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The outlook for US-Turkish relations is grim. Progressive policymakers can still salvage incremental wins, like securing the best possible settlement for the SDF in Syria. New commentary by

As Trump embarks on another four years of foreign policy transactionalism, it’s hard to know what U.S.–Turkey trend will win out: a deepening authoritarian embrace with Erdogan, or more enmity grounded in opposing regional goals and cultural prejudice. New commentary by

Whether Trump and Erdogan find antidemocratic common ground or devolve into confrontation, there’s little to look forward to for U.S.–Turkish relations, writes in a new commentary.

Missed this morning's event on the future of Gaza? Catch the recording of and‬ in conversation with Century International director

Bombed-out towns, forced SDF conscription, economic crisis: just a few of the reasons Syrian refugees in Lebanon give when explaining why they are staying put, for now. New commentary by on what’s needed to support refugees’ return.

Syria is still too unstable and economically depressed for many of the 6.2 million Syrian refugees to return—much as many would like to. The int’l community needs to invest in Syria’s peace so that its people can come home— in a new commentary.

With Assad gone, Lebanon and other countries hosting large numbers of Syrian refugees want them to go home asap. Not so fast, writes in a new commentary. Syria still needs a lot of help to be ready for a mass homecoming.

The Oslo two-state solution has failed. The one-state reality of Israeli citizens and oppressed Palestinian subjects is a travesty. Palestinians & Israelis should instead seek a confederation of two equal states with freedom and rights for all— in a new report.

Palestinians and Israelis deserve freedom of movement, work, and residency. In a new report, writes that there’s only one realistic way to a just peace: a confederation of two sovereign nations living peacefully in partnership on the same land.…

Israel’s total segregation and oppression of Palestinians in Gaza only empowered Hamas, writes in a new report. A just peace requires a new model: two states in confederation with equal rights and freedoms for all.

The Israel-Palestine conflict needs fresh ideas that: *Extend equal rights *Cut through the fears and resentments on both sides *Honor ancestral connections to the land *Prioritize mutual needs. New report by on the confederated two-state solution.

Progressives should take no comfort in Trump's isolationism: America's public is against overseas military interventions until it isn’t, writes A new vision for progressive foreign policy is needed.

Trump’s victory has no silver lining for progressive foreign policy, writes CI fellow Progressives must get to work on a new vision.

As Trump takes office, the progressive foreign policy agenda is all but dead. A new vision is needed: active but non-militaristic, writes

Syria sanctions could torpedo a historic moment, writes CI director The Biden admin can, in its final days, lift the U.S. designation of HTS & issue licenses or waivers to aid reconstruction.

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It will clearly be a travesty if sanctions intended to punish Assad are imposed on the rebels who finally overthrew him, writes CI director in a new commentary. Syrians deserve a chance. colleague argues the U.S. should seize this moment and provide sanctions relief to Syria to create conditions for reconstruction and recovery – particularly given the role of U.S. and other outsiders in destroying the country:

Great primer on the situation in Syria from Century International fellow Aron Lund

As Syrian rebels close in on Homs, the opposition has much to celebrate. But there are harrowing risks ahead as Assad grows more desperate. & in a new roundtable:

Seemingly out of the blue, Syrian rebels are barreling across the country, capturing huge swaths of territory. In a new Century roundtable, our resident Syria analysts & discuss the armed opposition group leading the assault. Read:

ICYMI: Century International fellow 's commentary analyzing the labyrinthine political journey of Massad Boulos, who is now Trump's appointee as senior advisor on Arab and Middle Eastern Affairs. colleague on the color-changing Lebanese political affiliations of Trump in-law Massad Boulos:

With Donald Trump on his way back to the White House, Arab media has zoomed in on Massad Boulos, a Lebanese-American businessman with family links to the president-elect and a little-known political past in Lebanon. reports for Century International 1/6

Trump II will enable more destructive experiments in fashioning “a new Middle East.” US policy could push region to new bottoms but won’t create anything good. in this week's roundtable

Trump II means more Israeli expropriation of Palestinian land. The man who gave Jerusalem and the Golan to Israel could sign off on recolonization of Gaza and annexation of the West Bank. Zack Cuyler in our roundtable

Trump officials see Yemen as a low-cost opportunity to build pressure on Iran. The result will be more misery and bloodshed for Yemen—and probably more US involvement. in our roundtable

Gulf monarchs were quick to congratulate Trump on his victory, and many are emboldened. But Trump II holds serious risks for Gulf stability, including Saudi favoritism. Veena Ali-Khan in this week's roundtable

MAGA boosters will try to credit Trump with opening up new economic opportunities in the Gulf. The truth is that those economies were already on the rise. in this week's roundtable

Will Trump’s disdain for foreign aid extend to the Lebanese army? If so, it will further undermine the supposed U.S. objectives of strengthening the Lebanese government. in a new CenturyIntl roundtable

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As Trump’s foreign policy team fills up with China hawks and pro-Israel fanatics, Trump is proving that he’s definitely not the “isolationist” he’s purported to be. in a new Century roundtable

Slashing foreign aid is one of Trump’s few unchanging opinions. In Syria, that could mean the beginning of a profoundly destabilizing humanitarian crisis. in a new @CenturyIntl roundtable

Trump’s approach to Syria exemplifies the chaotic incoherence of his Middle East policy. in a new @CenturyIntl roundtable

To get elected, Trump made impossible promises to adversaries in the Middle East. His actual policy will likely be decided by the hawks he appoints. Assume the worst. in a new Century roundtable

Trump will likely tighten severe sanctions on Iran—pushing Tehran into the China-led, BRICS-aligned economic sphere. Veena Ali-Khan in a new Century roundtable

Many Iraqis believe Trump’s administration cannot be worse than Biden’s. War with Iran could test that assumption. in a new @Century roundtable

Trump’s policies toward Islamic movements and the Israeli war on Palestine could lead those who voted for him in states like Michigan to change their minds. in a new Century roundtable:

Under the Trump administration, the best case scenario for US–Turkey relations is corruption and authoritarian solidarity instead of a clash of civilizations. in a new Century roundtable

There are many unknowns about the second Trump administration, but climate policy is not one of them, writes Zeinab Shuker in a new roundtable. The next Trump presidency will be disastrous for climate.

Trump has promised peace for Lebanon, but his badly designed negotiations might just eat away even more at Lebanon’s sovereignty. in a @CenturyIntl roundtable on the dangers of Trump II for Lebanon

Trump might entice Israel to wind down its war—but the price will be a promise that Palestine is never actually free. Dahlia Scheindlin on Trump’s new, bigger blank check for Israel in a new @CenturyIntl roundtable

My take on the future of US-Turkish ties courtesy of this new Century International round-up: