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Centre of biology for the management of populations.,,, Institut Agro Montpellier. Also on #Mastodon: @[email protected].
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🐞🍷🎬 Si vous avez raté le bar des sciences consacré au déclin des insectes, sa synthèse est disponible ! - avec Antoine Fraimout, INRAE et Julien Haran, Cirad du -

We hire an engineer to develop and implement techniques to follow pest populations in the field. Come work with us. Please repost!

First paper from Benoit Penel's thesis combining the best of metabarcoding and taxonomic expertise to effectively monitor large scale coleopteran biodiversity. 🌐🧪

Glad to see the study led by our grad student Benoit_Penel ( finally out in ! #abundance_data #agroecosystems #beetles #biodiversity #metabarcoding #parataxonomy

📢 Next CBGP Seminar ! Tue 28th, 11AM Fr. time "Transposable elements contribute to Anopheles coluzzii and A. gambiae adaptation to urban environments" by #Marta_Coronado-Zamora / #malaria #genomics Zoom: Pwd: MC@cbgp!28

📢 Thesis defense! Tue 21th, 2:30 PM Fr. time "The effects of past and future climate change on desert locust population dynamics" by #Fanny_Herbillon,

A paper that took long to get published: The relative influence of agricultural abandonment and semi-natural habitats on parasitoid diversity and community composition

A paper we published in 2024 with and colleagues: The role of animal hosts in shaping gut microbiome variation.

Here are some 2024 highlights of PCI and Peer Community Journal.📊 Grateful to everyone who contributed to this success🦸. We're excited and prepared for an amazing 2025🤩!

📢 Next CBGP Seminar, Tue 14th, 11AM Fr. time "Inferring demography and selection from genomic time series data" by #Simon_Boitard #Genomics #Demography #Drosophila Zoom: Pwd: SB@cbgp!14

Our genome assembly of Hylesia metabus published in Journal of Heredity. A collaboration between CBGP, PHIM, LEEISA, CNRGV, BIPAA IGEPP, SEAG, FUNDSALUD and MGX

📢 Soutenance de thèse de #Louise_Camus, Jeudi 19 Déc. à 14h00 "Prédiction génomique du potentiel adaptatif de populations dans un nouvel environnement : application aux espèces envahissantes" Thèse co-encadrée par & #Simon_Boitard Zoom: Mdp: n1.Czm.dxT

6 open position Section 29. - Biodiversité, évolution et adaptations biologiques : des macromolécules aux communautés

Très heureux d'annoncer que notre ouvrage "Crises sanitaires en agriculture" aux éditions Editions Quae, a remporté le Prix Jacques Delage, décerné par le Comité des prix de l'Académie vétérinaire de France. #Bioinvasions #Biosecurity #Agriculture #Health

🥼 🐭 🦠Dans le cadre des rencontres Declics, sera au Lycée Jean Monnet le 9 décembre avec pour objectif de faire découvrir aux élèves la démarche de construction des savoirs et la diversité des métiers de la recherche

📢 prochain séminaire du CBGP ! Mardi 19 Nov. - 11h [heure FR] "Où en est-on sur les données de la recherche?" par : Louise Percevault /Labex #CeMEB #umontpellier Jean-François Dufayard Céline Blitz Frayet / #Cirad #UMR_EcoSols Zoom: Pwd: DR@cbgp!19

📢 soutenance d'HDR de notre collègue Astrid Cruaud @INRAE_DPT_SPE ! Lundi 21/10 - 13h30 / Grande salle de réunion du CBGP "Systématique intégrative des Chalcidiens (Hyménoptères) et régulation naturelle dans les agro-écosystèmes" En direct :…

📢 prochain séminaire du CBGP ! Mardi 15 - 11h [heure FR] "Partager des données interopérables en recherche : Focus sur les standards et les entrepôts" par Louise Percevault - Labex #CeMEB @umontpellier Zoom: Pwd: LP@cbgp!15

Démarrage de notre Assemblée Générale Hors des Murs pour les 25 ans du @CBGPMontpellier 😃🎉

📢 Next CBGP seminar! Tue 30th 11AM [FR time] "#Biological_control of an invasive, highly damaging #ambrosia_beetle: The polyphagous shot-hole borer in South Africa" by Steffan Hansen / postdoc @StellenboschUni Zoom: Pwd: SH@cbgp!30

