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here to have some fun, love dogs, laughter, my husband, and the life I created. it’s time for magic and the 3D to come together. Learn more by subscribing to my newsletter
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@JenniferConaway #jenniferconaway #cbastrategy #businessstrategy #spiritualbusiness #businesscoach #businesscoaching #businesscoachingforwomen #smallbusiness #valuesdrivenleadership #entrepreneurship #leadership #femaleentrepreneurlife #businesswomanlife #femaleboss #girlbosstribe

I have amazing clients. Check out this testimonial from Pema R.

Spiritual leaders I work with have a practice of checking in with the Universe (God, Allah, etc. ) before making a big decision. I do it too. It's a great way to stay connected. And... some integrity issues come with it, but there don't have to be. Find out how JENNIFERCONAWAY.SUBSTACK.COM

Every program and process has pieces of it that work well for you. Use all of those pieces to create your business.

When you stop growing your business stagnates. Old strategies stop working, new strategies don’t work and you are standing around asking “Why?”. Until you commit to learning from the new strategies and growing as an individual you will stagnate … just like your business.

Enough said. #jenniferconaway #cbastrategy #businesscoach #businesscoaching #businesscoachingforwomen #smallbusiness

We all start somewhere. Perfection is not reality. #womeninleadership #womeninbusinessuk #inspiringwomenrunners #inspiredbywomen #businesswomenlinkup #womeninbusinessclub #businesswomenlife #womenliftingwomen #womenincharge

You have a lot on your plate. That means you don't get the tasks your team requested completed. Ever think about how that impacts your team? You may be failing them. Read the full article, 'You are a One-woman Human Traffic Jam" at JENNIFERCONAWAY.SUBSTACK.COM

Fear can be a loud voice in your head. Every time you take action in service of your vision the fear becomes a bit quieter. #businesswomenlife #businesswomenontherise #businesswomanstyle #instabusinesswoman #businesscoach #businesscoaching #businesscoachingforwomen #smallbusiness

We have 4 inches of snow- in central north carolina! i may never leave the house!🤣❄️☃️🤣

Success is the result of good leadership and a strong team. The more you share the credit the more loyal and supportive your team becomes.

The Universe responds to action. Choose action that moves your vision forward and shines light on your passion.

The world needs your beautiful, quirky, Unicorn-y self. BE YOU! #jenniferconaway #cbastrategy #valuesdrivenleadership #entrepreneurship #leadership #femaleentrepreneurlife #spiritualwomenentrepreneurs

i never could have imagined putting this on my bucket list. Watching the Super Bowl sitting in a bar in Roatan, Honduras.

loving roatan even with the daily rain.

Isn’t that how you feel when you simply cannot keep your vision to yourself anymore? #smallbusiness #valuesdrivenleadership #entrepreneurship #leadership #femaleentrepreneurlife #spiritualwomenentrepreneurs #intersectionofmagicandstrategy

Share what makes you different or weird. That is what makes you authentic. People are drawn to us when we put our authentic selves out there. No matter how different or weird.

so excited. The weather is warm enough for me to get the motorcycle out. I’m taking a ride on my Kawasaki 500 this afternoon.

It can be easy to forget that just by showing up and doing what you do best you are having an impact on the world. Keep showing up. #intersectionofmagicandstrategy #jenniferconaway #cbastrategy #businessstrategy #spiritualbusiness #businesscoach #businesscoaching #businesscoachingforwomen

How easy it is to forget just how powerful you are. Let this be a reminder. #smallbusiness #valuesdrivenleadership #entrepreneurship #leadership #femaleentrepreneurlife #spiritualwomenentrepreneurs #intersectionofmagicandstrategy

anyone ever sell something to play it again sports? how was your experience?

If you're anything like me - you like to spread yourself around - app-wise, I mean! I have some things in Notion, some in ClickUp, some in Airtable, and I use Apple Pages and Notes as well. This only works if you know your own rules. Make them simple and easy to stick to. Then stick to them!

Your personal growth influences your business growth. You may not even realize you have 'taken a break' from personal growth. READ MORE IN THE FULL ARTICLE AT JENNIFERCONAWAY.SUBSTACK.COM.

Had an amazing experience with a hawk this afternoon. She sat down on a limb, i sat down on a step and we watched one another for about 10 minutes. I was close enough to see individual feathers and her blink. I feel so honored and blessed to have had the time with her!

When your strategy is ready to go it’s up to you to implement and keep it moving. Put your fears aside. Step into a growth mindset.

#intersectionofmagicandstrategy #womeninbusiness

i love making videos all about leadership, business strategy … it’s coming up with 20 awesome ideas that shows me down. i judge my work harder than anyone. if i just relaxed i could have 50 ideas!🤣maybe i’ll try that… trust the universe and relax into it. thanks for sharing my post!

If things in your business life feel out of control or off-kilter, check into your personal life. Clean up any messiness there and your business life will start to feel better.

Talking about growth is easy. Putting in the time and work that’s a different story. It takes courage and honesty; a willingness to look at the parts of you that you would rather ignore. AND it is worth every second you put in. Go for it!

I ran myself ragged for 2 months. I'm finally taking time for a well-earned break. Is it time for you to take a break? See the full article in JENNIFERCONAWAY.SUBSTSACK.COM

Lots of heart-centered business owners run away from the idea of using data to help manage their businesses. I get why. I used to run away. can marry with intuition for greater clarity and better decisions. Check out the full article at JENNIFERCONAWAY.SUBSTACK.COM

Nature is always teaching us how to be better and reflecting our "less-good" qualities back to us. We need to feed our community regardless of who is watching. A bluebird family is a perfect example. See the full article here JENNIFERCONAWAY.SUBSTACK.COM.

i took the dogs outside. it’s so cold it took 30 mins for my brain to thaw enough to do some work.

It’s Friday, and I’m winding together the bits and large strings of creativity that came to me this week. I'm grateful that the Universe shares its magic with me.

took the dog to get her toenails cut. it’s the only time i see a 25lb basenji turn into a full size dragon 🐉🐕

Business is personal. Business growth asks you to uplevel your leadership, to personally grow. If you put off personal growth the business won't grow either. You get to make a choice. See the full article here JENNIFERCONAWAY.SUBSTACK.COM.

After 8 weeks of being meh and nothing creative, I finally had a creative brain dump from the universe that is still proving fruitful. I guess I needed 8 weeks of winter to restore my creativity.

and so it begins…