

Japanese Vtuber Gabu-Rieru will hold a 3D live concert on August 30th at 20:00 (JST). This is the 5th anniversary of her acting career. If you have time, let's have fun together :D #我部りえる5周年記念ライブ #我部りえる #あおぎり高校 @YouTubeより

おひまな~ら~    きてよね~♪ 【#歌枠 /#karaoke 】新衣装歌枠✨低音女子が同接250を目指す歌枠🔥発表あり!【#メラメライブ #個人vtuber 】 @YouTubeより

あと 4 日 !!

2024/08/19 20:00~ ※めん限

お い で ま せ な ♪


hola ! you know her Gabu-Rieru ? entertaining ,emotional and heart warming VTuber. she belongs to Aogiri Vtuber High School then mainly streams singing, playing video games or speaking in a wide range of genres. having fun her streaming together :D #我部りえる #あおぎり高校

2024/07/27 21:00~

おひまな~ら~     きてよね~♪

hey bro. awesome sounds by Japanese Vtuber Gabu-Rieru, member of the Aogiri Vtuber High School. this time, she sings songs of 90's Japanimation, so think you've ever hear em then believe you'll have fun even if you cant figure out the lyrics. :D

hey bro. awesome sounds by Japanese Vtuber Gabu-Rieru, member of the Aogiri Vtuber High School. sings J-pops and Japanimation. u may not know J-Pops, believe you'd ever heard themes fo Japanimation. Better to try :D #我部りえる

hey bro. awesome sounds by Japanese Vtuber Gabu-Rieru, member of the Aogiri Vtuber High School. this time, she sings themes of Japanimation then believe you'll have fun even if you cant figure out the lyrics. :D #我部りえる

hola bro. awesome voice by Japanese Vtuber Gabu-Rieru, member of the Aogiri Vtuber High School. most of songs are J-Pop then u might not figure the lyric, but some are theme of Japanimation then believe you'll have fun :D #我部りえる #あおぎり高校

hey bro. awesome harmony by Japanese Vtubers "Akari and Rieru" who are members of the Aogiri Vtuber High School. believe you'll have precious healing time even if you cant figure the lyric better to try it :D #石狩あかり #我部りえる #あおぎり高校 #歌ってみた

【1stオリジナル曲 僕とあなたと】 フル→ ここまでこれたのはみんなのおかげ。一般人の芽良がここまで輝けているのは応援をくれるみんながいるからです。 じゃないと絶対、ここまで来れてないよ。 大きな感謝を込めて。 その気持ちを伝えたく制作しました。 みんなの応援はきっとその人にちゃんと届いてると思います。 たくさん聞いてね🔥 #歌い手さんMIX師さん動画師さん絵師さんPさん繋がりたい #拡散希望

hola ! you know her Gabu-Rieru ? entertaining ,emotional and heart warming VTuber. she belongs to Aogiri Vtuber High School then mainly streams singing, playing video games or speaking in a wide range of genres. let's hop in! having fun her streaming together :D #我部りえる

同時視聴はじまってます 〇同時視聴会場 〇歌唱王放送

2024/05/04 18:00~ #我部りえる #あおぎり高校 【#vtuber歌唱王 】同時視聴💘我部りえる応援上映会場はこちらです!!!!!!!!【我部りえる/あおぎり高校】 @YouTubeより

2024/05/04 (土) 18:00~ #我部りえる #あおぎり高校 第二回 #Vtuber歌唱王 【律可/星街すいせい/空澄セナ/我部りえる/鷹嶺ルイ/富士葵/松永依織/水無瀬/悠佑/緑仙】 @YouTubeより

うあん!😭 こちらはあまり見てなかったけど共有してくれてる人多くて感謝😭 ありがとうよ〜〜!!!!!!

hola ! you know her Gabu-Rieru ? entertaining ,emotional and heart warming VTuber. come on ! let's hop in! having fun her streaming together :D #我部りえる #あおぎり高校

チヨ…チヨチヨ…チヨ? チヨ…チョミスキ…

青空チョミスキばっかりだなw チョミスキ🦋💗

hola ! you know her Gabu-Rieru ? entertaining ,emotional and heart warming VTuber. she's now on try to 180K subscriber to her channel. come on ! let's hop in! having fun together :D 【#歌枠/#shorts】18万人耐久!!歌っていくぞぉおおおお!!!!!!#縦型配信 #我部りえる #あおぎり高校 #Vtuber #アニソン