📢Un poste d’Ingénieur·e d’Étude 'Suivi des populations d'insectes ravageurs et auxiliaires' est ouvert à la mobilité (accessible aux personnels titulaires de la fonction publique) dans notre UMR : Clôture des inscriptions le 10/09/2024…

NGS-OLICIT, a project led by @CBGPMontpellier @INRAE_DPT_SPE & @INRAE_Corse, started this February for 3 years! Studying the regulation of pests of Citrus and Olea by arthropod predators and parasitoids. In collab with @BionomeeX & France Olive Website:

📢 Next CBGP seminar! Tue 28th 11AM [FR time] "#Epigenetic signatures of social status in free-ranging spotted #hyenas (Crocuta crocuta)" by Alexandra Weyrich @WildEpiLab / @IZWberlin Zoom: Pwd: AV@cbgp!28

📢 Next CBGP seminar! Tue 14th 11AM [FR time] "Consequences of #biological_invasions on a global scale: addressing the multiple facets of threatened terrestrial diversity" by Clara Marino (@cl_marino) @FRBiodiv #CESAB Zoom: Pwd: CM@cbgp!14

A new study led by Emmanuelle Jousselin @CBGPMontpellier @INRAE_France and @amanzanom @DOME_Vienna leveraged #phylogenomics to produce the most complete backbone tree for #aphids.…

📢 Next CBGP seminar! Tue 23th 11AM [FR time] "Effet des interactions inter- et intraspécifique et de la variabilité intraspécifique sur le comportement alimentaire de coléoptères carabiques" by Alice Charalabidis @InstitutAgroMtp Zoom: Pwd: AC@cbgp!23

📢 Next CBGP seminar! Tue 7th 11AM [FR time] "Azores Islands as a Model System: Understanding the Biodiversity, Ecological and Genetic Patterns, along Gradients of Anthropogenic Disturbance" by Lurdes Borges Silva @CBGPMontpellier Zoom: Pwd: BS@cbgp!09

📢 Next CBGP seminar! Fri. 29th, 2PM [FR time] [in ENG] "Physiological adaptation to environmental stress in insects" 🪰❄️🔥 #Drosophila by @BioCastaneda @uchile Zoom: Pwd: LC@cbgp!99

📢 Next CBGP seminar! Tue. 26th, 11AM [FR time] [in ENG] "Forecasting the risk of #locust outbreak" 🦗🦗🦗🌡️🌍 by @LMarescot @CIRAD @LocustCirad Zoom: Pwd: LM@cbgp!26

📢 Next CBGP seminar! Tue. 12th, 11AM [FR time] [en Français] "Présentation des #Registered_Reports (RR) et de @PeerCommunityIn RR" #OpenScience #DiamondOA par @BourguetD @INRAE_DPT_SPE Zoom: Pwd: DB@cbgp!12

1/2 📢 Two CBGP seminars next week! Tue. 27th, 11AM [FR time] [en Français] "Publier en Open Access et payer des #APC (ou pas)" par Catherine Fournier & Pascal Aventurier, @IRD -Service IST, Montpellier Zoom: Pwd: CF@cbgp!27

📢 notre site internet fait peau neuve !! n'hésitez pas à y faire un tour, son contenu sera régulièrement mis à jour. ✒️📑

📢 Next CBGP seminar! Tue. 6th, 11AM [FR time] "Functional diversity and potential of #weeds as forage and floral resources: the case of #Mediterranean #vineyards and #olive groves" 🍇🫒 by @genty_lea / postdoc @Anses_fr Zoom: Pwd: LG@cbgp!06

📢Soutenance de thèse! 🎓 Mar. 30 à 9:30 "Informer sur l’origine géographique et le statut spécifique d’un #ravageur invasif et cryptique : validation d’une méthodologie haut-débit pour le suivi de la mouche orientale des fruits, #Bactrocera dorsalis" par Émeline Charbonnel

📢 Next CBGP seminar! Tue. 23th, 11AM [FR time] "#Modelling the #dispersal of #invasive #species using #landscape variable" [in ENG] by #Pedro_Nunes postdoc @CBGPMontpellier & @PHIM_research Zoom: Pwd: PN@cbgp!23

