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Prolific Poster Hi Lucita Linda ,It’s Mardi Gras in NOLA and I’m recovering. Speaker Johnson is a Gay Christofascist he has a Church in Bumfuck La. Where he launders cash. Fuck all of Louisiana except for New Orleans ; the city the rest of Louisiana loves to hate! Proud of that moniker! Amiga Mía, A Victory - at last! The Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision said Trump has to pay the USAID contractors- Some Justice at last Trump just had a mini castration- more to come hopefully! 😜 Amiga muy Querida, As American citizens we should demand that the Lunatic Kennedy be hauled before Congress and explain how Cod liver oil Can prevent measles. We’re a laughing stock; it would be funny if it wasn’t so dangerous! We can learn from the success of the Morena party in Mexico and how they countered the right wing. Thier philosophy: The media have their own agenda- you have to win the people ! Talk to them not at them. They used mañaneras- radio talks with the people about thier concerns. I agree completely ! The Democrats Have a 20% approval rating with the American people Message: Fight!Stop Rolling over and make no concessions to the Bitches. Get some courage or get drunk - Do something- Muck in or get fucked again ! Love Your comments on the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict. Less ideology - more Justice! Bless you for telling the puré unmitigated truth about the Middle East. More people need to open thier hearts and minds. Wiping Palestinians out will never make Israel safe. Two state solution NOW ! Avoid more mass murder! Mi Carioca Precioso There is a big Article about Shinebaum in the Nation magazine. Mexico has gone left there are pensions for the elderly, scientific research and needed infrastrucsure. China has 2 plants in México Shinebaum is the mother of Chinese Dragons! Fuck Trump! Can I ask you a question? Wasn’t it DEI that ended segregation in the South?? Are we reversing Plessy and going back to Segregation? DEI is just another buzz Word to disparage minorities! I agree. The Trump entrance exam very simple -unquestionable Loyalty and you get the position even if you can’t read or write. The pledge of allegiance is no longer to our country but to Trump and his scorched earth policíes ! Amiga Muy Querida , While some countries are going right - Mexico has finally gone Left! As a result, the elderly have pensions, the train Maya will traverse the country providing opportunities. Chinese Investment has brought financial gains so fuck Trump! I Am so glad you support Palestine. I’ve been called an anti - semite because I do not support the Israeli treatment of Palestinians - Apartheid is alive and well in Israel. Netenyahu is a war criminal! To think we’re supplying weapons to kill Palestinian children - inhumane ! I Have a few questions for Our Maga loonies; 1. Have you been attacked by the immigrant who picks your arugula? Are you drowning in Fentanyl? Has Your kid been attacked by a roving gang of Transexuals? If you answered NO and still believe this crap- you’re a doomed asshole! I agree. I read that our military is seriously depleted . No volunteers in the volunteer Army! Calling Servicemen - suckers by the President doesn’t invoke patriotism! Amiga Mía, Have You the heard latest : As the Measles epidemic spreads, Bobblehead Bobby Jr the head of HHS insist that Cod liver oil is the way to cure measles . Vaccine Dept - Shut down! Welcome to the middle ages and the coming of the Black Plague ! Mi Carioca Precioso, you’re the only one who calms me down- you’re my Principe Azul ! You’re my Blue Sky therapist In these Dystopian times, we all need therapy- Gracias y cariños -tu vato loco!😜 As far as those people who have buyers remorse over Trump- I say: Fuck you very much! I’m so sick of Elon Musk ; he owes the US 35 billion for the Mars program. A big debtor who is cost cutting - total joke -fuck Mars Musk; with that money we could fix schools, make college affordable and improve The quality of life. Starlink, Space X , Musk- golden turds! One would think that instead of giving fuckface Musk 35 billion to go to Mars- We’d pay attention to life on Earth! Our schools are a disgrace-asbestos and lead paint should be on the lunch menú. So much needs to be done. Fuck Mars ,Musk and NASA the space race is OVER! As an American Citizen I demand that Elon Musk return the 35 billion dollars that he borrowed from the US - Tesla and X are in the toilet🤣 The biggest debtor cutting Government Waste - what a joke!Give us back our money ,you South African Apartheid slimeball Sonuvabitch! Somebody tell that Asshole Musk, that I don’t want to go to fuckin Mars! Trump doesn’t care about the midterms. He cares about getting every Penny out of the American people -the Tariffs will hurt so many. Message : I conned you in thinking I give a shit! Jokes on