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Anarchy is cool Compassion for everyone kinda rocks Profile pic is from @invisblhoax on tiktok
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Conversation Starter is such a fuckin person Love to see it how can one have multiple fascist opinions with such shit internetspeech and still understand that veganism is good and others who just have a bit of care for others and arguably for some animals be not vegan

I hope Valve makes all skins worthless. I will lose money but that's worth it

Deswegen geht die Welt doch nicht unter. Sie geht eher unter, wenns so bleibt wie jetzt!

Fascists, reactionaries, conservatives won't learn through the bad governments they elected. Some will profit from the supremacist ideas those governments enforce and the one's who don't profit will just suck themselves more into their ideologies unless we make them see their errors through

Physical media is not perfect and for most people just plain annoying. Instead of urging people to buy physical media, which will not last passage of time, we should urge people to make media public and accessible and demand the same from governments, companies, artists, collectives etc.

Negotiating power is when accepting the rules before they were introduced (though taking a moral high ground, not about the same subject as the rule tho) and critiquing this is moral purity from the evil left and get real and so on

Yea this is a leftist echo chamber and with leftist i mean liberals with widely different opinions that all kinda suck and some leftists that are cool

I like the current what we do in the shadows season and I'm excited to see what happens. Episode 7 is in my top episodes of the season rn. Guillermo and Colin are a weirdly good combo. And now it's partially obvious what won't happen imo I could watch those queers 4evr but ive faith in a good ending

I got friends who play cs 2 with me, i got a friend who plays war thunder with me, now i need a nooby just like me who plays melee with me