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Global security at Finnish Institute of International Affairs: US FP; transatlantic relations (incl NATO); Nordic defence; Finland; ‘alumni of’: Wesleyan University, FDF J5, CCW at Oxford. Thousands of media interviews over the years.
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Lyriikoita ei tarvitse tälläkään kertaa tulkita.

'We have to urgently rearm Europe,' EU's von der Leyen says The Commission will propose a plan on this at the European Council on 6 March, as she says “we really have to step up massively".

This reminds me of the time a USG official asked me (pre-NATO membership) if I thought Finland could be enticed to do offensive preparatory cyber ops against Russia. 2025: if Russia attacks 🇫🇮, I guess we’ll just have to shut down Moscow’s electricity system ourselves.

On tärkeätä huomioida, että 🇫🇮 johtavilla #turpo poliitikoilla on tietty vastuu ja rooli, kuten myös virkahenkilöillä (ml Pv. Tutkijoilla on eri rooli. Jälkimmäiset voivat toimia ’lukkareina’ ja ensimmäisen ryhmän pitää varmistaa että emme jää yksin jos iso öykkäri on aggressiivinen.

As it is becoming increasingly clear that the United States is at best erratic and at worst has effectively joined forces with Russia, let’s get serious about a joint nuclear weapons R&D program for small states. Share costs and risks, get capabilities _you_ control.

This reminds me of the time a USG official asked me (pre-NATO membership) if I thought Finland could be enticed to do offensive preparatory cyber ops against Russia. 2025: if Russia attacks 🇫🇮, I guess we’ll just have to shut down Moscow’s electricity system ourselves.

Your dignity honors the bravery of the Ukrainian people. Be strong, be brave, be fearless. You are never alone, dear President Zelenskyy. We will continue working with you for a just and lasting peace.

Great coverage by on #ZelenskyTrump meeting, led by … just one quibble: the US hasn’t given 🇺🇦 $100+Bn, almost all weapons assistance has benefited US companies + US got newer replacement stocks (older stuff given to Ukraine).

Dictator Zelensky

The US is now seeking to condition access to the US market on subordination to US preferences on regulation and taxation. The EU cannot accept this. 🇪🇺 🇺🇸 New insight by Read here:

In a "quiet but seismic recalibration," Trump has rolled back constraints on American commanders to authorize airstrikes & special operation raids outside conventional battlefields, broadening the range of people who can be targeted according to US officials with knowledge of the policy shift

It’s not the most pressing thing in the world, but I am now waiting for a Rapists‘R’US meeting at the White House. #TateandTrump

The EU and its crisis management efforts are increasingly challenged by environment-related risks, writes in the new FIIA Briefing Paper. Greater recognition of them could strengthen resilience and preparedness in missions and across the EU's CSDP. ➡️

Kan Finland verkligen lita på Trump, USA och Nato i en konfliktsituation - eller bygger regeringens försvarsredogörelse på en redan föråldrad lägesbild? Riksdagen debatterar ikväll:

So - I've actually led Ebola outbreak response at USAID. This is bunk from Elon. They have laid off most of the experts, they're bankrupting most of the partner orgs, have withdrawn from WHO, and muzzled CDC. What's left is a fig-leaf effort to cover their asses politically.

Edellinen puolustusministeri Antti Kaikkonen (kesk) allekirjoittaa professori Tuomas Forsbergin näkemyksen puolustusselonteon uudistamistarpeesta. Tarkennuksia olisi oleellisinta tehdä kohtiin, jotka liittyvät Yhdysvaltojen muuttuneeseen tapaan tehdä ulkopolitiikkaa:

Meta torrentoi kirjoja LLM-mallien opetusaineistoksi. Elämme maailmassa, jossa osa digitaalisista jäteistä ei välitä tekijänoikeuksista tuon taivaallista. Tällaisesta pitäisi joutua jonkun johtoryhmän jäsenen linnaan. Rahalliset sanktiot ovat liian heiveröinen ase.

I shared this note with the owner of the Washington Post this morning.

