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Educational psychologist, occasional runner, lots of other stuff.
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🌟New blog post This week Jo discusses #compassion in EP practice and the development of a compassion focused supervision model Read here: #twitterEPs #supervision

Absolutely delighted that Leeya and I have had our paper published "We had nowhere to go" - children's experiences of homelessness It's in the latest special edition of ECP, wonderfully edited by Marc, Leeya and Charmian. If you'd like a copy of the paper let me know 🙏 #twitterEPs #homelessness

'Along the way, we seem to have rather mislaid the idea that education is also about ensuring that the maximum number of children and young people are confident, well rounded – and happy.'

Which models/ structures/ frameworks/ tools have people used in supervision to acknowledge sad endings while celebrating good things that have happened and preparing for new beginnings/ change? All suggestions welcome - TIA ☺️ #EdPsychs

As we look ahead to 2025, we need to take stock of the troubling state of our system, argues Megan Dixon – and then work out how to fix it…

📑New project seeking EP involvement Anna is seeking EPs or TEPs involved in Fair Access Protocols (FAP) to explore what facilitates EP work within these processes and what EPs perceive as their role and contributions. More info here: #edpsychs

It really annoys me to see the press use the idea that there's a 'debate' about something where clearly there isn't. There is no 'debate' about play in the #EarlyYears. It's absolutely central to development, part of the statutory framework and a basic right for all children in the phase. 😊

Thread to think about🧵 👇

Great thread. Leads to a few questions. 1) If educationalists (excluding charlatans like Birbalsingh etc) broadly agree on this pedagogy, why is this not reflected in school systems? 2) How can we move towards this pedagogy? 3) Can we ever have a socially just education, in an unjust society?

Calling #edusky My friend is doing some research on working class teachers. Can you help by answering a few questions? Thank yooooo ❤️

Powerful to have the culpability of the roots of the EP profession reflected right back at us. The system *is* doing exactly what it was intended to do. Time for a revolution... #EdPsychs

If you get a chance this morning I highly recommend you signing up to or and completing your Character Strengths 💪 They both have some great FREE strengths based, positive psychology tools that you use with a range of CYP too! #Edpsychs #Edusky


In my experience, local authority maintained children's homes have consistently been far superior to privately run ones.

Personally I think we need to reimagine our conception of learning to include interacting with the world we live in, building skills and feeling joy as well as memorising knowledge. 😊 #edusky

New song released today. Check it out! #musiciansky #newmusic #indierock #selfrelease

1/ Our new translations about the EP role are here! Romanian: Bengali: Arabic: These freely accessible resources add to our existing translations in Polish, Urdu and Panjabi. Please share widely! #edpsychs

Call out for TEPs and NQEPs! If you’re interested in TEPICC hosting your research or ideas drop us a line or feel free to DM me directly :) #edpsychs

Misty morning run in Durham.

I am looking for just one final educational psychologist who is also a parent of a child with special educational needs who’d be willing to share their experiences with me for research. If this is you, please DM me for more info. #edpsychs thanks!

Hey aspiring #edpsychs We've just updated this page with further information from: - The Institute of Education - Southampton - The Tavistock - Queen's, Belfast

If you're upset by art not being damaged in protest against climate change, I can only imagine how furious you'll be at the actual damage to art caused by climate change.

NEW POST: “The curriculum belongs to the nation” Let them know that includes children with special educational needs- starting with the lack of an easy-read version. Again... We've done a bit of work to help you respond

This is simply bonkers. Expand capacity for 3+YOs, certainly, but babies should be in domestic premises or specialist settings. I can’t believe anyone with any practical or theoretical grasp of child development was involved in this. #EduSky

EPS's or LA's I would absolutely love to hear from you if you wouldn't mind dropping me a little message about a potential MASSIVE safeguarding concern that has been brought to my attention and something I'm working on with a few individuals. #Edpsychs #Edusky #Safeguarding #SEN

TEPs, Want some advice? Create yourselves a 'Feedback Folder' and put all of your positive feedback & comments into it over the course & beyond. In moments of self-doubt or the dreaded 'imposter syndrome' it will remind you of how far you have come! #Edpsychs #Edusky #BeKind

Your views on curriculum and assessment are needed... and call me naive but I think this explanation (from is very encouraging. You have until November 22nd, go for it!

Bluesky now has over 10 million users, and I was #6,166,720!

Hey #Edpsychs As says - any EP thesis has a place in our directory. Take a look at Cath's and it's a great example of why we think we've got something pretty special. Abstract, methods info and links off to published work.

If we don’t say “babies, children and young people”, the babies get overlooked. Babies under one are more likely to be killed by an adult than at any other age. Babyhood is a critical period of mental and physical development. Let’s remember to include babies 👍🏻

Have an opinion about research informed practice? Secondary teacher/leader in England? Sign up for my research! Click the link to find out more about my research and how to register your interest: Please share this within your networks!

Those people making decisions about education need to listen to those who have lived it. This young woman spoke at BBC Women's Hour. This was her response to the question of how the SEND system affected her. Her response says it all. #EduSky #neurodiversity #education #homeEd #homeeducation #SEND

“It’s not just about throwing more money at the system. It’s about structuring it in ways that truly include children, ensuring they belong and are supported in every facet of their lives” Nice blog from reflecting on the recent #SEND debate. #EduSky

👋Hi to all the NQEP's on BlueSky #edpsychs We'd like to invite you to add your thesis to our open-access and community powered thesis directory. The directory is all about making your work more discoverable and impactful. More here:

Universalism is vital because it ensures collective interest. The NHS only continues to exist (sort of) because *everyone* depends on it and the rich can’t easily find good private healthcare elsewhere. The alternative?: First they means test, then they defund, then they abolish.

Super proud to have brought another seven organisations together to create something grounded in values of inclusion, community, sustainability and sharing. Our new translations about the EP role in #Romanian, #Bengali, and #Arabic #TwitterEPs #edusky

Autistic adults are 9x more likely to die by suicide than the gen.pop. Autistic children are 28x more likely to attempt suicide or have suicidal thoughts than their nonND counterparts. Don’t suffer in silence. Help is out there. #suicideawareness

What did people think was going to happen? There has been a failure to provide adequate support and diagnosis for decades. Cuts to investment have made it impossible for many to find suitable places. They continue to be ignored. #r4today

UK primary class sizes among biggest in industrialised world, report finds

NEW POST: The Ofsted changes are bad news for SEND accountability. SNJ's Matt Keer explains what the Big Listen outcome means for disabled children:

Morning #run in #Brighton - here to move a motion about inclusive education on behalf of the Association of Educational Psychologists at the Trades Unions Congress 2024. #edpsychs #edusky

The #SENDrevolution is gaining more traction. speaking brilliantly about the crisis and what can be done about it on LBC last night. #edpsychs 🙌

Wrote to my MP immediately - very pleased by this collaboration! #edpsychs