you-USA ! I’m so pissed - I’m turning yellow ! I feel like defacing every Tesla charging station with the following: Fuck you ,Elon Musk and the horse you rode in on! ( old Southern curse)unelected Bastard getting rich on the carcass of the US. Jackals!! Hi ! I’m Cascabel Chile 🌶️ I Am thinking How Great of an Económic thinker is Frogface Trump! Thanks to his stupid Tariffs - the stock market took a nosedive- he loves the market but it hates him! No more 🥑 or Guacamole! We’re victims of Putin’s Bitch! I agree. I am very disappointed with MSNBC for firing Joy Reid and CNN for firing Jim Acosta. Apparently if you’re female or too liberal- you gotta go! I also think Lawrence O’Donnell is a Mummy and often boring. Networks like safe in the TrumpEra-Cowards! George Carlin is the Bomb! Hola Mi Carioca Precioso.Fui a un desfile me emborrache y me Divertí un chingo-Que se va a chingar a su puta madre los Academy Awards! Y El Orange Pedote -Viva el Mardi Gras de NOLA Y EL Magnifico Carnaval de Río! Viva la Samba! Mi Carioca Precioso, I haven’t watched the academy since Brokeback Mountain was deliberately passed over. If they are afraid to give the award to a movie with a Gay theme- Fuck’em! They aren’t gonna give Emilia Pérez the award- they lack social courage! Fuck’em again! Amiga Querida, Remember George Wallace’s words : “Segregation today, Segregation tomorrow, Segregation forever” Without courageous Presidents, and Federal troops, the South =Apartheid forever. That was DEI,Y’all -thank God! I Love Halle Mi Carioca Precioso, but caving into societal pressures isn’t cool! Take that roll, Halle and play the hell out of it! People have to stop this demonization of transexuals! mi Carioca Precioso,you’re on point , The whole World saw the way Zelensky was treated!Afterwhich, all the European Allies doubled down on helping Ukraine! And we’re pariahs. Putin’s bitch thanks to that horny Orange Fuckface. His bromance is calling- disgusting! Bad taste! Amoroso Carioca Precioso, Karla Sofía Gascón the Star of Emelia Pérez has been dropped supposedly because of some rascist comments- Convenient Excuse? Hollywood is Chickenshit. Halley Berry refused the roll of a transexual - Message loud and clear- Trans people - not wanted! I hate McDonalds as well especially since they allowed the Orange fart to work there- the message : I am just like you! McDonalds should never participated in that theatre of the Absurd! Amén to that ! And may they all burn in hell( which I don’t believe in - but there’s got to be a Special Hell for this Christofascist scum! I still think he’s funny - a lot better than Greg Gutfield - Fox’s sad excuse for a comedían! Agree, my friend? I’m glad Colbert and other late night comedians and of course Jon Stewart give Trump the business -the tangerine toad deserves ! I agree say no to Christofascists . Certitude is enemy of Truth- If you’re always right- you won’t listen to anyone. 58% of Americans think Trump is overreaching. Emilia Pérez should win tonight but it won’t because it’s a very thoughful look at Transexuality

@roxanneblueskywarders He has no consciense! No empathy. He’s never said- I’m sorry about…..,When Betsy hit, President Johnson Shined a Flashlight on his face while in deep mud and told the ninth ward , “Your President is here”! Trump would’ve run - save Blacks - No way! Dear Noel - I Award you the Oscar for best Zinger of the day- keep um coming! Mi Carnal Carioca PRECIOSO! Why is Trump giving Israel 2 billion ?They need more weapons ? I think he’s doing it to show Zelensky- he’s the boss ruler! Pedo 💨 podrido loves to stick it to decency ?58% of Americans think he’s overreaching - he doesn’t care- he’s getting rich! Trump is sending 3 billion in aid to Israel- Ukraine- Bubkis! América must pick a side - Putin’s World view of Domination or Zelensky’s World view of Democracy ! Amiga Mía, Every body including my fave Bill Maher Have no idea what the Dept of Education does They are responsible for Special Education which has many facets : learning disabilities -Gifted , mentally handicapped and autistic children and more. Essential! Hi, Trump is a Narcissistic Borderline personality. BP’s typically are splitters. Things are either Bad or good - no grey! You could be Donald’s mother ; you were in his corner but say one negative slight and you are no fucking good! Plus these people- no empathy- ever

As an Ámerican I insist that we call in Elon Musk’s 35 billion dollar loan. He is in so much debt - how can he efficiently save money from any of our institutions? I don’t wanna go to Mars; I want that 35 billion back in the hands of the American people! Amiga Mía, Old African saying: Sometimes you have to burn a village to save it. Trump lit the match! Yes, América is on fire when we give Musk the Economy and painting Russia as a poor victim. It’s topsy turvy - our country is lost for now. Deliverance is coming- in 2 yrs