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he/him, comp pokemon, anime, cat fostering
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Had a huge nosebleed in my sleep today, so bad if u saw my pillow you'd think i got shot in the head lmao

SOON... #baseball #mlb

These pages go so hard #demonslayer #manga

Saw a pretty cardinal today #birds

New vs old scrub daddy

This is why official pokemon tournaments are doubles #pokemon

If your tongue doesn't hurt, if the roof of your mouth isn't raw, and if your face doesn't get hot, the candy isn't sour enough

Being ace/aro is so awesome, it removes so much unneeded complexity from my life 'Oh, you have no love in your life thats so sad! :(' lol no karen i'm having a great time by myself, how's that third divorce going #asexual #aromantic #lgbt

Luffy is my fav shonen protagonist bc stuff doesnt happen to him, he makes stuff happen and thats what drives the story #onepiece #luffy

I got a labeler for christmas and ive been labeling lots of stuff

Happy christmas Its crispin Merry crisis Merry chrysler

One important spoiler: theres a vampire named nosferatu in it, hes from spongebob

Child me believed Cars 2 was the best Cars movie. However, after watching Cars 3 for the first time recently, I can say with confidence that child me was absolutely right. #pixar #cars

Went to see a movie with my aunt her bf and my uncle and we saw homestead and i told them it was a 7/10 so they wouldnt feel bad but holy hell it SUCKED The first 5 minutes were kinda cool but the rest of it was evangelical doomsday prepper jackoff material #movie #homestead #moviereviews

Me: why does my back hurt so bad im only 19 My posture 2 days ago:

My dad crucified my pants

Fahrenheit is better than Celcius bc we can cook stuff at 420 degrees and it can be 69 outside

I wake up every morning to find they're still not suspect testing kingambit #pokemon

My favorite way to take cat pictures is really close up and bewildered looking lol Foster kittens McCartney, Harmony, Ivory, and Stevie, adopted a few months ago #kittens #cats #fosterkittens

Mandibuzz was there when humanity first stood on two legs, and Mandibuzz will be there when climate change kills us all

Me around my family: murder is always a bad thing, but the guy was in enough pain to drive a person insane so I can understand to a point Me online and around my friends:

Had a job interview at a gymnastics place yesterday and i have a second round of that next week and. Bro. i cant even do a cartwheel

'Why did u choose to be trans if theres so many issues that come with it' -my well meaning dad My father in christ its not really a choice if the only other option is jumping off a bridge out of despair

I dont think cis people get that you dont choose to be trans, you just are. I think it would solve a lot of misunderstandings tbh

Had the worst clementine experience today forgot a plastic knife so had to start the peel with a spoon then the juice sprayed all over me and my hands are sticky and the clementine was so fucking bitter. Augh

If you're looking for a good pokemon fangame PLEASE play pokemon reborn. Its so so good i promise Every mon up to gen 7 (theres a mod that adds 8 and 9) Lots of qol changes Awesome story (a bit edgy but not too bad) 18 gyms Challenging, gyms feel like a puzzle to solve Its an rpg maker game btw

I never had twitter so idk the intricacies of this app