📢 CBGP's 1st Seminar of the year! 🥳 Tue. 9th, 11AM [FR time] "Empirical and methodological research in #biogeography, #population_genetics and #phylogenetics" [in ENG] by Josselin Cornuault @isemevol Zoom: Pwd: JC@cbgp!09

📢#HDR defense! Friday 8th Dec. 9:30 AM FR time "A multitrophic approach to the dynamics of #insect herbivores: experiments with plants, predators and insect #symbionts" by @EnricFrago @Cirad @CBGPMontpellier Youtube:

1/2 📢 2 for 1! CBGP Seminars!! Tue. 5th December, 10:30 AM [FR time] "Using camera traps to assess the impact of land use on scavenger communities" by @MellinaSidous @cefemontpellier

📢 CBGP Seminar!! Tue. 21th, 11AM [FR time] "Species specific population responses to environmental stress and pollution. The story of #honey_bee and #fruit_fly" by #Marija_Savic_Veselinovic & @APatenkovic / @Univerzitet_BG Zoom: Pwd: SP@cbgp!21

📢Next CBGP Seminar! Friday 17th, 2PM [FR time] "Investigating the mysteries of #gall formation: A study of gall-forming #weevil and its #symbiotic #bacteria" 🪲🦠 par #Tsutomu_Tsuchida - @univ_toyama Zoom: Pwd: TT@cbgp!17

à lire !! Un article paru dans @FR_Conversation sur les revues scientifiques prédatrices Coordonné par #François_Massol @CNRS et avec comme auteur associé @BourguetD @INRAE_DPT_SPE (@CBGPMontpellier), l'un des porteurs de l'initiative @PeerCommunityIn…

📢Next CBGP Seminar! Tuesday 7th, 11AM [FR time] Diversification of pigmentation patterns among #Drosophila species by #Nicolas_Gompel @UniBonn Zoom: Pwd: NG@cbgp!07

1/2 📢Next CBGP Seminars! Friday 27th, 10:30AM [FR time] - in ENG #Adaptive processes through time in a global agricultural #pest moth by #Angela_McGaughran, @waikato, NZ The #fall_armyworm invasion of New Zealand by #David_Teulon, Better Border Biosecurity (B3), NZ

📢Next CBGP Seminar! Tue. 3rd, 11AM [FR time] "Exploring the web of dark interactions" by #David_Bohan @UMRAgroecologie #agriculture #ecological_networks #eDNA zoom: pwd: DB@cbgp!03

📢Next CBGP Seminar! Mon. Sept. 18th, 11AM [FR time] "Tiny Titans: Exploring the Potential of Soil #Mites in Sustainable #Agriculture" by Thaïs do Prado (postdoc @CBGPMontpellier) #Oribatida #Mesostigmata zoom: pwd: TP@cbgp!18

1/2 📣 Exciting News! v.2.2.0 of the R package #poolfstat now available on CRAN! 🎉 Upgrade now for a smoother and more powerful #populationgenetics analysis experience. D/L here: #RStats #Genomics #DataScience #Bioinformatics…

📢Next CBGP Seminar! Thur. Aug. 24th, 11AM [FR time] "Regional adaptation of Integrated Pest Management to control invasive insects" by Michel Stasny (@attreeline) -Canadian Forest Services #adaptation #insect_pests #IPM zoom: pwd: MS@cbgp!24

📢prochain séminaire! Mar 20 Juin 11h Pluridimensionnalité et participation dans l'évaluation des transitions agroécologiques: aspects environnementaux, socioéconomiques, socioculturels et sociopolitiques par Andrea_Sosa #CONICET lien mdp: AS@cbgp!20

Interested in #16S #metabarcoding !?! 🧬🦠💻 Go check this #OA study @molecology #resources which compares 5 high-throughput DNA extraction methods By M.-P. Chapuis, L. Benoit @CIRAD & M. Galan @INRAE_DPT_SPE / @CBGPMontpellier…

📢Next CBGP Seminar! Tue May 9th, 11AM [FR time] "Repeated evolution during habitat transitions from marine to freshwater" by @AFraimout @umrMARBEC #adaptation #copepod #parallel_evolution #salinity #stickleback #transition zoom: pwd: AF@cbgp!09