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The world is pretty rough these days. I hope my sweet fur babies can make it a little brighter for you. Arthur, Oliver and Elvis to the rescue 🩷
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Hed don beenz up das da wai I lijkn naps #caturday #catsofbluesky

Im kawt da bwankt momstur u welcuum #catsofbluesky #caturday

Hoomom: tryn tak cuut famlee portrut Oliver and Elvis: oke imm hed owt #catsofbluesky

Red Dead Chapter 4

Hoomom dresen me az lyon fur halween RAWR #throwbackthursday #catsofbluesky

Hoomom reg edging Rdr2 lessgo

Hoomom sez shi gunna eet mai chimpkin wingz #catsofbluesky

Afer dinurs, pri-bedge snuzlen #catsofbluesky

Doen shiff in da bizcut factree. Lossa ordurs to fiyl #catsofbluesky

Iz taki yu arfurs tu werk dais #catsofbluesky

Rasslin en snuggwin #throwbackthursday #catsofbluesky

Enibuddy wannz scrimp scrampis fur din dins? #catsofbluesky

Dis howe yu axin fur moar petten frum da hoomom. Fank yu fur cumbin to mai tedtak #catsofbluesky

Nurz elbis on da yob #catsofbluesky

I snugl wif hoomoms cuz shee fellen sic n I putt mai tayl en hur koffe. Moar elbis hulp hur fellen better #catsofbluesky

Yu goz eni gaymz on your fon? #catsofbluesky

Elvis joined our family in Jun 23. He just asked his big brother for cuddles for the first time tonight. And gave me a mean side eye for taking pictures 🩷 #catsofbluesky

I delibr valtimes messig to hoomoms #catsofbluesky

Hoomom doin a witching Let's hang some heads from my saddle

Iz stil hungy affer bwekfust I maake a purredo #catsofbluesky

Archival Junes shrimp circa 2017 #throwbackthursday #catsofbluesky

I amb hapi boi I maakn bizcutz on hoomoms footes #catsofbluesky

I fod mai armz cuz I amb gentlmunz das wy I waaren tuxsedu #catsofbluesky

Hoomom sez mai loof amos dun. I hopp ders chimpkinz n it #catsofbluesky

Arfurs lyf hax fur todai: bruvas tale makt gud toi. Himb don mynd yu playn wif it #catsofbluesky

If yu habin bade dai, Arfur heer wif purz fur yu #catsofbluesky #caturday

#caturday is always busy at the biscuit shop #catsofbluesky

Hoomom is no tim fur werkz iz tim fur elbis #catsofbluesky

I wak up frum nap en I washun mai fac. I do a confus en fal bak aslept #catsofbluesky

I ben a piwwo deef sins I wuz a big 10 munth owd boi #catsofbluesky #throwbackthursday

Washen ma beens #catsofbluesky

Step 1: Dwyer eeten sox Step 2: hoomom maak uz nu gatnip tois Step 3: ??? Step 4: pwofitz #catsofbluesky

Imspektin genruls. Meownus boints fur laat dinur en lackn chimpkinz

Today’s Jaffa Factory 2 episode is by far our most bizarre and hilarious. It was so much fun to put together! If you haven’t watched any of the series, you can jump in right here and watch Simon’s hot steamy sexting lead to disaster..

Baf tym #catsofbluesky

Not long now 'til the Zero Degrees crew graduates—geez, finally! Join Lydia, Ravs and Harry for their live event Feb. 12th, where they'll answer your Valentine's queries, have a laugh, and Ravs and Harry might kiss? Just kidding...unless? Tickets available now!

Wii doin a snuggl on da bwankt

Pwez axept dis offr uv toebeenz