Ymmärrän että poliitikkojen ja diplomaattien on punnittava sanansa mitä tulee Trumpin hallinnon sanomisiin ja tekemisiin. Meidän tutkijoiden ja kansalaisten on kuitenkin syytä puhua selkeästi, ettemme turru tähän parhain päin selittelyyn. Eli: Trumpin sitoutumiseen yhtään mihinkään en luottaisi.

Trump is in for such an awakening re Europe…then he’ll complain that we’re not being nice allies but Russia is great. I feel sorry for US career diplomats in Europe… I remember Iraq war + Cheney & Co set, trying to explain it to 🇫🇮 audiences, this is so much worse.

Yet another extremely common W for the Nordic #SocialDemocracy. This time the best countries for raising kids. Any one of these measurements could be dismissed as a fluke. But when practically every measurement of societal success so far devised shows similarish results…

DOGE was always very transparently a ploy to disguise the dismantling of corporate oversight and the social safety net as "innovative efficiency," and if you're a journalist, politician, or worker who fell for it you should never again be allowed anywhere near authority or heavy machinery

The kind of thinking exhibited by efforts like this (kicking 🇨🇦 from Five Eyes) from the Trump administration serves to highlight the central misconception of US security policy these individuals have: that the US did it alone, and doesn’t need others. 1/y

Nato-jäsenyyden mukanaan tuoma pelote on vakavasti rapautumassa, mikä lisää sodan uhkaa, arvioi professori Tuomas Forsberg. Forsberg vaatii poliitikkoja kirjoittamaan osin uudelleen vielä eduskunnan hyväksymistä odottavan puolustuspoliittisen selonteon:

I know that most people living in 🇺🇸 have no idea this happened and generally don’t care, as it doesn’t impact their lives, fair enough…but, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AMERICA - PULL YOUR HEAD OUT. These are not the friends you’re looking for, even if POTUS Trump is.

"the US is not a startup. The federal gov. exists to do all of the things that are definitionally not profitable, that serve the public good rather than protect investor profits. (The vast majority of startups also fail, something the US cannot afford to do.)"

This is a brilliant encapsulation of why the firings of top U.S. mil leadership was so bad. Americans should read it and think about what it does to US mil effectiveness if Allies begin to wonder about the professionalism & deep partisan politicisation of U.S. armed forces, IF this path continues.

Trump antoi potkut USA ’asevoimien komentajalle’ (CJCS) ja haluaa vaihtaa puolustushaarojen korkeimmat ’oikeusvalvojat’ (JAG). Uusi CJCS on eläköitynyt eikä 4-tähden kenr —> vaatii Trumpin poikkeusluvan. Kokonaisuus ongelmallinen monesta syystä: 1/y

Firing General Brown and Admiral Franchetti is not a complete surprise to civmil watchers, but pulling this guy from retirement for chairman definitely is It’s a strong signal that promotion to top positions will require complete ideological conformity from here on out

I would charge a massive amount for this, otherwise private actors such as SpaceX will continue to make money and externalise all economic costs/harms. Play hardball and sue in the US.

A certain Russian spox has a solid history of being “three sheets to the wind,” so at least some European media has experience with calling it…

When even the New York Post has to publish this, you know you fucked up.

Let us not despair but act. That's my No.1 takeaway from #MSC2025, yesterday’s Paris summit, & today's US-Russia talks in Riyadh.  Enough of the 'wake-up calls', ‘unity’ & the 'hour of Europe', those Europeans who get it must embrace the 'Nike Strategy' & #JustDoIt 🧵

“White House officials have told Ukraine to stop badmouthing Donald Trump and to sign a deal handing over half of the country’s mineral wealth to the US, saying a failure to do so would be unacceptable.”

Sanna Marin throwing some impressive shade here: ”To start, Europe must rid itself of the dangerous illusion that it is weak—and stop acting like it. There is no trade-off between investing in the defence of Europe as a whole and investing in the defence of Ukraine—they are one and the same.”

I posted this was a lie right after Musk said it. This is the Commander of the ISS. Musk responded to this post by throwing a temper tantrum and calling for ISS to be defunded.

"It’s a familiar Silicon Valley mindset, the reason startups are forever reinventing a bus, or a bodega, or mail. It’s the implacable confidence that if you’re smart at one thing you must be smart at all of the things."