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All about the f’s, family, forest, fishing, photography and fun around Fredericton, NB. I try not to be too serious but sometimes I just f’n am. Mostly I spend time taking photos of anything that moves in the outdoors and a few things that don’t.
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Turn the volume up and listen as two Song Sparrows sing their hearts out on the first day of Spring. Brought me a moment of joy on a beautiful day Salisbury, #NewBrunswick #birds #nature #wildlife

Getting ready for mating? This Common Goldeye was dipping its beak in the water and tossing drops in the air. This head motion is similar to a mating "dance" they do but in this case it was the only goldeye in the area. Blacks Harbour, #NewBrunswick #birds #nature #wildlife #goldeneye

Just chillin'. Possibly the most relaxed Red Squirrel I've ever seen. And yes it is healthy, a short time later it was running around like a squirrel on nitrous. Charters Settlement, #NewBrunswick #wildlife #nature #squirrel #redsquirrel

A Smoke-morph Wild Turkey. A Smoke-morph is missing the normal brown plumage. I came across this one with a normal coloured friend grazing in a clearing. Deer Island, #NewBrunswick #birds #wildlife

Evening Grosbeaks having a turf war, Charters Settlement, #NewBrunswick #birds #wildlife #eveninggrosbeak

This Mourning Dove may have been giving me the finger but it seems to be missing. #NewBrunswick #birds #wildlife #mourningdove

Catching snowflakes #NewBrunswick #wildlife #whitetaileddeer

This one Pine Siskin showed up with a large flock of Evening Grosbeaks. No idea why they would hangout or where the rest of it's "crew" is. Pine Siskins are very small compared to an Evening Grosbeak and I normally see them in flocks. Charters Settlement, #NewBrunswick #birds #wildlife #pinesiskin

Canada Jay swoops in, Charters Settlement, #NewBrunswick #birds #wildlife #canadajay #greyjay #grayjay

Beware the Creeper is lurking, Brown Creeper, Charters Settlement, #NewBrunswick #birds #wildlife #browncreeper

Looking out the bedroom window on this very dreary morning I saw a Ruffed Grouse looking very damp. While he looked miserable it was about to get worse, snow in the forecast. Charters Settlement, #NewBrunswick #birds #wildlife #ruffedgrouse

Donne-moi un bec is french slang for "give me a kiss", bec translates to beak so seems appropriate here. I am definitely not qualified to give French lessons so that's all the French for today! "Kissing" Evening Grosbeaks, Charters Settlement, #NewBrunswick #birds #wildlife #eveninggrosbeak

Red-tailed Hawk flies across the sky on a cold morning in Jemseg, #NewBrunswick #birds #wildlife #redtailedhawk

Red-tailed Hawk puffed out on a cold winter morning in Jemseg, #NewBrunswick . #birds #wildlife

Having a blue Monday? Blue Jay, Charters Settlement, #NewBrunswick #birds #wildlife #bluejay #nature

Common Goldeneye, Blacks Harbour, #NewBrunswick #goldeneye #birds #wildlife

Common Goldeneye, Blacks Harbour, #NewBrunswick #goldeneye #birds #wildlife

Canada Jay, Charters Settlement, #NewBrunswick #birds #canadajay #wildlife

This Red-breasted Nuthatch looms over the woodland creatures, waiting for a chance..........dundun...... dundun......... dun, dun,dun,dun,dun,dun. Charters Settlement, #NewBrunswick #birds #wildlife #Nuthatch

Long-tailed Duck, Blacks Harbour, NB #Longtailedduck #long-tailedduck #birds #NewBrunswick #wildlife

Long-tailed Duck, Blacks Harbour, #NewBrunswick #birds #LongTailedDuck #wildlife

Backyard Buddy, A Canada Jay, aka Grey Jay looking for a table scrap. #NewBrunswick #birds #wildlife

A couple of male Evening Grosbeaks figuring out who's the boss. Charters Settlement, NB

This White-tailed Deer was eyeing my bird feeder. Charters Settlement, NB #NewBrunswick #wildlife

Snow Buntings in Fredericton, NB #birds #NewBrunswick

Horned Grebe finding shrimp to eat. Saint Andrews, #NewBrunswick , From about a year ago.

These two Evening Grosbeaks are both females....does that make it a "cat fight"? Evening Grosbeaks, Charters Settlement, NB #birds #NewBrunswick #EveningGrosbeak #Wildlife #wildlifephotography

Not saying Canada is 100% united against Delusional Don but I came across this deer on the Canada-US border looking south...........

Female Horned Lark, Fredericton, New Brunswick #birds #NewBrunswick

Male Horned Lark, Fredericton, NB. #birds #NewBrunswick

Carolina Wren in Hampton, New Brunswick #birds #newbrunswick #wildlife

Carolina Wren are somewhat rare for New Brunswick. I was treated to not one but two Carolina Wrens at a friends' place in Hampton- Thank you Bill and Kathy for your patience, understanding and warm hospitality.

Evening Grosbeak discussion......Stop yelling! Charters Settlement, #newbrunswick #birds #wildlife #wildlifephotography #photography #EveningGrosbeak

Red-breasted Nuthatch in Stealth Fighter mode. Charters Settlement, #newbrunswick . Blind Ambitions Series #charterssettlement #birds #wildlife #wildlifephotography #photography

Evening Grosbeak, Charters Settlement, New Brunswick. #BlindAmbitionsSeries #newbrunswick #EveningGrosbeak #birds #wildlifephotography #wildlife

Evening Grosbeak, Charters Settlement, New Brunswick. #BlindAmbitionsSeries #newbrunswick #EveningGrosbeak #birds #wildlifephotography #wildlife

Herring Gull "mug shots". I call this one an the first shot he looks like he's channeling his inner eagle. Saint Andrews, New Brunswick #birds #Newbrunswick #photography #wildlfie #wildlifephotography #herringgull

Mourning Dove catching some zzzzzz's Charters Settlement, New Brunswick #birds #NewBrunswick #Mourningdove #wildlife #widelifephotography #photography

A Common Goldeneye flies along the Fundy Coast, Blacks Harbour, New Brunswick #wildlife #wildlifephotography #NewBrunswick #nature #birds #photography #goldeneye